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"Agricultural complex of Russia. Results of 2018 and Trends for 2019. Forecast up to 2021"

"Agricultural complex of Russia. Results of 2018 and Trends for 2019. Forecast up to 2021"

  • Дата выхода : 30.06.2019
  • Кол-во стр: 136
  • Язык отчета: English
  • Демо-версия: Загрузить
  • Стоимость: 150 000 руб со скидкой: 75 000 руб.
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Project concept. Conducting daily monitoring and studying in detail the Russian economy and its certain segments for over 20 years, INFOLine experts arrived at the idea of creating a unique product - an integrated line of studies of key economic sectors in Russia.

Analytical materials include the dynamics of industry development over the past 7 years and development prospects for the next three years in the following areas:

"Construction Industry of Russia"

"Transport Industry of Russia"

"Agroindustrial Complex of Russia"

"Food Industry and Food Market of Russia"

"Fuel and Energy Complex of Russia"

"Food Retail and Consumer Market of Russia"

"Non-Food Retail and the Consumer Market of Russia".

The studies have a common structure, and this makes it possible not only to obtain detailed information about the state and prospects of an industry, but also to analyze and compare development indicators of industries among themselves.

PLEASE NOTE! The studies are issued in an innovative format, as a convenient electronic presentation. This is the optimal format, which, in addition to analytical texts, includes numerous graphic materials (charts and graphs), as well as hyperlinks to essential documents and corporate websites.

Relevance of the research “Russia’s agricultural industry. Highlights of 2018. Trends of 2019. Development prospects until 2021”:

Russia’s agricultural industry faces a period of fast-paced growth. The food embargo, ruble devaluation and strong government support spurred business development in the farming and food industry.

Russian manufacturers continue ramping up own production, both in their usual and in new categories, taking niches previously occupied by imports. In addition, the weak ruble makes Russian goods lucrative and competitive in foreign markets, opening up new opportunities for domestic enterprises. Besides traditional export categories, such as grain and sunflower oil, domestic producers have embarked on sugar and poultry exports. Russian farms have increased their share in the export of grains in the global market in 2017 beating out the United States and coming out on top in the world in terms of volume.

The volume of agricultural production nudged down 0.6% in 2018 year-on-year.

According to preliminary figures, Russia’s gross harvest amounted to 112.9 million tons of grain (weight after refinement) in 2018 (-16.7% year-on-year). A steep drop in the crops was due to the bad weather and tough targets (last season’s crops hit an all-time high).

As of the end of December 2018, all country’s farms, according to preliminary data, had 18.1 million cattle (-0.8% year-on-year), of which 7.9 million were cows (-0.4%), 23.7 million – pigs (+2.9%), 22.9 million – sheep and goats (-6.1%)

Purposes of the research:

·        insights into the state of affairs in the agricultural industry as a whole and individual segments (meat, dairy, grain and oil, vegetables, etc.);

·        description of landmark events in the farming industry by market segments and companies;

·        analysis of changes to the government regulation of the industry (adoption and entry into force of key regulatory documents);

·        identification and description of the biggest M&A;

·        identification and description of the major investment projects across the industry segments;

·        review of exports/imports and global activities of the industry’s players;

·        ranking big-league food companies in Russia by financial performance;

·        analysis of business performance by industry players.

The research findings can be used in: marketing and strategic planning; big-picture analysis of the farming industry and its sectors, as well as benchmarking and competitor analysis.

Research timeline: industry’s performance over time since 2011, general statistics for the country and regional statistics as of 2018 (production volume and sales of farming produce, farmland areas, gross yield, exports and imports), development prospects in 2019 (macroeconomic indicators, rollout of individual investment projects).

Research schedule: Q1-Q2 2019

Research advantages:

In addition to the in-depth analysis of the industry’s development, the research features:

·        a number of original expert ratings;

·        insights into the rollout of upgrade and construction projects at livestock farms, greenhouse facilities, granaries, etc.

·        insights, market survey of big-league FMCG suppliers.

Research objectives and structure by sections:

Part I. Current condition of the agricultural industry: key indicators of the agricultural industry, data on lending of producers, the volume of agricultural exports and imports.

Part II. Landmark events of the industry: government support of the industry, legislative changes, M&A, resignations and appointments, international activities (food market development, food embargo, import substitution and export potential in the industry).

Part III. Condition of individual sectors: in-depth description of the state of affairs across all core areas of the agricultural industry: crop farming and livestock breeding (meat and dairy, poultry, grains, leguminous and oil, beetroot, vegetables and fruit), demonstration of in-progress business projects, specific investment plans of companies, in particular, the launch of construction of cattle-breeding and greenhouse facilities, orchard starts. In addition: business ratings by operating performance;

Part IV. Market survey of big-league FMCG suppliers: sales over time by the big-league FMCG suppliers, share of sales of the largest suppliers through FMCG chains. Company development and government regulation. Engagement of leading vendors with FMCG chains. 

