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"FMCG Retail in Russia. Trends of 2012 and Prognosis till 2015".

"FMCG Retail in Russia. Trends of 2012 and Prognosis till 2015".

  • Дата выхода : 19.03.2013
  • Кол-во стр: 245
  • Язык отчета: English
  • Демо-версия: Загрузить
  • Стоимость: 150 000 руб со скидкой: 120 000 руб.
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In November 2012 INFOLine IA completed its Research of consumers market of 27 regional areas of Russia, which form about 71% of the total Retail sales turnover in Russia. In the context of the Research there were issued materials dealing with the following regional areas:
  • Astrakhan region and Astrakhan;
  • Volgograd region and Volgograd;
  • Voronezh region and Voronezh;
  • Irkutsk region and Irkutsk;
  • Kemerovo region and Kemerovo;
  • Krasnodar Territory and Krasnodar;
  • Krasnoyarsk Territory and Krasnoyarsk
  • Lipetsk region and Lipetsk;
  • Moscow and Moscow region;
  • Nizhniy Novgorod region and Nizhniy Novgorod;
  • Novosibirsk region and Novosibirsk;
  • Omsk region and Omsk;
  • Orenburg region and Orenburg;
  • Perm Territory and Perm;
  • Republic of Bashkortostan and Ufa;
  • Republic of Tatarstan and Kazan;
  • Republic of Udmurtia and Izhevsk;
  • Rostov region and Rostov-on-Don;
  • Samara region and Samara and Tolyatti;
  • St. Petersburg and Leningrad region;
  • Saratov region and Saratov;
  • Sverdlovsk region and Yekaterinburg;
  • Stavropol Territory and Stavropol;
  • Chelyabinsk region and Chelyabinsk;
  • Yaroslavl region and Yaroslavl.
The results of the Research of the consumer market, commercial real estate and retail chains in regional areas allowed the experts of IA INFOLine to shape a model of integrated conditions of Retail in Russian Federation, to match and contrast conditions at the markets of different regional areas, to compare the dynamics of retail chains in different territorial subjects of RF and to conduct performance evaluation of more than 150 major retail chains of Russia. The Retail FMCG Trade in Russia, Trends of 2012 and Prognosis till 2015 Research became the final result of the INFOLine’s analytic work
The structure of the Research includes the following sections
About the Research – aims, objectives and methods of the Research, main prerequisites of its realization, experience of INFOLine IA in the field of Retail. Section’s size – 3 pages.
Development history, current condition and development outlooks of Retail in Russia, which contains dynamics of main macroeconomic indexes of Retail in Russia, analyses of development trends in Retail in post-crisis conditions and mid-term prognosis (2013-2015), comparative analyses of development of the largest FMCG retailers in Russia. Section’s size – 27 pages.
Development trends and ratings of FMCG chains by operational and financial indicators, which contains ratings of chains in terms of their operational, financial performance indexes, their efficiency and number of employees, a private label rating, and a distribution centers rating among FMCG chains in Russia. Section’s size – 53 pages.
Interaction of FMCG chains with financial markets, which contains description of bonded loans floatation, floatation of shares (IPO, SPO) by Russian FMCG chains in 2005-2012, as well as credit financing of FMCG chains by Russian and foreign banks. Section’s size – 20 pages.
Condition of M&A market in FMCG retail in 2004-2012, which contains main indexes and trends of M&A market. Section’s size – 8 pages.
Current condition and development outlooks of FMCG Retail formats in RF, which contains development history and main parameters of the hypermarket, supermarket, discounter and convenience store formats, indexes of the key retailers operating in these formats, results of 2011 and the first half of 2012 and development prognosis for the formats development till 2015, as well as problems and outlooks for development of the Internet stores by FMCG chains in Russia. Section’s size – 89 pages.
Comparative analyses of economics situation by regional areas of Russia, which contains description of the overall macroeconomic situation by 27 regional areas of the Research, as well as description of macroeconomics and development of Retail in 27 regional areas of Russia. Section’s size – 26 pages.
Shopping centers market in regional areas of Russia, which contains description of main trends of the commercial real estate market development in Russia, as well as dynamics of commissioning volume and floorspace saturation level at shopping centers, condition of shopping centers market in 24 cities and regional areas of Russia. Section’s size – 17 pages.
