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"Transport Industry in Russia. Results of 2018 and Trends for 2019. Development Prospects up to 2021" (доступна обновленная версия)

"Transport Industry in Russia. Results of 2018 and Trends for 2019. Development Prospects up to 2021" (доступна обновленная версия)

  • Дата выхода : 30.06.2019
  • Кол-во стр: 70
  • Язык отчета: English
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  • Стоимость: 150 000 руб   1789 USD   1657 EUR
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Project concept. Conducting daily monitoring and studying in detail the Russian economy and its certain segments for over 20 years, INFOLine experts arrived at the idea of creating a unique product - an integrated line of studies of key economic sectors in Russia.

Analytical materials include the dynamics of industry development over the past 7 years and development prospects for the next three years in the following areas:

The studies have a common structure, and this makes it possible not only to obtain detailed information about the state and prospects of an industry, but also to analyze and compare development indicators of industries among themselves.

PLEASE NOTE! The studies are issued in an innovative format, as a convenient electronic presentation. This is the optimal format, which, in addition to analytical texts, includes numerous graphic materials (charts and graphs), as well as hyperlinks to essential documents and corporate websites.

Relevance of the study. "Transport Industry of Russia. Results of 2018. Trends for 2019. Development Prospects up to 2021". The Russian transport system is one of the longest in the world, but its significant drawback is its radial nature, which has formed historically due to the political development of the country as a highly-centralized state. The insufficiently favorable layout of waterways, relative remoteness of building stone deposits from populated areas (to create horse-drawn and motor roads), long distances, and complete nationalization of the economy in the USSR contributed to the hypertrophied role of Russian railways at the expense of other transport modes.

The state of the transport industry is closely interconnected with the situation in other industries — e.g. the production dynamics of cargo-generating industries significantly affect the dynamics of freight transportation — and with macroeconomic events. For example, sanctions imposed against Russia in 2014 affected the transportation market, and, the market of refrigerated food transportation from Europe was disproportionately badly affected by the food embargo. At the same time, the volume of transportation to the countries of the Customs Union and Asia has significantly increased. Transport companies were forced to intensely optimize transportation costs and logistics costs under new conditions. The structure of transport and logistics flows has changed: it has become more profitable to use road transport instead of rail in some areas or sea transport instead of air transport in others. In 2017, intensified coal exports determined the dynamics of rail transport shipments. The growth in coal and grain exports in 2017 had a positive effect on the dynamics of dry cargo transshipment in Russian seaports. In 2018, the growth trend of loading and cargo turnover on the Russian Railways network, primarily coal, ferrous metals, timber cargo and grain, continued.

In order to analyze the state of the transport industry and understand the path along which it will develop further, we conducted an extensive study of the industry covering all its segments. The proposed product can help you determine the position of your own company regarding the industry dynamics and outline possible ways of business development.

Study purpose: 

·        Analysis of the status and development prospects of the transport industry as a whole and by individual transport modes (rail, water, road, air)

·        Description of milestones in the transport industry by market segments, companies

·        Rating of railway companies in terms of traffic volume and fleet in the management, rating of ports by cargo turnover, rating of airlines by goods and passenger transport

·        Analysis of regulatory changes, trends in government regulation of the transport industry

·        Identification and description of major investment projects in the transport industry

·        Description of key market players

·        Preparation of a scenario forecast for the transport industry development.

Applications of study results: marketing and strategic planning, transport market analysis, benchmarking and competitive analysis of companies.

Study timeframe:  dynamics of various industry indicators since 2011 (volume of goods and passenger transportation in general and by different transport modes, freight turnover and passenger traffic in the industry as a whole and by different transport modes, dynamics of the freight car fleet, tariff indexation, etc.), development prospects in 2019-2021 years (macroeconomic indicators of Russia, implementation of individual investment projects, regulatory changes). 

Study period: H1 2019

Study advantages:

·        Innovative format of electronic presentation

·        Structured description and analysis of trends and prospects for the transport industry development in Russia

·        Custom ratings compiled by INFOLine analysts:

o   INFOLine Rail Russia TOP Rating in terms of traffic and fleet in management

o   Port rating by freight turnover

o   Ratings of airlines on the transportation volume of goods and passengers

·        Company profiles for TOP-10 operators of railway rolling stock (UCL Rail, FFC, Globaltrans, NefteTransServis, Transoil).

Study objectives and structure by sections: 

Part I. Transport industry performance indicators: Macroeconomic indicators of the transport industry: transportation of goods and cargo turnover by transport modes; indexation of freight rates; debt of enterprises in the fields of transport and communications on bank loans in rubles and foreign currency, lending to transport organizations; granting loans to companies in the fields of transport and communications; Passenger turnover by transport modes; passenger turnover structure by transport modes; dynamics and structure of Russia"s GDP.

