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Research "Fuel and energy complex of Russia. Results of 2018 and Trends for 2019. Forecast up to 2021"

Research "Fuel and energy complex of Russia. Results of 2018 and Trends for 2019. Forecast up to 2021"

  • Дата выхода : 30.06.2019
  • Кол-во стр: 163
  • Язык отчета: English
  • Демо-версия: Загрузить
  • Презентация: Скачать
  • Стоимость: 150 000 руб   1789 USD   1657 EUR
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Project concept. Conducting daily monitoring and studying in detail the Russian economy and its certain segments for over 20 years, INFOLine experts arrived at the idea of creating a unique product - an integrated line of studies of key economic sectors in Russia.

Analytical materials include the dynamics of industry development over the past 7 years and development prospects for the next three years in the following areas:

·        "Construction Industry of Russia"

·        "Transport Industry of Russia"

·        "Agroindustrial Complex of Russia"

·        "Food Industry and Food Market of Russia"

·        "Fuel and Energy Complex of Russia"

·        "Food Retail and Consumer Market of Russia"

·        "Non-Food Retail and the Consumer Market of Russia".

The studies have a common structure, and this makes it possible not only to obtain detailed information about the state and prospects of an industry, but also to analyze and compare development indicators of industries among themselves.

PLEASE NOTE! The studies are issued in an innovative format, as a convenient electronic presentation. This is the optimal format, which, in addition to analytical texts, includes numerous graphic materials (charts and graphs), as well as hyperlinks to essential documents and corporate websites.

Relevance of the study "Fuel and Energy Complex of Russia. Results of 2018 and Trends for 2019".

In 2018, the fuel and energy complex of Russia reached record performance indicators: the volumes of production and export of oil, gas, coal and electricity hit many years" highs. Significant changes have occurred in the field of state regulation (completion of the tax maneuver in the oil industry, changes in the rules of the wholesale market for electric energy and capacity). Despite the limitation of oil production in the transaction with OPEC in the first half of the year, investment activity in all sectors of the fuel and energy sector is growing: implementation of projects for the development of new fields, shelf exploration and production continue amid restrictions on the import of equipment and technologies due to sanctions. However, US sanctions introduced in August 2018 covering the Russian oil refining industry for the first time caused risks for many refinery modernization projects relying on imported technologies. The study characterizes the production, financial and investment indicators of industries and companies in the fuel and energy sector in dynamics, describes key investment projects and aggregates milestones (mergers and acquisitions, commissioning of production facilities, international projects, resignations and appointments) in the oil, gas, coal and electric power industries. Based on these data, a forecast is formed for the development of the fuel and energy complex of the Russian Federation and separately the oil, gas and coal industries, as well as the electric power industry for the period up to 2021. The research results are effectively used by leading energy and engineering companies, as well as banks and leasing companies for strategic and operational planning, as well as for industry analysis.

Study purposes: 

·        Analysis of the status and development trends for the fuel and energy complex as a whole and for industries (oil, gas, coal, electricity).

·        Ratings of companies by oil production and refining, gas production and processing, coal mining, as well as a rating of generating companies by electricity production.

·        Description of the dynamics and development trends in the fuel and energy sector by describing its milestones.

·        Identification and description of major ongoing investment projects.

·        Presentation of state regulation.

A high synergistic effect is achieved using the study "Fuel and Energy Complex of Russia. Results of 2018 and Trends of 2019" together with other INFOLine products:

·        Regular reviews of milestones of the fuel and energy complex as part of the Thematic News service:

o   Thematic News: "Oil industry"

o   Thematic News: "Oil and Gas Processing Industry and Bioethanol Production in Russia"

o   Thematic News: "Fuel Market and Gas Stations in Russia"

o   Thematic News: "Power Engineering in Russia"

o   Thematic News: "Power industry in Russia"

·        Industry studies:

o   "Major Investment Projects in the Russian Oil and Gas Processing Industry in 2018-2021"

o   "130 Major Investment Projects in the Russian Oil and Gas Production and Transportation in 2018-2021"

o   "Major Investment Projects in the Electric Power Industry, Heat and Water Supply in Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia in 2018-2020"

o   "400 Major Investment Projects in the Russian Industrial Construction. Projects of 2018-2022"

·        Periodic reviews:

o   "Investment Projects in the Oil, Gas and Chemical Industries in Russia"

o   "Investment Projects in the Electric Power Industry, Heat and Water Supplies in Russia"

Applications of study results: marketing and strategic planning. Comprehensive analysis of the fuel and energy complex, as well as competitive analysis of companies.