About the research of FMCG Retail in Russia. Trends of 2012 and Prognosis till 2015
Section I. History of development, the current conditions and development outlooks of Retail in Russia
Main macroeconomic indicators of Retail in Russia and performance indicators of the largest chains
History of development, current conditions and development outlooks for FMCG retail chain trade
Section II. Development trends and ratings of FMCG chains by operational and financial performance indicators
Rating of FMCG chains by number of stores
Dynamics and structure of trading floorspace among the largest FMCG chains
Rating of FMCG chains by total trading floorspace
Revenue dynamics of the largest FMCG chains
Rating of FMCG chains by net revenue
Dynamics of the revenue per one square meter among the largest FMCG chains
Rating of the chains by efficiency indicators
Rating of FMCG chains by number of employees
Private label brands rating of FMCG chains in Russia
Rating of distribution centers among FMCG chains in Russia
Section III. Interaction of FMCG chains with financial markets
Main development stages of Russian FMCG chains interaction with financial markets
Bonded loans
Offering of shares (IPO, SPO)
Credits of foreign banks
Credits of Russian banks
Section IV. M&A market condition in FMCG Retail in Russia in 2004-2012
Section V. Current conditions and outlooks for development outlook for main formats of FMCG Retail in RF
Regional development of the largest FMCG chains
History of development and key features of the hypermarket format
History of development and key specific features of the supermarket format
History of development and key specific features of the convenience store (discounter) format
History of development and key specific features of the convenience store format
Development history and key features of the online store format among FMCG chains in Russia
Section VI. Comparative analysis of economic and Retail conditions in terms of regional areas of Russia
Analysis of main economic indicators in cities and regional areas of Russia
Analysis of main economic indicators in cities and regional areas of Russia
Analysis of main indicators of retail chain trade in cities and regional areas of Russia
Section VII. Shopping centers market of Russia
History and development stages of the Russian shopping centers market
Analysis of Russian shopping centers market condition
Dynamics of trading floorspace commissioning in the cities of Russia
Saturation with floorspace in shopping centers in cities of Russia
Prognosis of Russian shopping centers market performance figures
Section I. History of development, the current condition and development outlooks for Retail in Russia.
  • Comparative analyses of consumers’ perception of traditional stores and modern formats stores
  • Attractiveness rating for retail markets of developing countries in 2004-2012
  • Level of income and consumption of various commodities by different price brackets in Russia
  • Structure of sales turnover in Retail according to groups of commodities in 2002-2011
  • Structure of sales turnover in Retail according to groups of commodities in 2002-2011 (by months)
  • Structure of main food commodities sales in 2000-2012
  • Dynamics of sales of main categories of food commodities in 2000-2012, index %
  • Turnover of retail businesses and markets in 2002-2011
  • Turnover of retail businesses and markets in 2002-2011(by months)
  • Regional structure of Retail sales turnover in RF in 2003-2012
  • Dynamics of actual GDP, sales turnover of Retail and actual earnings of population in 1998-2012
  • Nominal GDP and Retail turnover in RF in 2000-2012
  • Dynamics of investments into permanent assets of Retail businesses in 1998-2012
  • Labor productivity in Retail in Russia and USA, thousand US dollars
  • Per capita turnover of Retail in Russia and USA in 1998-2011, thousand US dollars
  • Dynamics of employment volume in wholesale and Retail in Russia in 2000-2011
  • Employment volume in Russian economy by types of activity as of beginning of 2012
  • Nominal accrued wages in 1998-2012
  • Dynamics of Russian retail market attractiveness indexes in 2002-2012
  • Dynamics of actual GDP, sales turnover of Retail and actual earnings of population in 1998-2011 and prognosis for 2012-2015
  • Dynamics of main consumer market indexes in 2005-2012
  • Dynamics of Retail sales turnover in 2005-2012
  • Dynamics of Retail sales turnover by product groups in 2000-2012
  • Dynamics of per capita earnings of population in Russia in 1992-2011 and prognosis for 2012
  • Dynamics of food commodities share in Retail turnover in 2005-2012
  • Dynamics of Retail sales turnover by individual product groups
  • Structure of Retail sales turnover formation in 2006-2012 according to types of businesses
  • Dynamics of Retail sales turnover structure by regional areas of Russia in 2003-2012
  • Dynamics of Retail sales turnover by regional areas of Russia in 2003-2012
  • Dynamics of share of 69 regional areas of Russia (except the largest 11 ones) in Retail sales turnover in 2003-2012
  • Structure of Retail sales turnover by regional areas in Russia in 2003
  • Structure of Retail sales turnover by regional areas in Russia in the first half of 2012
