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"Russian womenswear market. Key trends in 2013. Forecast till 2015".

"Russian womenswear market. Key trends in 2013. Forecast till 2015".

  • Дата выхода : 03.12.2013
  • Кол-во стр: 50
  • Язык отчета: English
  • Демо-версия: Загрузить
  • Стоимость: 50 000 руб со скидкой: 40 000 руб.
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In order to prepare the review “Russian womenswear market. Key trends in 2013. Forecast till 2015”, the experts of INFOline agency thoroughly studied and analyzed the current situation in consumer market, described the environment of CFA segments (clothes, footwear, apparel), appraised dynamics and indicated key trends in womenswear market.
Fashion retail market remains one of the most attractive segments for development of contemporary retail formats in Russia thanks to the following characteristics:
  • The apparel market grows by 8-10% per year significantly outpacing the retail trade in general showing the annual dynamics of 4-6%;
  • Although open-air markets still account for 40% of womenswear sales, they are conceding their share to retail chains that are expanding quickly in the regions;
  • There are preconditions for new retail openings. More than two thousand of modern shopping malls, with total area of more than 30 mln sq.m. have been built in Russia over the last decade.
  • Effects of climate and specific mind-set make the Russians spend up to 10% of their income on apparel and footwear regardless of income level.
It is worth mentioning that the INFOLine’s review “Russian womenswear market. Key trends in 2013. Forecast till 2015” also includes general analysis of Russian consumer market and household income and expenditure structure that comprises:
  1. The state of consumer market in Russia
  2. Household income and expenditure
  3. Monetary policy and consumer loans
  4. Breakdown of population by average income per capita
  5. Household consumption expenditure structure
The review also covers current state of fashion retail in general, growth dynamics, volume of clothes, footwear and accessories market in 2005-2012 and forecast for 2013. Apart from that, the review includes the list of key retailers in clothes, footwear and sportswear market in Russia ranked by sales volume in 2009-2012.
The main part of review is devoted to womenswear segment accounting for about 60% of total sales. At the same time the womenswear is not only the largest segment but also the most mature one, saturated with players and characterized by tough competition. Growth dynamics and key trends in womenswear market in Russia, 2005-2012 and forecast till 2015 includes:
  1. Womenswear market: main trends in 2002-2015.
  2. Market structure by price segments.
  3. Market structure by retail channels.
  4. Product mix analysis. Product categories and dress codes.
  5. Customer segmentation in womenswear market. Cross-segmentation: age and income.
  6. Important aspects of consumer behavior in womenswear market.
While preparing the review “Russian womenswear market. Key trends in 2013. Forecast till 2015”, the experts of INFOLine prepared the database of 100 key retailers operating in clothes and footwear market. The database includes valid contacts, number of stores and their regional distribution.
Introduction 3

Issue 1. Consumer market, household income and expenditures structure  
  1.  The state of consumer market in Russia  
  2.  Household income and expenditures  
  3.  Monetary policy and consumer loans  
  4.  Breakdown of population by average income per capita  
  5.  Household consumption expenditure structure 

Issue 2. The current state of fashion retail 

Issue 3. Growth dynamics and key trends in womenswear market in Russia, 2005-2012 and forecast till 2015 
  1.  Womenswear market: main trends in 2002-2015  
  2.  Market structure by price segments  
  3.  Value price segment  
  4.  Middle price segment  
  5.  Premium and Luxury Price Segments  
  6.  Market structure by retail channels  
  7.  Product mix analysis. Product categories and dress codes  
  8.  Customer segmentation in the womenswear market. Cross-segmentation: age and income  
  9.  Important aspects of consumer behavior in the womenswear market 


Issue 4. Russian retail chains of clothing (database of companies) 
Issue 5. Russian retail chains of shoe (database of companies) 
  • Major consumer market indicators in 2005-2013, % to corresponding period of the previous year
  • Dynamics of earnings and wages in 2000-2013, % to corresponding period of the previous year
  • Dynamics of nominal accrued salary and average income per capita in 2000 – 1Q2013 and forecast for 2013-2016, in thousand roubles.
  • Structure of household money income by income sources in 2000-2013, %
  • Structure of household expenditure in 2000-2013, %
  • Retail deposits and loans in 2007-2013 in roubles and foreign currency, bln roubles.
  • Breakdown of population by average income per capita, % of population.
  • Breakdown of population by average income per capita, %
  • Structure of household disposable income by Russian regions
  • Retail trade structure by regions from January to June 2012, %
  • Retail trade structure by regions from January to June 2013, %
  • Changes in share of 69 regions (except for major 11) in retail trade in 2003-2013, %
  • Regional structure of retail trade in Russia in 2003-2013, %
  • Number of regions with positive dynamics of retail turnover to corresponding period of the previous year/
  • Changes in household consumption expenditure structure, % to money income
  • Structure of household consumption expenditure structure by average disposable income per capita, %
  • Dynamics of apparel retail in Russia in 2005-2012 and forecast for 2013/
  • Dynamics of apparel retail in Russia in 2005-2012 and forecast for 2013
  • Dynamics of fashion product categories in 2012-2013
  • Rating of major retailers in clothes, footwear and sportswear market in Russia ranked by revenue in 2009-2012, bln roubles, VAT excl.
  • Dynamics of womenswear market in 2005-2015, bln USD
  • Market capacity of major regional markets in Russia, bln USD
  • TOP-10 apparel brands globally
  • Shares of price segments in womenswear market in Russia, 2012
  • Shares of retail channels in womenswear market, 2012
  • Online retail structure in Russia in 2012
  • Customers are ready to spend on one item
  • Structure of product mix womenswear, footwear and accessories in middle price segments by value in 2012
  • Structure of product mix womenswear, footwear and accessories in middle price segments by unit in 2012
  • Sales structure in the segment “Young women aged 16-25”in 2012, bln USD
  • Sales structure in the segment “Young women aged 16-25”in 2012, bln USD
  • Sales structure in the segment “Young women aged 26-35”in 2012, bln USD
  • Sales structure in the segment “Young women aged 26-35”in 2012, bln USD
  • Sales structure in the segment “Women aged 36-45”in 2012, bln USD
  • Sales structure in the segment “Women aged 36-45”in 2012, bln USD
  • Sales structure in the segment “Young women aged 46-55”in 2012, bln USD
  • Sales structure in the segment “Young women aged 46-55”in 2012, bln USD
  • Sales structure in the segment “Young women older than 55”in 2012, bln USD


11.04 09:21

11.04 08:09

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10.04 02:03

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10.04 11:17

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