Study timeframe: dynamics of industry indicators from 2011 to 2018 (volume of production, processing, consumption of various types of fuel and electricity, export of energy carriers, fuels and electricity), development prospects up to 2021 (macroeconomic indicators of the industry and progress in implementing investment projects). 

Study period: Q1 2019

Study advantages: The study contains a detailed analysis of business activity in the fuel and energy sector and the following compilations:

·        10 ratings - ratings of companies in each industry compiled by INFOLine analysts: in oil production and refining, in gas production and processing, in coal mining and in electricity production.

·        100 investment projects -

o   Descriptions of major ongoing industrial projects in the field of oil production, transportation and refining (they include Vostochno-Messoyakhskoye field development by the joint venture of Oil Company Rosneft PJSC and Gazprom Neft PJSC, Filanovsky field development by LUKOIL PJSC, Transneft PJSC pipeline projects and refinery reconstruction).

o   Descriptions of major ongoing industrial projects in the gas industry (construction of the Sila Sibiri gas pipeline, Yamal LNG plant, etc.).

o   Descriptions of major ongoing industrial projects in the coal industry (construction of new open-pit mines by SUEK, EVRAZ, Coal Company Sibirskaya JSC, etc.).

o   Descriptions of the major ongoing industrial projects in the electric power industry (construction of the Kursk NPP-2, Ust-Srednekanskaya hydroelectric station, wind farm in Adygea, etc.).

·        13 company profiles - information on the performance of industry leaders.

Study objectives and structure by sections: 

Part I. Fuel and energy complex performance indicators: a visual representation of the volumes and development dynamics of the fuel and energy sectors, lending and investment trends in the fuel and energy sector, volumes and prices of exports, as well as a forecast of oil and gas revenues to the federal budget.

Part II. Fuel and energy complex milestones: highlighting state regulation aspects of the industry (exploration and production licensing, regulatory changes of activities in the fuel and energy complex), milestones and international activities (conclusion of agreements between companies of different states, joint implementation of international investment projects).

Part III. Situation in the fuel and energy branches: a detailed description of the state of all fuel and energy areas:

·        Oil industry (production, refining, export, company news, investment projects in the field development, transportation of oil and oil products, refining) including company profiles for Rosneft, Lukoil, Surgutneftegaz, Gazpromneft, Tatneft.

·        Gas industry (production, processing, export, company news, investment projects in the field development, gas transportation, liquefaction and processing), including business certificates for Gazpromneft and Novatek.

·        Coal industry (mining, refinig and export of coal, company news, average coal prices), including business certificates for SUEK and Kuzbassrazrezugol.

·        Electric power industry (production and consumption, average prices, consumer debt, investment projects in generation and network systems) including company profiles for Rosenergoatom, RusHydro, Inter RAO and Gazprom Energoholding.

Part IV. Forecast of the fuel and energy complex: Scenario conditions and indicators of economic development of Russia in 2018-2020, development scenarios prepared by INFOLine for:

·        Oil industry (oil production and export forecast) taking into account the tax maneuver implemented in the industry and rising oil prices

·        Gas industry (gas production and export forecast) taking into account the commissioning of Stages I and II of the Yamal-LNG project

·        Coal industry (coal production and export forecast)

·        Electric power industry (forecast of electricity production and commissioning/decommissioning of generating capacities).

Experience and references: INFOLine has been implementing custom studies for its clients and has been launching initiative research on the electric power industry since 2005. Our clients are NP Market Council and energy holdings (Electricite de France, Mosenergo PJSC, TVEL JSC, Tatenergo JSC, SUEK JSC and others), equipment suppliers (Electrozavod OJSC, ABB, Siemens, Atomenergomash JSC, Novaya Era OJSC and others), engineering companies (United Energy Construction Corporation JSC, UK KER JSC, Intertechelectro JSC, Energoproekt JSC, IK ZIOMAR JSC, Firm INTREK LLC, GlobalElektroServis OJSC and others), financial and credit organizations (Sberbank, VTB, Alfa-Bank and others).