  • Number of regional areas with positive dynamics of their Retail sales turnover in physical terms vs. the similar period of the past
  • Dynamics of Retail sales turnover by federal districts in 2003-2012
  • Dynamics of Retail sales turnover by federal districts in the first half of 2012
  • Main stages of Russian FMCG market development in 1994-2012
  • Retail concentration processes in Russia in 2002-2010
  • Share of modern formats in food commodities Retail turnover in 2002-2009
  • Floorspace of FMCG retail outlets by types of trade in Russia in 2002-2011, 2012 – estimation, 2013-2014 – prognosis, million square meters
  • Floorspace of FMCG retail outlets by types of trade in Russia in 2002-2011, 2012 – estimation, 2013-2014 – prognosis, %
  • Floorspace of FMCG retail outlets of modern formats in Russia in 2002-2011, 2012 – estimation, 2013-2014 – prognosis, million square meters
  • Growth rates of modern formats FMCG outlets floorspace in Russia in 2003-2010, 2011-2012 – estimation, 2013-2014 – prognosis, %
  • Floorspace of FMCG retail outlets of traditional formats in Russia in 2002-2011, 2012 – estimation, 2013-2014 – prognosis, million square meters
  • Growth rates of traditional formats FMCG outlets floorspace in Russia in 2003-2010, 2011-2012 – estimation, 2013-2014 – prognosis, %
  • Growth rates of FMCG outlets floorspace in Russia in 2003-2011 (annual average) and in 2011
  • Number of modern formats FMCG outlets in Russia in 2002-2011, 2012 – estimation, 2013-2014 – prognosis
  • Growth rates of modern formats FMCG outlets number in Russia in 2003-2010, 2011-2012 – estimation, 2013-2014 – prognosis
  • Number of traditional formats FMCG outlets in Russia in 2002-2011, 2012 – estimation, 2013-2014 – prognosis
  • Growth rates of traditional formats FMCG outlets number in Russia in 2003-2010, 2011-2012 – estimation, 2013-2014 – prognosis
  • Sales of food commodities by types of retail outlets in Russia in 2002-2011, 2012– estimation, 2013-2014 – prognosis
  • Structure of food commodities sales by types of trade in Russia in 2002-2011, 2012 – estimation, 2013-2014 – prognosis
  • Revenues from food commodities sales at modern formats FMCG outlets in Russia in 2002-2011, 2012 – estimation, 2013-2014 – prognosis
  • Growth rates of food commodities sales at modern formats FMCG outlets in Russia in 2003-2010, 2011-2012 – estimation, 2013-2014 – prognosis
  • Growth rates of food commodities sales at FMCG outlets in Russia in 2003-2010 (annual average in roubles) and in 2011
  • Revenues from food commodities sales at traditional formats FMCG outlets in Russia in 2002-2011, 2012 – estimation, 2013-2014 – prognosis
  • Growth rates of traditional formats FMCG outlets revenue in Russia in 2003-2010, 2011-2012 – estimation, 2013-2014 – prognosis
  • Dynamics of sales revenue per one square meter of floorspace by formats in 2002-2011, thousand roubles
  • Dynamics of sales revenue per one square meter of floorspace by formats in 2002-2011, thousand US dollars
  • Dynamics of sales revenue per one square meter of floorspace by formats in 2002-2011, thousand roubles
  • Dynamics of sales revenue per one square meter of floorspace by formats in 2002-2011, thousand US dollars
  • Dynamics of sales revenue per one square meter of floorspace in roubles by formats in 2003-2011, %
  • Dynamics of sales revenue per one square meter of floorspace in US dollars by formats in 2003-2011, %
Section II. Development trends and ratings of FMCG chains by operational and financial performance
  • Number of stores of the largest FMCG chains during 2005-2012 as of the end of the period
  • Dynamics of trading floorspace growth of TOP Russian retailers in 2008-2011
  • Rating of Russian largest retailers by size of trading floorspace in 2007-2012, thousand square meters.
  • Floorspace of retail outlets of TOP FMCG retailers in 2005-2012
  • Structure of trading floorspace of TOP FMCG retailers in 2005-2012
  • Trading floorspace of TOP FMCG retailers by types of chains in 2005-2012
  • Structure of trading floorspace of TOP FMCG retailers by types of chains in 2005-2012
  • Growth of trading floorspace of TOP FMCG retailers in Russia by types of chains in 2006-2012
  • Structure of trading floorspace growth of TOP Russian FMCG retailers by types of chains in 2006-2012
  • Growth rates of trading floorspace of TOP FMCG retailers in Russia by types of chains in 2006-2012
  • Dynamics of trading floorspace growth of TOP largest retailers in Russia (without retailers with decreasing floorspace) in 2008-2011, thousand square meters
  • Structure of trading floorspace growth of 120 largest retailers in Russia (without retailers with decreasing floorspace) in 2008-2010, %
  • Dynamics of investments of TOP-10 Russian retailers in 2006-2011 and prognosis for 2012, million US dollars
  • Dynamics of the share of investments into development in the revenue of TOP-10 Russian retailers in 2006-2011, %
  • Dynamics of investments among TOP-10 Russian retailers, %
  • Trading floorspace of TOP FMCG retailers by types of chains in 2005-2012
  • Trading floorspace of TOP FMCG retailers by formats in 2005-2012