Part V. Rating of big-league agricultural groups in Russia

Part I. Key Industry Indicators

1.1. GDP Dynamics and Breakdown

1.1. Key Indicators of Agriculture

1.2. International Business: Export

1.3. International Business: Import

1.4. Lending to Agricultural Entities

1.5. Investment Activity in the Russian Agricultural Sector

Part II. Industry Milestones

2.1. State Agricultural Development Program

2.2. Government Regulation: Food Quality

2.3. Government Regulation: Other Events

2.4. Largest M&A Deals

2.5. Resignations and Appointments

Part III. Situation in Specific Branches

3.1. Beef Farming

3.2. Poultry Farming

3.3. Dairy Farming

3.4. Oilseeds

3.5. Cereals and Legumes

3.6. Sugar Beet

3.7. Vegetable Farming

3.8. Fruit Farming

Part IV. Market Survey of Leading FMGS Suppliers

4.1. Sales Results of Leading FMCG Suppliers in 2016-2018 and Forecast for 2019

4.2. Barriers to Supplier Development and Retail Chain Success Criteria

4.3. Government Regulation

4.4. Share of Leading Suppliers Sales through FMGS Chains

4.5. Leading Suppliers Interaction with FMCG Chains

4.6. Promo Sales and special assortment for FMCG chains in 2018 and Forecast for 2019

4.7. Online Sales of Leading Suppliers in 2017-2018 and Forecast for 2021

4.8. Exports in Sales Structure in 2018 and Forecast for 2019

Part V. Rating of big-league agricultural groups in Russia

Part I. Industry Performance Indicators

Dynamics of Key Economic Indicators of Russia in 2011-2018,%

Russian GDP Structure Broken by Branches of Economy in 2011-2018,%

Agricultural Production

Food Security Doctrine Indicators

Commodity Structure of Agricultural Raw Material Exports in Monetary Terms in 2017-2018

Country Structure of Agricultural Raw Material Exports in Monetary Terms in 2017-2018

Commodity Structure of Agricultural Raw Material Imports in Monetary Terms in 2017-2018

Country Structure of Agricultural Raw Material Exports in Monetary Terms in 2017-2018

Volume of Bank Loans to Agricultural Producers

Indebtedness of Agricultural Producers on Bank Loans

Significant Investment Projects in the Agricultural Sector in 2019-2022

Rating of Companies by Volume of Investment in the Russian Agroindustrial Complex in 2018

Part III. Situation in Specific Branches

Livestock at All Farm Categories in the Russian Federation

Livestock Production for Slaughter (in Slaughter Weight) in All Farm Categories

Cattle Production for Slaughter (in Live Weight) in 2018,%

Pigs Production for Slaughter (in Live Weight) in 2018,%

Rating of Pork Producers (in Slaughter Weight) in 2018, thousand tons

Meat and Meat Offal Export from the Russian Federation

Main Types of Exported Products in Physical Terms 2018

Rating of Meat Importing Countries in Monetary Terms in 2017-2018

Meat and Meat Offal Import to the Russian Federation

Main Types of Imported Products in 2018

Rating of Meat Exporting Countries in Monetary Terms in 2017-2018

Poultry Stock and Poultry Meat Production (Farms of All Categories)

Rating of Constituent Entities of the Russia by Poultry Production for Slaughter in 2017-2018

Rating of Poultry Meat Producers in the Russia in 2018, thousand tons

Chicken Egg Production

Rating of Entities by Chicken Egg Production in 2017-2018

Rating of Chicken Producers in 2018, mln pcs

Cow Stock and Milk Yield

Regional Structure of Milk Production at Farms of All Categories in 2018

Rating of Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation by Milk Production in 2017-2018

Rating of Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation by Milk Yield per 1 cow in 2017-2018

Rating of raw milk producers in the Russian Federation in 2018, thousand tons

Sown Areas of Oilseeds, mln ha

Gross Oilseeds Yield, mln tons

Regional Structure of Gross Sunflower Yield in 2018

Regional Structure of Gross Soybeans Yield in 2018

Regional Structure of Gross Rape Harvest in 2018

Oilseeds Export from the Russian Federation

Main Types of Exported Products in 2018

Rating of Oilseeds Importing Countries in Monetary Terms in 2017-2018

Oilseeds Import to the Russian Federation

Main Types of Imported Products in 2018

Rating of Oilseeds Exporting Countries in Monetary Terms in 2017-2018

Sown Area of Grain and Leguminous Crops

Gross Yield of Grain and Leguminous Crops

Compound Feed Production

Premix Production

Export of cereals from the Russian Federation

The main types of exported products in 2018

Rating of cereal importing countries in monetary terms in 2017-2018

Import of cereals in the Russian Federation

The main types of imported products in 2018

Rating of grain exporting countries in monetary terms in 2017-2018

Gross yield and dynamics of sugar beet cultivated areas

Regional structure of gross sugar beet yield in 2018

Rating of constituent entities of the Russian Federation by gross sugar beet yield in 2017-2018