Part II. Transport industry milestones: Monitoring of the most important regulatory changes in the transport sector: state regulation and support; international activity; major investment projects; largest M&A deals; resignations and appointments.

Part III. Rail transport. Transportation volume and cargo turnover; structure of freight transportation and cargo turnover of railway transport; freight transportation by rail by profitability segments; structure of freight transportation by rail by profitability segments; container traffic volume, leading container ship operators; dynamics of the average shipment delivery speed. Dynamics and forecast of the railway rolling stock fleet: fleet of freight cars; purchases and decommissioning. Major investment projects of railway transport. INFOLINE RAIL RUSSIA TOP Rating: fleet in the management and ownership of TOP-10 operators; cargo turnover and transportation of TOP-10 operators; cargo turnover and carriage per car of TOP-10 operators; revenue with account of railway tariff, net profit of TOP-10 operators; revenue per car of TOP-10 operators; revenue per tkm of cargo turnover of TOP-10 operators.

Part IV. Road transport. Main indicators of road transport: Transportation and cargo turnover of road transport; Road haulage and forecast, Commercial road freight turnover and forecast. Major investment projects in the road transport industry.

Part V. Water transport: Main indicators of sea transport: transshipment of cargo in the Russian sea ports; sea transport cargo turnover in Russia; cargo turnover of inland water transport in Russia; cargo shipping by inland water transport; Port ratings: cargo turnover of TOP-10 Russian ports. Forecast of cargo transportation and river transport cargo turnover. Investment projects for ports and terminals.

Part VI. Air transport. Main indicators of air transport: Passenger turnover of air transport; transportation of passengers by air. Rating of airlines: Rating of airports; transportation of goods and mail by TOP-10 Russian airlines; cargo turnover of TOP-10 Russian airlines; passenger transportation of TOP-10 Russian airlines; passenger turnover of TOP-10 Russian airlines. Airport investment projects.

Part VII. Rating and description of logistics companies. INFOLine Logistic Russia TOP Rating: financial and operational indicators; traffic volume, revenue, gross profit and profitability, net profit margin, revenue margin; staff strength and company productivity.

Part VIII. Development prospects of the transport industry: description of transport industry development scenarios up to 2021 and forecast for shipments, cargo turnover, and transport industry development in 2019-2021.

Experience and references: INFOLine has been carrying out custom and independent studies on the transport market for its clients since 2006. The leading industry INFOLine Rail Russia TOP rating of Russia and countries using 1,520 mm gauge railways is issued annually since 2006 and quarterly from 2007. Since 2006, the Industry Study "Market of Railway Freight Transport of the Russian Federation" has been published that most fully reflects the state of the railway freight transport market in terms of main cargoes and types of rolling stock. Our regular customers are Globaltrans Investments Plc, RTK, GK, Transoil LLC, NefteTransService Managing Company, Novotrans, Group LLC, RPK UWC PJSC, RM Rail Managing Company, VTB-Leasing JSC, Sberbank Leasing JSC, Oil Company Rosneft PJSC, SUEK JSC, NP OPZhT, Goldman Sachs International Ltd, Trading House Bashkhim, etc.

You can request the Information Needs Questionnaire and a complete list of finished Studies and other INFOLine information products HERE.

Send us a filled questionnaire to get a short version of any product you are interested in for FREE. 

Information sources:

·        Data from the Federal State Statistics Service, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, Federal Customs Service, Central Bank of the Russian Federation, unified interdepartmental information and statistical system, Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, etc.

·        INFOLine products: INFOLine Rail Russia TOP periodical review, study "Freight Railway Transport Market of the Russian Federation", Thematic News: "Russian Railway Transport", Thematic News: "Railway Engineering in Russia and Neighboring Countries", Thematic News: "Shipbuilding in Russia and Neighboring Countries".

·        Reports and statements of companies.

·        Questioning and interviewing of more than 100 operators of railway rolling stock and manufacturers of railway rolling stock, as well as leasing companies.

·        Rate monitoring in the rental market of railway rolling stock.

·        Data of leading transport companies (website materials, press releases).

·        Materials of over 5,000 Russian media (daily monitoring of t federal and regional newspapers, news agencies, electronic media), as well as industry press.