  • Growth of trading floorspace of TOP FMCG retailers in Russia by formats in 2006-2012
  • Structure of trading floorspace growth among TOP FMCG Russian retailers by formats in 2006-2012
  • Growth rates of trading floorspace among TOP FMCG Russian retailers by types of chains in 2006-2012
  • Dynamics of net trading floorspace growth among TOP largest Russian retailers in 2010-2012 by months
  • Dynamics of trading floorspace growth among TOP largest Russian retailers (without retailers with decreasing floorspace) in the first half of 2011-2012, thousand square meters
  • Structure of trading floorspace growth among TOP largest Russian retailers (without retailers with decreasing floorspace) in the first half of 2011-2012, %
  • Total trading floorspace of the largest FMCG chains in Russia in 2005-2012 as of the end of the period
  • Dynamics of trading floorspace growth among the largest Russian FMCG chains in 2006-2011, %
  • Rating of the largest retailers of Russia by net revenue (without VAT) in 2007-2011, billion roubles
  • Results and planned performance indexes (revenue without VAT) among TOP-8 retail chains of Russia in 2011-2013
  • Sales revenue of TOP FMCG retailers in 2006-2011
  • Structure of sales revenue of TOP FMCG retailers in 2006-2011
  • Sales revenue of TOP FMCG retailers by types of chains in 2006-2011
  • Structure of sales revenue of TOP FMCG retailers by types of chains in 2006-2011
  • Growth of sales revenue among TOP Russian FMCG retailers by types of chains in 2007-2011
  • Structure of sales revenue growth among TOP Russian FMCG retailers by types of chains in 2007-2011
  • Growth rates of sales revenue among TOP Russian FMCG retailers by types of chains in 2007-2011
  • Dynamics of like-for-like sales among the largest retailers Russia in 2008-2012, %
  • Dynamics of net sales revenue (without VAT) among the largest FMCG chains in 2005-2011, billion roubles
  • Dynamics of sales revenue growth among the largest Russian FMCG chains in 2006-2011, %
  • Ratio of annual average sales revenue growth rates among TOP chains (with sales over 20 billion roubles in 2011) in 2008-2011 to growth rates in 2011 (area size is determined by sales revenue volume of the chain in 2011)
  • Ratio of annual average sales revenue growth rates among TOP chains (with sales over 10 billion roubles in 2011) in 2008-2011 to growth rates in 2011 (area size is determined by sales revenue volume of the chain in 2011)
  • Ratio of annual average sales revenue growth rates among TOP chains (with sales over 6 billion roubles in 2011) in 2008-2011 to growth rates in 2011 (area size is determined by sales revenue volume of the chain in 2011)
  • Ratio of annual average sales revenue growth rates among TOP chains (with sales over 4 billion roubles in 2011) in 2008-2011 to growth rates in 2011 (area size is determined by sales revenue volume of the chain in 2011)
  • Ratio of annual average sales revenue growth rates among TOP chains (with sales over 3 billion roubles in 2011) in 2008-2011 to growth rates in 2011 (area size is determined by sales revenue volume of the chain in 2011)
  • Dynamics of sales revenue per one square meter of floorspace by groups of chains in 2007-2011, thousand roubles
  • Dynamics of sales revenue per one square meter of floorspace by groups of chains in 2007-2011, thousand US dollars
  • Dynamics of sales revenue per one square meter of floorspace by types of chains in 2007-2011, thousand roubles
  • Dynamics of sales revenue per one square meter of floorspace by types of chains in 2007-2011, thousand US dollars
  • Growth sales revenue rates per one square meter of floorspace in roubles by types of chains in 2008-2011, %
  • Growth sales revenue rates per one square meter of floorspace in US dollars by types of chains in 2008-2011, %
  • Net revenue (without VAT) per one square meter of trading floorspace among the largest FMCG chains in 2007-2011, thousand US dollars annually
  • Dynamics of net sales revenue growth (without VAT) per one square meter of trading floorspace among the largest FMCG chains in 2008-2011 (in US dollars), %
  • Net revenue (without VAT) per one square meter of trading floorspace among the largest FMCG chains in 2007-2011, thousand roubles annually
  • Dynamics of net sales revenue growth (without VAT) per one square meter of trading floorspace among the largest FMCG chains in 2008-2011 (in roubles), %
  • Rating of FMCG retailers by average annual number of persons employed in 2009-2011
  • Number of persons employed per trading floorspace and revenue per one employee in thousand US dollars
  • Interrelation between the share of private labels and consolidation of FMCG trade in countries worldwide in 2010
  • Share of private labels in revenue of FMCG chains in Russia in 2011
  • Share of private label goods in turnover of FMCG in Russia in 2004-2010 and prognosis for 2011-2015
  • Sales of private label goods at FMCG chains in Russia in 2004-2010 and prognosis for 2011, billion roubles
  • Description of distribution centers of FMCG chains in Russia as of 01 September 2012
  • Description of distribution centers of FMCG retail chains in Russia (with sales over 6 billion roubles) as of 01 September 2012
