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Research "Construction Industry of Russia. Results of 2018 and Trends for 2019. Development Prospects up to 2021"

Research "Construction Industry of Russia. Results of 2018 and Trends for 2019. Development Prospects up to 2021"

  • Дата выхода : 30.06.2019
  • Кол-во стр: 103
  • Язык отчета: English
  • Демо-версия: Загрузить
  • Презентация: Скачать
  • Стоимость: 150 000 руб   1789 USD   1657 EUR
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Project concept. Conducting daily monitoring and studying in detail the Russian economy and its certain segments for over 20 years, INFOLine experts arrived at the idea of creating a unique product - an integrated line of studies of key economic sectors in Russia.

Analytical materials include the dynamics of industry development over the past 7 years and development prospects for the next three years in the following areas:

·        "Construction Industry of Russia";

·        "Transport Industry of Russia";

·        "Agroindustrial Complex of Russia";

·        "Food Industry and Food Market of Russia";

·        "Fuel and Energy Complex of Russia";

·        "Food Retail and Consumer Market of Russia";

·        "Non-Food Retail and the Consumer Market of Russia". 

The studies have a common structure, and this makes it possible not only to obtain detailed information about the state and prospects of an industry, but also to analyze and compare development indicators of industries among themselves.

PLEASE NOTE! The studies are issued in an innovative format, as a convenient electronic presentation. This is the optimal format, which, in addition to analytical texts, includes numerous graphic materials (charts and graphs), as well as hyperlinks to essential documents and corporate websites.

Relevance of the study "Construction Industry of Russia. Results of 2018 and Trends for 2019. Development Prospects up to 2021":

The construction industry is currently facing a number of new challenges including a regulatory change, investment outflow and an investment pause in a number of segments. By 2015, having reached the maximum rates for real estate commissioning (nearly 140 mln sq.m of the total area where over 83 mln sq.m was residential real estate), in 2016-2017 the construction industry faced investment outflow, gradually exhausted the previously formed groundwork and moved from strong growth to neutral-negative dynamics. During this period, negative trends were noted in most segments including housing, commercial and industrial construction.

2018-2019 were largely a turning point for the construction industry. In the housing construction segment, a new concept for the transition from shared construction to project financing was developed and approved. In the medium term it will become a determining factor for the industry and will have a great impact on its development. In the commercial construction segment, against the backdrop of continued high demand for logistics facilities, investment activity in the construction of new modern shopping malls is recovering: construction of previously frozen projects in the regions resumes and new facilities are laid in cities with population over one million people. In transport construction, such large infrastructure projects are implemented and prepared as the reconstruction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline and the Trans-Siberian Railway, construction of high-speed rail lines, etc.

In order to be aware of all trends and understand the situation in the construction industry, as well as identify key possible points of growth, we offer you our new Study "Construction Industry of Russia. Results of 2018 and Trends of 2019. Prospects for Development until 2021". This Study will help you determine the position of your own company in the industry and outline possible ways of business development in 2019-2021.

Study purposes: 

·        Analysis of the state of the whole industry and its segments separately by type of facilities under construction (housing, industrial, infrastructure and commercial construction).

·        Rating of developers in terms of housing commissioning, rating of retail real estate developers.

·        Identification and description of major investment projects.

·        Overview of the construction dynamics and the vector of industry development by describing milestones.

·        Presentation of state regulation.

·        Analysis of the building materials industry (single-piece wall materials, non-metallic materials, cement and other materials).

Applications of study results: marketing and strategic planning. For a comprehensive analysis of the construction and building materials industries, as well as for benchmarking and competitive analysis of companies.

Study timeframe: dynamics of industry indicators since 2011, country-wide and regional statistics for 2018 (volume of commissioned residential and non-residential real estate, as well as infrastructure facilities, basic indicators of the construction industry, production and sales of building materials), forecasts up to 2021 (scenarios development of the construction and building materials industries, general indicators of real estate commissioning and production of basic building materials). 

Study period: H1 2019

Study advantages: In this study, in addition to a detailed analysis of the industry state, you will find:

·        Several custom ratings compiled by INFOLine analysts:

o   INFOLine BUILDING RUSSIA TOP-10 Rating according to the results of 2018

o   INFOLine DEVELOPER RUSSIA TOP-10 Rating according to the results of 2018

·        Description of major ongoing projects in housing, commercial, industrial and transport construction

·        Comprehensive analysis of key industry events and regulatory changes

·        Information on the dynamics of the building materials market and market surveys of major suppliers.