INFOLine has been implementing custom studies for its clients and has been launching initiative research on the oil and gas industry since 2007. Our clients are leading oil and gas companies (Oil Company Rosneft PJSC, Gazprom PJSC, Surgutneftegas PJSC, TAIF-NK OJSC and others), hydrocarbon processing and petrochemicals segment companies (SIBUR Holding PJSC, BASF Group, Baker Petrolite and others), industrial equipment suppliers and service companies (Trest Koksokhimmontazh CJSC, Endress+Hauser LLC, Yokogawa Electric Corporation, Mitsubishi Corporation, Schneider Electric, Mitsui & Co. Moscow LLC, etc.), Russian and global engineering companies (Stroytransneftegas JSC, IMS Industries LLC, Promstroy OJSC, GSK VIS LLC, Intekhenergoresurs LLC, etc.), research institutions of the fuel an energy complex: Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC, VNIPIneft OJSC, NIIgazekonomika LLC.

You can request an Information Needs Questionnaire and a complete list of finished Studies and other INFOLine information products HERE. Send us a filled questionnaire to get a short version of the study for FREE.

Information sources:

·        Data from the Federal State Statistics Service, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, Federal Customs Service, Central Bank of the Russian Federation, unified interdepartmental information and statistical system.

·        INFOLine database on the topics "Investment Projects and Engineering in the Oil and Gas Industry of the Russian Federation", "Investment Projects in the Engineering Infrastructure of the Russian Federation", "Investment Projects in the Industrial Construction of the Russian Federation".

·        Periodically updated INFOLine analytical databases of the oil and gas industry and electric power sector: "280 Investment Projects in the Russian Oil and Gas Industry", "400 Major Investment Projects in the Russian Electric Power Industry", "Russian Oil and Oil Refining industry", "Russian Gas and Gas Processing Industry", "350 Leading Engineering Companies in the Energy Sector"; "200 Leading Engineering Companies in the Russian Oil and Gas Industry".

·        Data of leading fuel and energy companies (materials from websites and press releases).

·        Materials from over 5,000 Russian media (federal and regional newspapers, news agencies and electronic media), as well as industry press.