  • Floorspace of distribution centers of FMCG retail chains in Russia (with sales over 6 billion roubles) per one meter of trading floorspace of the chain as of 01 September 2012
  • The level of supply centralization among the largest retail FMCG chains in Russia in 2008-2012 (the first half) and prognosis till 2016, %
Section III. Interaction of FMCG chains with financial markets
  • Tools for attraction of financial resources by trading chains in 2003- 2012
  • Annulment of bond loans by Russian chains in 2008 2012
  • Bond loans defaults of Russian FMCG chains in 2008-2012
  • Placement of bond loans and loans without bonds by Russian FMCG chains in 2005- 2012
  • Equity offerings of Russian FMCG chains in 2004-2012
  • The largest credits of foreign banks attracted by Russian FMCG chains in 2004-2012
  • Credit lines of Russian banks opened for FMCG chains in the fourth quarter of 2008-2012
  • Dynamics of bonded loans placement of Russian FMCG chains in 2005-2011
  • Dynamics of bonded loans placement of Russian FMCG chains in 2005-2011
  • Profitability to bonded loans offer, placed by FMCG chains in 2006-2011
  • Dynamics of stock price of public FMCG retailers of Russia in January 2006 – May 2012
Section IV. M&A market environment in FMCG retail of Russia in 2004-2012
  • Main stages of M&A market development in FMCG segment in 1994-2011
  • M&A deals in FMCG retail of Russia in 2006-2012
  • Potential sellers and buyers at M&A market in 2012
  • Number of M&A deals and the average deal’s volume in the FMCG retail segment, 2004-2012.
  • Dynamics of M&A deals volume in the FMCG retail segment, 2004-2012
Section V. Current condition and development outlooks for FMCG Retail formats in RF
  • Representativeness of outlets of Russian TOP largest FMCG retail chains by floorspace and regional areas of 01 July 2012, thousand square meters
  • Representativeness of outlets of Russian TOP largest FMCG retail chains by floorspace and cities as of 01 July 2012, thousand square meters
  • Representativeness of hypermarkets of Russian TOP largest FMCG retail chains by floorspace and regional areas, thousand square meters
  • Growth of outlets of Russian TOP largest FMCG retail chains by floorspace and regional areas in 2010, thousand square meters
  • Growth of outlets of Russian TOP largest FMCG retail chains by floorspace and regional areas in 2011, thousand square meters
  • Main stages of the hypermarket format development in 1994-2012
  • Number, trading floorspace and regional representativeness of hypermarkets of the largest retailers in Russia, as of 01 July 2012
  • Characteristic features of hypermarkets of the largest retailers in Russia, as of 01 July 2012
  • Commissionings of hypermarkets by FMCG chains in Russia in 2011
  • Hypermarkets commissioned in 2011-2012 by FMCG retailers, which had not developed this format before
  • Commissionings plans for hypermarkets of FMCG chains in Russia for 2012
  • Number of personnel per one thousand square meters of floorspace of retailers in Russia in 2010
  • Number of personnel per one thousand square meters of floorspace of international retailers
  • Dynamics of hypermarkets stores in Russia in 1995-2012 (as of the period’s end).
  • Dynamics of hypermarkets trading floorspace in Russia in 1995-2012
  • Dynamics of hypermarkets commissioning in Russia in 2001-2012 (as of the period’s end)
  • Dynamics of hypermarkets trading floorspace commissioning in Russia in 2001-2012, thousand square meters (as of the period’s end)
  • Dynamics of hypermarkets commissioning and shutdowns in Russia in 1995-2012
  • Dynamics of trading floorspace of hypermarkets opened and closed in Russia in 1995-2012, thousand square meters
  • Number and total trading floorspace of FMCG chain hypermarkets in RF as of 01 July 2012
  • Dynamics of hypermarkets commissioning by the largest FMCG retail chains in 1995-2012
  • Representativeness of hypermarkets of Russian TOP largest FMCG retail chains by number and regional areas
  • Representativeness of hypermarkets of Russian TOP largest FMCG retail chains by number and cities
  • Representativeness of hypermarkets of Russian TOP largest FMCG retail chains by floorspace and regional areas
  • Representativeness of hypermarkets of Russian TOP largest FMCG retail chains by floorspace and cities
  • Saturation with trading floorspace and hypermarkets number of FMCG chains in RF by cities as of 01 August 2012
  • Saturation of RF cities with chain hypermarkets (area size is determined by the size of Retail turnover)
  • Saturation of RF cities with chain hypermarkets (area size is determined by the size of Retail turnover)
  • Sales revenue per one square meter of hypermarket trading floorspace among the Russian FMCG chains in 2010-2011, thousand US dollars per year
  • Analyses of dependence of operational efficiency of retailers in the hypermarket format on development of Retail in the regional area
  • Rating of the largest FMCG retailers of Russia by net sales revenue in 2010-2012, billion roubles
  • Number, trading floorspace and regional representativeness of supermarkets of the largest retailers in Russia, as of 01 July 2012
  • Characteristic features of supermarkets of the largest retailers in Russia, as of 01 July 2012