Study objectives and structure by sections: 

Part I. Construction industry performance indicators: analysis of the construction work volume, commissioning of residential and non-residential buildings, indicators of mortgage lending and lending to construction companies, dynamics of their business activity.

Part II. Industry milestones: coverage of legislative changes in the construction industry and developments in government support for the industry, tracking of large mergers and acquisitions in the construction and production of building materials, important resignations and appointments.

Part III. Investment activity in the Russian construction industry: analysis and description of key investment projects in the segments of housing, commercial, agricultural and infrastructure construction, as well as in the fuel and energy complex.

Part IV. Key indicators of the construction industry segments: description of the status of all key construction areas (housing, industrial, infrastructural and commercial construction).

Part III. Investment activity in the Russian construction industry: analysis and description of key investment projects in industrial construction, as well as the construction of facilities for the production of building and finishing materials.

Part IV. Key indicators of the construction industry segments: analysis and description of key construction industry segments - Housing Construction; Industrial construction; Commercial Construction; Infrastructure Construction; 4.5. Building Materials Industry (Masonry Units, Aggregates, Cement, Construction Steelwork, Market Research of Building and Finishing Materials Suppliers)

Experience and references: INFOLine has been implementing custom studies for its clients and has been launching initiative studies on the construction market since 2010. Our regular customers are more than 100 construction and investment companies, as well as construction materials market players, among which the largest developers and construction companies (IKEA Mos, Adamant Holding, Glavstroy Corporation and LSR Group), leading manufacturers of building materials (KNAUF, Eurocement, LAFARGE - HOLCIM, Electroshchit-Stroysistema) and financial companies (Sberbank, Alfa-Bank, VTB.RF). 

You can request an Information Needs Questionnaire and a complete list of finished Studies and other INFOLine information products

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Information sources:

·        Data of the Federal State Statistics Service, Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Public Utilities, Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, UN foreign trade database, Presidential Administration portal, data from the Housing and Utilities Reform Support Fund.

·        INFOLine database on the topics "Investment Projects in the Industrial Construction of the Russian Federation", "Investment Projects in the Housing of the Russian Federation", “Investment Projects in the Commercial and Administrative construction of the Russian Federation”, "Investment Projects in the Transport Infrastructure of the Russian Federation".

·        Other INFOLine products: "Russian Steelwork Market", "Russian Sandwich Panel Market ", "Shopping Center Market in 32 Cities and Regions in Russia", "Russian Cement Industry", "Production and Consumption of Crushed Stone in Russia", "Production and Market of Sand Lime and Ceramic Bricks".

·        Data of leading construction companies (results of the annual INFOLine questionnaire survey, materials from websites and press releases).

·        Materials from more than 5,000 Russian media (federal and regional newspapers, news agencies and electronic media), as well as industry press.

A synergistic effect is achieved with the simultaneous use of "Construction Industry of Russia. Results of 2018 and Trends for 2019. Development Prospects up to 2021" with other INFOLine products for the construction industry:

·        Annual industry market studies of basic building materials:

o   "Russian Steelwork Market. Trends for 2019. Forecast up to 2021"

o   "Sandwich Panel Market in Russia. Trends for 2019. Forecast up to 2021"

o   "Analytical Database of 500 Leading Manufacturers of Steelwork, Sandwich Panels and Profiled Flooring in Russia: 2019"

·        Regular reviews of building materials market news as part of the of the "Thematic News" service:

o   "Building and Finishing Materials Market, DIY Retail Chains and Home Goods in Russia"

o   “Cement Market in Russia”

o   "Market of Ceramics, Porcelain Tiles and Brick in Russia"

·        Industry reviews of investment projects:

o   "240 Major Investment Projects in the Russian Transport Infrastructure. Projects 2019-2021"

o   "470 Major Investment Projects in the Russian Industrial Construction. Projects 2019-2023"

o   "170 Major Investment Projects in the Russian Food Industry. Projects 2019-2022"

o   "200 Major Investment Projects for the Construction of Russian Agricultural Complexes. Projects of 2019-2022"

o   "350 Major Investment Projects in the Russian Construction Industry in 2018"

o   "Investment Activity in the Russian Construction Industry. Significant Investment Projects of 2018-2020"

o   "Largest Hypermarkets and Shopping Centers under Construction in Russia. Projects of 2018-2021"