A synergistic effect is achieved with the simultaneous use of the study "Transport Industry of Russia. Results of 2018. Trends for 2019. Development Prospects up to 2021" with other INFOLine products for the transport industry:

·        Regular reviews of transport industry news as part of the of the "Thematic News" service:

o   Thematic News: "Railway Transport in Russia"

o   Thematic News: "Railway Engineering in Russia and Neighboring Countries"

o   Thematic News: "Shipbuilding in Russia and Neighboring Countries"

o   Thematic News "Logistic and Warehouse Activities in Russia"

·        Periodic reviews

o   INFOLine Rail Russia TOP

o   "Investment Projects in the Russian Transport Infrastructure"

·        Industry studies:

o   "Freight Rail Transport Market of Russia"

o   "Shipbuilding Industry of Russia"

·        Industry reviews of investment projects: 

o   "200 Projects of Logistics Complexes Planned and under Construction in Russia. Projects of 2017-2020"

Part I. Transport Industry Performance Indicators

1.1. GDP Dynamics and Breakdown

1.2. Cargo Transportation and Cargo Turnover

1.3 Tariffs Setting

1.4. Lending to Transport Organizations

1.5. Passenger Transportation

Part II. Transport Industry Milestones

2.1. Government Regulation and Industry Support

2.2. International Activity

2.3. Largest M&A Deals

Part III. Railway Transport

3.1. Main Indicators

3.1.1. Main Indicators of Railway Transport Segments

3.1.2. Rolling Stock Fleet Dynamics and Forecast

3.1.3. Rating of Rolling Stock Manufacturers

3.1.4. Freight Car Turnover and Locomotive Deliveries to Russian Railways OJSC (RZD)

3.1.5. Investment Projects in Railway Infrastructure Construction

3.2. INFOLine Rail Russia TOP Rating and Operating Company Profiles

3.2.1. INFOLine Rail Russia TOP Rating of Railway Operators

3.2.2. Rolling Stock Procurement Plans for 2019

3.3. Сar fleet of the Russian Federation: demand and offer, purchase and decommissioning

Part IV. Road Transport

4.1. Main Indicators of Road Transport

4.2. Forecast of Cargo Transportation and Road Transport Freight Turnover

4.3. Investment Projects in Road Construction

Part V. Water Transport

5.1. Main Indicators of Water Transport

5.2. Port Rating

5.3. Dynamics of Cargo Transportation and Cargo Turnover

5.4. Investment Projects in Ports and Terminals

Part VI. Air Transport

6.1. Main Indicators in Air Transport

6.2. Airline Rating

6.3. Airport Rating

6.4. Investment Projects in Airports

Part VII. Rating and Description of Logistics Companies

7.1. INFOLine Logistic Russia TOP Rating

Part VIII. Transport Industry Development Forecast

8.1. Dynamics and Forecast of Russias Macroeconomic Indicators

8.2. Scenario of Russias Social and Economic Development

8.3 Consensus Forecast Russias Macroeconomic Indicators

8.4. INFOLine Transport Industry Development Scenarios

8.5. Forecast of Railway Transport Shipments and Cargo Turnover

8.6. Transport Industry Development Forecast

Branch Ministries, Departments, Associations

List of Sources

List of Abbreviations

About the Author - INFOLine Information and Analytical Agency


Dynamics of Key Economic Indicators of Russia in 2011-2018, %

Russian GDP Structure Broken by Branches of Economy in 2011-2018, %

Cargo Transportation by Mode of Transport in 2011-2018, bn tons

Cargo Transportation by Mode of Transport Quarterly in 2013-2018, bn tons

Cargo Turnover by Mode of Transport in 2011-2018, trln tkm

Cargo Turnover by Mode of Transport Quarterly in 2013-2018, bn tkm

Tariff Indexation for Cargo Transportation in 2011-2019,% to December of the Prior Period

Tariff Indexation for Cargo Transportation in 2011-2019,% to December of the Prior Period

Debt of Transport and Communications Enterprises on Bank Loans in Rubles and Foreign Currency at the End of the 2011-2018 Period, RUB trln

Loans Granted to Transport and Communications Companies in 2011-2018, RUB bn

Passenger Turnover by Mode of Transport in 2011-2018, bn pkm

Structure of Passenger Turnover by Mode of Transport in 2011-2018,%

Railway Freight Turnover, bn tkm

Rail Freight Volume, mln tons

Railway Freight Turnover by Type Of Freight, bn tkm

Structure of Freight Turnover of Railway Transport by Main Freight,%

Rail Freight Transportation by Profitability Segments, mln tons

Rail Freight Transportation Structure by Profitability Segments,%

Volume of container transportation, thousand TEU

Largest container transportation operators in 2018, %

Dynamics of Average Speed of One Shipment Delivery

Average Speed of One Shipment Delivery by Railway Transport, km/day

Freight Car Fleet , thousand units

Procurement and Decommissioning of Freight Cars, thousand units

Purchase of Freight Cars, thousand units

Decommissioning of Freight Cars, thousand units

Freight Car Manufacturing at Russian Car-Building Enterprises in 2011-2018, thousand units