  • Main stages of the supermarkets format development in 1994-2012
  • Dynamics of supermarkets trading floorspace in Russia in 2006-2012, thousand square meters
  • Dynamics of supermarkets number in Russia in 2006-2012 (as of the period’s end)
  • Dynamics of supermarkets number in Russia in 2006-2012 (as of the period’s end)
  • Number and total trading floorspace of FMCG chain supermarkets in RF as of 01 July 2012
  • Dynamics of supermarkets commissioning by TOP largest FMCG retail chains in 1995-2012
  • Representativeness of supermarkets of Russian TOP largest FMCG retail chains by number and regional areas
  • Representativeness of supermarkets of Russian TOP largest FMCG retail chains by number and cities
  • Representativeness of supermarkets of Russian TOP largest FMCG retail chains by floorspace and regional areas
  • Representativeness of supermarkets of Russian TOP largest FMCG retail chains by floorspace and cities
  • Saturation with trading floorspace in supermarkets in 25 regional areas of RF
  • Rating of the largest FMCG retailers of Russia by supermarkets sales revenue in 2010-2011, billion roubles
  • Sales revenue per one square meter of trading floorspace in FMCG chain supermarkets in RF in 2010-2011
  • Main stages of the discounter format development in 1994-2011
  • Number, trading floorspace and regional representativeness of convenience stores of the largest Russian retailers (the table contains chains with more than 100 convenience stores), as of 01 July 2012
  • Description of convenience stores of the largest Russian retailers (the table contains chains with more than 100 convenience stores)
  • Commissionings plans for discounters among FMCG chains in Russia for 2012
  • Dynamics of convenience stores number in Russia in 2006-2012 (as of the period’s end)
  • Dynamics of convenience stores trading floorspace in Russia in 2006-2012, thousand square meters
  • Number and total trading floorspace of FMCG chain convenience stores in RF as of 01 July 2012
  • Dynamics of convenience stores commissioning among TOP largest FMCG retail chains in 1998-2012
  • Representativeness of convenience stores of Russian TOP largest FMCG retail chains by number and regional areas
  • Representativeness of convenience stores of Russian TOP largest FMCG retail chains by number and cities
  • Representativeness of convenience stores of Russian TOP largest FMCG retail chains by floorspace and regional areas
  • Representativeness of convenience stores of Russian TOP largest FMCG retail chains by floorspace and cities
  • Growth of Magnit and X5 Retail Group chains outlets floorspace by regional areas in 2010
  • Growth of Magnit and X5 Retail Group chains outlets floorspace by regional areas in 2011
  • Saturation with trading floorspace in convenience stores in 25 regional areas of RF
  • Rating of the largest Russian FMCG retailers by convenience stores (discounters) sales revenue in 2010-2011, billion roubles annually
  • Sales revenue per one square meter of convenience stores trading floorspace among FMCG chains in RF in 2009-2010, thousand US dollars
  • Main stages of the convenience store format development in 1994-2012
  • Number, trading floorspace and regional representativeness of convenience stores of the largest Russian retailers (the table contains chains with more than 100 convenience stores), as of 01 July 2012
  • Description of convenience stores of the largest Russian retailers (the table contains chains with more than 100 convenience stores)
  • Dynamics of convenience stores number in Russia in 2006-2012 (as of the period’s end)
  • Dynamics of hypermarkets trading floorspace in Russia in 2006-2012
  • Number and total trading floorspace of FMCG chain convenience stores in RF as of 01 July 2012
  • Dynamics of convenience stores commissioning among the largest FMCG retail chains in 1998-2012
  • Sales revenue per one square meter of convenience stores trading floorspace among FMCG chains in RF in 2009-2010, thousand US dollars annually
  • Description of consumer preferences in relation of online and traditional stores
  • Accompanying goods for the most popular commodities in the online stores in 2012
  • Description of mobile internet usage for commodities selection (by target groups), %
  • TOP-5 of the most popular commodity groups purchased from mobile devices and for online trade as a whole
  • Representativeness of FMCG chains in online trade as of 01 January 2012
  • TOP-30 online stores of Runet in 2011
  • Main formats of food commodities online trade
  • Online stores of Russian FMCG retailers
  • Online ordering services of Russian FMCG retailers
  • Dynamics of online trade indexes in Russia in 2005-2011 and prognosis for 2012-2015
  • Structure of monthly average sales turnover by segments in 2011, billion roubles
  • Volume of online audience in Russia in 2011-2012, million people
  • Monthly average spendings on shopping online in 2010-2012, thousand roubles
  • What goods you bought online in 2009 and 2011, %
  • Frequency of ordering goods with home delivery
  • Structure of online-sales in Russia in 2006-2010 by categories, %
  • Daily average volumes of online orders by segments in 2011