Sown Area and Gross Yield of Potatoes

Sown Area and Gross Yield of Open-Field Vegetables

Greenhouse Area and Gross Yield of Greenhouse Vegetables

Rating of Greenhouse Vegetable Producers by Greenhouse Area as of June 2019, thousand sq.m.

Export of Vegetables, Potatoes and Root Crops

Main Types of Exported Products in Physical Terms in 2018

Rating of Countries Importing Vegetables in Monetary Terms in 2017-2018

Import of Vegetables, Potatoes and Root Crops

Main Types of Imported Products in Physical Terms in 2018

Shares of Countries Exporting Vegetables in Monetary Terms in 2017-2018

Planted Area and Gross Yield of Fruit and Berry Crops in the Russian Federation

Rating of Fruit Plantation Owners in the Russian Federation in 2018, ha

Planted Area by Type of Fruit Crops, thousand ha

Gross Yield by Types of Fruit Crops, thousand tons

Export of Fruits and Nuts from the Russian Federation

Main Types of Exported Products in Physical Terms in 2018

Rating of Fruit and Nut Importing Countries in Monetary Terms in 2017-2018

Import of Fruits and Nuts in the Russian Federation

Main Types of Imported Products in Physical Terms in 2018

Rating of Countries Exporting Fruits and Nuts in Monetary Terms in 2017-2018

Part IV. Market Survey of Leading FMCG Chain Suppliers

Sales Dynamics of Leading FMCG Suppliers in 2016-2018 and Forecast for 2019,%

Plans of FMCG Suppliers on Change in Saes in 2019, %

Factors Most Severely Impending Company Development in 2017-2018, %

Most Significant Criteria of Successful FMCG Suppliers and Chains Operation

How did amendments to the law on trade (No. 381-FZ) affect your company’s activity,%

How did the Platon system introduction affect the your company’s activity,%

How did the transition to the Mercury automated system affect your company’s activity,%

How did the USAIS system implementation affect your company’s activity,%

Share of Leading Suppliers Sales through FMCG Chains in 2016-2018 and Forecast for 2019

Plans to Change the Range of FMCG Chains Share in Total Sales in 2019, %

Retail Chains Leading Suppliers Worked with in 2017-2018, %

Number of Retail Chains Suppliers Work with 2019, %

Share of Promo Sales of Products at Discounts in 2018 and Forecast for 2019, %

FMCG Promo Sales Dynamics in 2018, Forecast for 2019, %

Special Range for FMCG Retail Chains in 2018, Forecast for 2019, %

Share of Largest Suppliers Online Sales in 2018, Forecast for 2021,%

Growth in Online Product Sales in 2018, Forecast for 2019,%

Plans to Change the Range of Online Sales Share in 2021,%

Export Share in Sales Structure in 2018, Forecast for 2019, %

Export Geography in 2018, %

Plans to change the share of exports in total sales in 2019, %

Part V. Rating of big-league agricultural groups in Russia




В конце 2023 г. Минсельхоз зафиксировал острый дефицит кадров в агропромышленном комплексе страны. По оценкам министерства, отрасли не хватает 200 тыс. специалистов. Данные опроса INFOLine и WorldFood говорят о том, что 30% производителей продуктов питания испытывают недостаток рабочей силы, относя кадровый вопрос к числу факторов, оказывающих негативное влияние на текущее развитие отрасли. Эти и другие трудности пищевой индустрии обсудили участники пленарной дискуссии INFOLine "Диалог лидеров: новые стратегии развития", состоявшейся на площадке WorldFood Moscow 2024.

На основе анализа перспективных продуктовых новинок, в рамках обзора INFOLine "Банк новинок на рынке продуктов питания и напитков в России и мире", специалисты агентства фиксируют ряд актуальных трендов, влияющих на формирование ассортимента: продолжающийся тренд на ЗОЖ, продукты "Free from" (без лактозы, без добавленного сахара, без глютена, без ГМО и пр.), порционность, высокобелковые и функциональные продукты. Кроме того, на внутреннем рынке растет интерес к продукции халяль, которая в том числе является перспективной для экспорта на фоне переориентации каналов сбыта в страны Ближнего Востока.


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