Freight Car Manufacturing at Russian Car-Building Enterprises by Car Type in 2008-2018, thousand units

Freight Car Manufacturing at Russian Car-Building enterprises in 2017-2018, thousand units

TOP 5 World Manufacturers of Freight Cars in the World in 2018, thousand units

Freight Car Turnover on the Russian Railways Network, 24 hours

Locomotive Deliveries to the Russian Railways Network

Monthly Dynamics of Freight Car Turnover in 2016-2019, days

Turnover of the Car and Its Elements Monthly in 2017-2019, days

Length of Public Railway Tracks, thousand km

Largest Investor In Railroad Construction

Fleet Managed by TOP-10 Operators, thousand units

Fleet Owned by TOP-10 Operators, thousand units

Freight Turnover of TOP-10 Operators in 2017-2018, bn tkm

Transportations of TOP-10 Operators in 2017-2018, mln tons

Rating of Leading Leasing Companies by the Volume of Fleet Assigned for Operational Leasing, as of the end of 2018, thousand units

Fleet Assigned for Operational Leasing by Cars at the end of 2018, thousand units

Freight Turnover of TOP-10 Operators in 2017-2018, bn tkm

Transportations of TOP-10 Operators in 2017-2018, mln tons

Revenue of TOP-10 Operators in 2016-2018, RUB bn

Net Profit of TOP-10 Operators in 2016-2018, RUB bn

Fleet in Terms of Car Types in 2013-2018 and Forecast up to 2021

Purchases, Decommissioning of the Russian Railway Fleet in 2014-2018 and Forecast up to 2021, thousand units

Road Transport Freight Turnover in 2011-2018

Transportations of Goods by Road in 2011-2018

Transportations of Goods by Road in 2011-2018 and Forecast up to 2021

Commercial Road Transport Freight Turnover in 2011-2018  and Forecast up to 2021

Length of Non-Compliant Public Roads in 2018, thousand km

Largest Investor in Construction of Transport Facilities

Transshipment of Cargo in Seaports in 2011-2018

Cargo Turnover of Sea Transport in 2011-2018

Cargo Turnover of Inland Water Transport in 2011-2018

Inland Water Transport Shipping in 2011-2018. mln tons

Cargo Turnover TOP-10 of Russian Ports in 2017-2018, mln tons

NCSP Group Cargo Turnover Structure in 2018,%

Cargo Shipment and Inland Water Cargo Turnover in 2011-2018

Number of Maintenance (Technical) Fleets and the Average Fleet Age
in 2011-2018

Cargo Transportation by Sea in 2011-2018 and Forecast up to 2021

Cargo Turnover of Sea Transport in 2011-2018 and Forecast up to 2021

Air Transport Cargo Turnover in 2012-2018

Transportations of Goods and Mail by Air in 2012-2018

Air Transport Passenger Turnover in 2012-2018

Passenger Transportations by Air in 2012-2018

Cargo and Mail Transportations of TOP-10 Russian Airlines in 2017-2018, thousand tons

Cargo Turnover of TOP-10 Russian Airlines 2017-2018, bn tkm

Passenger Transportations of TOP-10 Russian Airlines in 2017-2018, mln passengers

Passenger Turnover of TOP-10 Russian Airlines 2017-2018, bn tkm

TOP-10 Russian Airports by Passenger Transportation in 2017-2018, mln passengers

TOP-10 Russian Airports by Cargo Turnover in 2017-2018, thousand tons

Revenue for 2016-2018, RUB bn w/o VAT

Transportation Volume for 2016-2018, mln tons

Staff number and Labor Productivity of Companies Operating According to the "Without Assets" Model in 2017-2018

Staff Number and Labor Productivity of Companies Working According to the "Mixed" Model in 2017-2018

Gross profit and Gross profit margin of Companies Operating According to the "Without Assets" Model in 2016-2018

Gross profit and Gross profit margin of Companies Working According to the "Mixed" Model in 2016-2017

Net Profit of Companies Operating According to the "Without Assets" Model in 2016-2018

Net Profit of Companies Working According to the "Mixed" Model in 2016-2018

Dynamics of Main Russias Macroeconomic Indicators in 2011-2018 and Forecast for 2019-2021, %

Dynamics of CBR Foreign Exchange Rates in 2011-2018 and Forecast for 2019-2021

Shipment of Goods on Railway Transport in 2011-2018 and Forecast up to 2021, mln tons

Railway Freight Turnover in 2011-2018 and Forecast up to 2021, bn tkm

Commercial Transportation of Goods by All Types of Transport in 2011-2018 and Forecast up to 2021, bn tons

Commercial Freight Turnover of All Types of Transport (Except for Pipelines) in 2011-2018 and Forecast up to 2021, bn tkm







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