  • Structure of daily average number of online order by segments in 2011
  • Average age of consumers by preferred points of purchase in Russia, years old
  • Average age of consumers by preferred stores formats in Russia, years old
  • Number of online thematic groups’ visitors per day, million people
  • Share of buyers that search online for information about commodities, %
  • Average online order with home delivery, roubles
  • Frequency of online orders with home delivery by product groups, %
  • Preferences of consumers when choosing the purchase channel (on-line/off-line) by categories of goods, %
  • Mobile internet usage for making choice of purchase in countries world wide in 2012, %
  • Availability of broadband Internet access and online-stores at FMCG chains by the cities of presence (cities with available online stores are color marked)
  • Consolidation of players in segments (categories) in 2010, % (Herfindahl index)
  • Marlboro cigarettes cost in online stores of FMCG chains and offline stores of Х5 Retail Group in St. Petersburg in 2010
  • Marlboro cigarettes cost in online stores of FMCG chains and offline stores of Х5 Retail Group in St. Petersburg in 2011
  • Lays chips (85 g) cost in online stores of FMCG chains and offline stores of Х5 Retail Group in St. Petersburg in 2010
  • Lays chips (85 g) cost in online stores of FMCG chains and offline stores of Х5 Retail Group in St. Petersburg in 2011
  • Baltica 3 beer (0.5 l) cost in online stores of FMCG chains and offline stores of X5 Retail Group in St. Petersburg in 2010
  • Baltica 3 beer (0.5 l) cost in online stores of FMCG chains and offline stores of X5 Retail Group in St. Petersburg in 2011
  • Snickers bar (58 g) cost in online stores of FMCG chains and offline stores of Х5 Retail Group in St. Petersburg in 2010
  • Snickers bar (58 g) cost in online stores of FMCG chains and offline stores of Х5 Retail Group in St. Petersburg in 2011
Section VI. Comparative analyses of economics condition and Retail by regional areas of Russia
  • Shares of regional areas in main macroeconomic indexes of Russia in 2011
  • Structure of gross regional product by regional areas of the Research in 2010, %
  • Dynamics of budget deficit in regional areas of Russia in 2003-2011, % GRP
  • Macroeconomic indexes of regional areas of the Research in 2011, %
  • Macroeconomic indexes of cities of the Research in 2011, %
  • Structure of Retail sales turnover in Russia by regional areas of the Research in 2010, %
  • Ratio of GRP and per capita Retail turnover (without Moscow) (area size is determined by the size population, thousand people)
  • Expanded structure of gross regional product by regional areas of the Research in 2010, %
  • Ratio of industrial production volume and per capita sales turnover of Retail (without Moscow, area size is determined by the size GRP)
  • Average rates of industrial production in 2007-2011 (average annual in roubles), %
  • Growth of industrial production in monetary terms during 2007-2011 by regional areas, %
  • Growth of industrial production in physical terms during 2007-2011 by regional areas, %
  • Growth rates of industrial production in 2011 (in roubles and o\physical terms), %
  • Structure of industry shipments by industry segments and regional areas of Russia in 2011
  • Ration of per capita budget spendings and per capita sales turnover of Retail (without Moscow) (area size is determined by the size of population, thousand people)
  • Growth of per capita sales turnover of Retail by regional areas of Russia during 2007-2011 in monetary terms by years, %
  • Growth of per capita sales turnover of food commodities Retail by regional areas of Russia during 2007-2011 in monetary terms by years, %
  • Growth of per capita sales turnover of food commodities Retail by major cities of Russia during 2007-2011 in monetary terms by years, %
  • Comparison of per capita sales turnover of Retail by regional areas of Russia in 2011, thousand roubles
  • Comparison of per capita sales turnover of Retail by major cities of Russia in 2011, thousand roubles
  • Growth of per capita sales turnover of food commodities Retail by major cities of Russia during 2007-2011 in monetary terms by years, %
  • Growth rates of Retail sales turnover by regional areas of Russia in 2004-2011 (annual average in roubles) and in 2011, %
  • Growth of Retail sales turnover by regional areas of Russia during 2007-2011 in monetary terms by years, %
  • Growth of Retail sales turnover by regional areas of Russia during 2007-2011 in physical terms, %
  • Dynamics of actual prices growth by regional areas of Russia during 2007-2011
  • Growth rates of sales turnover in food commodities Retail by regional areas of Russia during 2007-2011, %
  • Growth rates of Retail sales turnover in cities Russia in 2004-2011 (annual average in roubles) and in 2011, %
  • Growth of Retail sales turnover in major cities Russia during 2007-2011 in monetary terms
  • Growth of Retail sales turnover in major cities Russia during 2007-2011 in physical terms, %
  • Dynamics of actual prices growth by major cities of Russia during 2007-2011
  • Ratio of annual average wages of population and per capita sales turnover of Retail (area size is determined by the size of retail turnover, billion roubles)