·        Periodic reviews of the construction industry:

o   "Investment Projects in the Russian Industrial Construction"

o   "Investment Projects in the Housing of the Russian Federation"

o   “Investment Projects in the Commercial and Administrative construction of the Russian Federation”

o   "Investment Projects in the Transport Infrastructure of the Russian Federation"

Detailed research content:

Part I. Construction Industry Performance Indicators

1.1. GDP Dynamics and Breakdown

1.2. Volume of Construction Works

1.3. Investment in Equity

1.4. Business Activity of Construction Organizations

1.5. Commissioning of Residential and Non-Residential Buildings

1.6. Commissioning of Non-Residential Buildings

1.7. Mortgage Lending

1.8. Lending to Сonstruction Companies

Part II. Construction Industry Milestones

2.1. Government Regulation

2.2. Largest M&A deals

2.3. Resignations and Appointments

PART III. Investment Activity in Construction Industry

3.1. Investment Project Selection Methods

3.2. Housing Construction

3.3. Shopping Centers

3.4. Agriculture Sector

3.5. Fuel and Energy Complex: Oil Industry, Gas Industry, Electric Power Industry

3.6. Transport Industry: Road Infrastructure, Railway Infrastructure, Ports and Terminals

Part IV. Indicators of Construction Industry Segments

4.1.   Housing Construction

4.1.1. Main Indicators

4.1.2. INFOLine Building Russia TOP Rating

4.2. Industrial construction

4.2.1. Investment in Equity of Industrial Enterprises

4.2.2. Construction of Industrial Real Estate Facilities

4.3. Commercial Construction

4.3.1. Main Indicators

4.3.2. Construction of Free-Standing Hyper- and Supermarkets  

4.3.3. Construction of Warehousing Property

4.3.4. Construction of Shopping Centers

4.3.5. INFOLine Developer Russia TOP Rating of Shopping Center Owners

4.4. Infrastructure Construction

4.4.1. Road Construction

4.4.2. Construction of Artificial Structures

4.5. Building Materials Industry

4.5.1. Indicators of Building and Finishing Materials Industry

4.5.2. Masonry Units

4.5.3. Aggregates

4.5.4. Cement

4.5.4. Construction Steelwork

4.5.6. Market Research of Building and Finishing Materials Suppliers

Branch Ministries, Departments, Associations

List of Sources

List of Abbreviations

Agreement on Information Use

About the Author – INFOLine Information and Analytical Agency

The research contents 88 figures

Part I. Construction Industry Performance Indicators

Dynamics of Key Economic Indicators of Russia in 2011-2018, %

Russian GDP Structure Broken by Branches of Economy in 2011-2018, %

Investment and Construction Activity Indicators

Construction Works Breakdown and Volume by Federal Districts,%

Dynamics of Investment in Equity

Structure of Investment in Equity by Economic Activity, %

Business Confidence Index, %

Volume of Construction Contracts Concluded

Commissioning of Buildings and Structures by Type, mln sq. m

Structure of Building Areas commissioning, %

TOP-5 Regions by Total Area of Buildings Commissioned in 2016-2018, thousand sq. m

Structure of TOP-5 Regions Commissioning Buildings for 2018

Non-Residential Building Commisioning by Type, mln sq. m

Structure of Non-residential Building Premises commissioning, %

Volume of Mortgage Loans Granted and Housing Commissioning

Registered Property Rights and Mortgage Lending Share

Rates on Mortgage Loans and Loans for Non-Financial Entities Granted in RUB for the Month, and Central Bank of Russia Key Rate, %

Housing Price Index and Inflation (Versus Q4 2012)