Part I. FEC Performance Indicators

1.1. GDP Dynamics and Breakdown

1.2. Volume of Fuel and Electric Power Sectors

1.3. Investment in FEC

1.4. Lending to FEC Companies

1.5. International Business: Export

1.6. Oil and Gas Budget Revenues

Part II. FEC Milestones

2.1. Government Regulation

2.2. M&A Deals

2.3. Resignations and Appointments

Part III. Situation in FEC Branches

3.1. Situation in the Oil Industry

3.1.1. Oil Production

3.1.2. Oil Processing and Export

3.1.3. Production and Export of Oil Products

3.1.4. Landmark Events of the Branch

3.1.5. Major Investment Projects in the Oil Production and Transportation

3.1.6. Major Investment Projects in the Oil Processing

3.1.8. Ratings of Oil Companies

3.1.9. Company Profiles of Rosneft Oil Company PJSC, Lukoil PJSC, Gazprom Neft, PJSC Tatneft PJSC

3.2. Situation in the Gas Industry

3.2.1. Gas Production and Consumption

3.2.2. Gas Export

3.2.3. Gas Processing and LNG Production

3.2.4. Landmark Events of the Branch

3.2.5. Major Investment Projects in the Gas Production

3.2.6. Major Investment Projects in the Gas Processing

3.2.7. Ratings of Gas Companies

3.3. Situation in the Coal Industry

3.3.1. Coal Production

3.3.2. Coal Washing and Export

3.3.3. Supplies of Coal to the Internal Market

3.3.4. Landmark Events of the Branch

3.3.5. Major Investment Projects of the Coal Industry

3.3.6. Ratings of Coal Companies

3.4. Situation in the Electric Power Industry

3.4.1. Electric Power Production and Consumption

3.4.2. Average Prices of Electric Power and Energy Resources

3.4.3. Indebtedness of Consumers

3.4.4. Landmark Events of the Branch

3.4.5. Major Investment Projects in the Electric Power Industry

3.4.6. Ratings of Electric Power Companies

3.4.7. Company Profiles of INTER RAO PJSC, Rushydro PJSC, Rosenergoatom JSC, Gazprom Energoholding LLC

Таблицы и графики

Dynamics of Key Economic Indicators of Russia in 2011-2018, %

Russian GDP Structure Broken by Branches of Economy in 2011-2018, %

Product Shipment in Oil and Gas Industry, RUB trln

Product Shipment in Electric Power Industry and Coal Industry, RUB trln

Investment in FEC Oil and Gas Sector

Investment in FEC Electric Power and Coal Sectors

Loans to FEC Companies Granted in Foreign Currencies and Rubles, RUB trln

Loan Debt in FEC, RUB trln

Oil, Oil Products and Natural Gas Export, Oil Export Price

Coal, LNG and Electricity Export, Gas Export Price

FEC Share in GDP

Oil and Gas Revenues of the Consolidated Budget of the Russian Federation

Oil and Gas Condensate Output

Dynamics of Average Daily Production of Oil and Gas Condensate, thousand tons

Primary Crude Oil Processing

Oil Export

Oil Products Output, mln t

Oil Products Export, mln t

Significant Investment Projects in Oil Production in 2019-2021

Oil Production: Major Completed Projects

Oil Transport: Major Completed projects

Oil Production: Major Projects Under Construction

Oil Production: Investment Plans

Significant Investment Projects in Oil Refining in 2019-2021

Oil Refining: Major Completed Projects

Oil Refining: Major Projects Under Construction

Oil Refining: Investment Plans

Rating of Oil and Gas Companies in Terms of Revenue in 2017-2018 (Largest Vertically Integrated Oil Companies)

Rating of Oil Companies in Terms of Oil Production

Rating of Oil Companies in Terms of Oil Processing

Natural and Oil-Associated Gas Production

Gas Supplies to Internal Market

Natural Gas Export (w/o LNG)

Liquefied Natural Gas Export

Natural and Oil-Associated Gas Processing

Liquefied Gas Production

Significant investment projects in gas production and transportation in 2019-2021

Gas Production: Major Completed Projects

Gas Production: Major Projects Under Construction

Gas Production: Investment Plans

Significant Investment Projects in Gas Processing in 2019-2021

Gas Processing: Major Completed Projects

Gas Processing: Major Projects Under Construction

Gas Processing: Investment Plans

Rating of Largest Companies in Terms of Natural and Oil-Associated Gas Extraction

Rating of Largest Gas Processing Companies

Coal Output

Coal Output Breakdown by Economic Districts

Production and Supply Routes of Coking Coal, mln t

Coal Washing

Coal Export

Coal Supplies to Domestic Market

Coal Supplies to Domestic Market by Uses

Coal preparation: Major Completed Projects

Coal preparation: Major Projects Under Construction

Coal preparation: Investment Plans

Coal Mining: Major Completed Projects

Coal mining: Major Projects Under Construction

Coal Mining: Investment Plans

Rating of Largest Coal Producing Companies

Rating of Largest Entities of SUEK Group in Terms of Coal Production

Electric Power Production and Consumption, bn kWh

Power Production by Generation Types, bn kWh

Annual Average Prices of Electricity for Industrial Consumers

Annual Average Prices of Gas and Coal for Industrial Consumers

Indebtedness of Consumers at Energy Markets (at Year-End)

Indebtedness by Consumer Groups on REM, RUB bn

Nuclear Power Generation: Major Completed Projects

Nuclear Power Generation: Major Projects Under Construction

Nuclear Power Generation: Investment Plans

Renewable Energy Generation: Major Completed Projects

Renewable Energy Generation: Major Projects Under Construction

Renewable Energy Generation: Investment Plans

Thermal Power Generation: Major Completed Projects

Thermal Power Generation: Major Projects Under Construction

Thermal Power Generation: Investment Plans

Rating of Electric Power Companies in Terms of Revenue in 2017-2018

Rating of Generating Companies in Terms of Electric Power Output

Commissioning and Decommissioning of Generating Capacities Broken Down by Unified Power Systems (UPS) in 2018


11.04 09:21

11.04 08:09

10.04 06:43

10.04 06:33

10.04 02:03

10.04 11:20

10.04 11:17

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