  • Ratio of annual accrued wages to per capita Retail sales turnover in cities RF in 2006-2011, times
  • Chain Retail development level according to regional areas of the Research
  • Structure of sales turnover of food commodities Retail in regional areas of RF,%
  • Structure of chain Retail sales turnover by formats in regional areas of the Research, %
  • Number of outlets of main formats of chain Retail in regional areas of the Research, as of 01 January 2012
  • Trading floorspace of outlets of main formats of chain Retail in regional areas of the Research, as of 01 January 2012
  • Number of outlets of main formats of chain Retail in cities the Research, as of 01 January 2012
  • Trading floorspace of outlets of main formats of chain Retail in cities of the Research, as of 01 January 2012
  • Structure of sales turnover of food commodities Retail by types of chains according to results of 2011 by regional areas of the Research, %
  • Range of sales revenue per one square meter at FMCG chains outlets by regional areas of the Research during 2011, thousand US dollars/square meter
  • Analyses of dependence of retailers operational efficiency on development of the Retail in regional area
  • Structure of chain Retail in the hypermarket format by types of chains according to results of 2011, by regional areas of the Research, %
  • Range of sales revenue per one square meter in the format of hypermarkets among FMCG chains by regional areas of the Research during 2011, thousand US dollars/square meter
  • Structure of chain Retail in the supermarket format by types of chains according to results of 2011, by regional areas of the Research, %
  • Range of sales revenue per one square meter in the supermarket format of FMCG chains outlets, by regional areas of the Research during 2011, thousand US dollars/square meter
  • Structure of chain Retail in the convenience store/discounter format by types of chains according to results of 2011, by regional areas of the Research, %
  • Range of sales revenue per one square meter of FMCG chains outlets in the format of convenience store/discounter, by regional areas of the Research during 2011, thousand US dollars/square meter
Section VII. Shopping centers market in regional areas of Russia
  • Main stages of commercial real estate format development in 1990s-2011
  • Dynamics of non-residential buildings construction volumes in Russia in 2003-2011 (data for 2011 were corrected), million square meters
  • Average floorspace and construction volumes of commercial buildings, commissioned in Russia in 2003-2011
  • Dynamics of number and floorspace of commercial buildings, commissioned in RF in 2003-2011, in % vs. previous period
  • Structure of population size of RF by regional areas in 2003-2010
  • Dynamics of retail turnover volumes in RF in 2004-2010 by regional areas, trillion roubles
  • Dynamics of commercial buildings and shopping centers commissioning in RF in 2004-2011
  • Dynamics of shopping centers total floorspace commissioning in 30 cities of Russia in 2004-2011 and prognosis for 2012, thousand square meters
  • Dynamics of shopping and shopping-recreational centers total floorspace commissioning in 30 cities of RF till 2011, thousand square meters
  • Dynamics of shopping and shopping-recreational centers floorspace commissioning in 30 cities in RF till 2003-2011, thousand square meters per one thousand people
  • Dynamics of shopping and shopping-recreational centers floorspace commissioning
  • General description of MEGA shopping centers
  • Saturation with floorspace in shopping centers in 30 cities of RF (size of area depends on the size of trading floorspace in shopping centers)
  • Dynamics of shopping and shopping-recreational centers floorspace commissioning in cities of the 1st quadrant, on an accrual basis, thousand square meters per one thousand people
  • Dynamics of shopping and shopping-recreational centers floorspace commissioning in cities of the 1st quadrant, on an accrual basis, thousand square meters per one thousand people
  • Dynamics of shopping and shopping recreational centers floorspace commissioning in cities of the 3d quadrant, on an accrual basis, thousand square meters per one thousand people
  • Dynamics of shopping and shopping recreational centers floorspace commissioning in cities of the 4th quadrant, on an accrual basis, thousand square meters per one thousand people
  • Shopping centers in 32 cities and regional areas of Russia, expected to be commissioned in second-third quarters of 2012
  • Shopping centers in 32 cities and regional areas of Russia expected to be commissioned in fourth quarter of 2012
  • The largest shopping and recreation centers among 32 cities of this Research commissioned in the first half of 2012
  • Dynamics of shopping centers total floorspace commissioning in 30 cities and 2 regional areas of RF in 2004-2011 and prognosis till 2015, thousand square meters
  • Dynamics of shopping centers total floorspace commissioning in 30 cities of Russia RF in 2004-2011 and prognosis till 2012, thousand square meters







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