Closing Bank Loan Debt of Construction Organizations

Volume of Loans Granted to Construction Organizations

PART III. Investment Activity in Construction Industry

Major Construction Investment Projects in 2019-2021

Major Investment Projects in Housing Construction in 2019-2021

Largest Housing Construction Investor

Major Investment Projects in Shopping Center Construction in 2019-2023

Largest Investor in Shopping Center Construction Industry

Major Investment Projects in the Agroindustrial Complex in 2019-2022

Largest Investor in Agricultural Construction

Major Investment Project in Oil Processing in 2019-2021

Largest Investor in Terms of Construction of Oil Processing Facilities

Major Investment Projects in Gas Processing in 2019-2021

Largest Investor in Terms of Construction of Gas Processing Facilities

Major Investment Projects in Electric Power Industry in 2019 – 2021

Largest Investor in Electric Power Industry

Length of Non-Compliant Public Roads in 2018, thousand km

Largest Investor in Construction of Transport Facilities

Length of Public Railway Tracks, thousand km

Largest Investor In Railroad Construction

Part IV. Indicators of Construction Industry Segments

Number of Residential Premises Built in Apartment and Private Segments, thousand units

Housing Commissioning by Federal Districts (FD), mln sq.m

Structure of Apartment Housing Commissioning by Types of Wall Structural Materials, % of the area commissioned

Structure of Private Housing Commissioning by Types of Wall Structural Materials, % of the area commissioned

Apartment Housing Commissioning, mln sq. m

Apartment Housing Commissioning by Regions, mln sq. m

Housing Commissioning, Starting New Projects and Volume of Projects in Progress, mln sq. m

Exceptions Proposed by the Ministry of Construction in Transition to Project Financing Scheme of Housing Construction

§Private Housing Commissioning, mln sq. m

Private Housing Commissioning by Regions, mln sq. m

Apartment Housing Commissioning and Share of TOP-10 Largest Developers

Largest Developers of the Russian Federation in Terms of Housing Construction in 2018

Industrial Production Index and Its Basic Components, %

Investment in Fixed Capital of Industrial Enterprises by Industries, RUB bn

Area and Number of Commissioned Industrial Buildings

Industrial Commissioning by Federal Districts (FD), thousand sq. m

Dynamics of Commissioned Industrial Buildings by Regions (TOP Regions in 2018), thousand sq. m

Structure of Commissioned Industrial Buildings by Regions (TOP Regions in 2018), %

Commissioning of Commercial Buildings

Commissioning Structure of Commercial Buildings and Shopping Centers, %

Commissioning of Free-Standing Hyper- and Supermarkets by Regions, mln sq. m

Commissioning of Free-Standing Hyper- and Supermarkets by Segments, mln sq. m

Commissioning of Logistics Facilities in the Russian Federation by Regions, mln sq. m

Commissioning of Distribution Centers by Largest Retail Chains and Other Logistics Facilities, mln sq. m

Commissioning of Shopping Centers by Regions, mln sq. m

Commissioning of Shopping Centers by Property Sizes, mln sq. m

Commissioning of Shopping Centers and Share of TOP-10 Largest Developers

TOP-10 Largest Owners of Shopping Centers in Russia in 2018, thousand sq. m

Commissioning of Hard Surface Roads by Federal Districts (FD), km

Actual Financing of Road Facilities from Federal Budget in 2015-2018 and Plan for 2019-2021, RUB bn in prices of respective years

Commissioning of Bridges by Federal Districts (FD), thousand running meters

TOP-5 Regions in Terms of Bridge Structure Commissioning, thousand m

Production of Basic Building Materials

Production of Basic Building Materials Relative to the Level of 2011, %

Production of Basic Building Materials

Production of Basic Building Materials Relative to the Level of 2011, %

Production, Import and Export of Bricks and Other Masonry Units, bn pcs of conv. bricks

Production of Bricks and Other Masonry Units by Types, bn pcs of conv. bricks

Production, Import and Export of Aggregates, mln cub. m

Production of Aggregates by Federal Districts (FD), mln cub. m

Production, Import and Export of Cement, mln t

Production of Cement by Federal Districts (FD), mln t

Production, Import and Export of Steelwork, mln t

Production of Steelwork by Federal Districts (FD), mln t

Sales Dynamics of largest Suppliers in 2016-2018 and Forecast for 2019, %

Plans for Sales Volume Changes in 2019, %

Export Share in Sales Structure in 2018 and Forecast for 2019, %

Export Geography in 2018, %

Plans to Change the Export Share Range in Total Sales Volumes in 2019, %

DIY&HH Chains that Largest Suppliers Worked with in 2017-2018, %

Most significant criteria of successful DIY&HH chain operation (except for sales volume) in 2017-2018, %


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