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"550 FMCG Retail chains of Russia Database". Сoncise version.

"550 FMCG Retail chains of Russia Database". Сoncise version.

  • Дата выхода : 07.03.2013
  • Кол-во стр: 230
  • Язык отчета: English
  • Демо-версия: Загрузить
  • Стоимость: 75 000 руб со скидкой: 60 000 руб.
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550 FMCG Retail Chains of Russia Database (concise version) consists of two sections:
Section 1. Condition of the FMCG retail market in Russia
Section 2. Database of 550 FMCG Chains and 450 Distribution Centers in Russia. The greater part of chain retail trade turnover is provided for by 550 FMCG chains of Russia, operating over 30 thousand stores (not including 49 thousand stores of consumers cooperative society and over 40 thousand stores of Pochta Rossii (Russian Postal Service)), with total trading floorspace of more than 14 million square meters, including over 26 thousand convenience stores, over 3.3 thousand supermarkets and over 700 hypermarkets, 450 distribution centers (DCs), among them 50 DCs belong to TOP 10 of the largest retailers of Russia. Total revenue of chains in 2012 came up to over 3 trillion roubles. Chains are divided into groups: federal chains (inside the group they are arranged by revenue in descending order); other chains by Federal Districts (FD) (inside each FD the chains are arranged by revenue in descending order).
550 FMCG Retail Chains of Russia Database (concise version) includes following sections:

  • Section 1. Condition of the FMCG retail market in Russia, which contains information about key indicators of FMCG retail trade in Russia and six ratings compiled on the basis of operational indicators (number of stores, total trading floorspace, number of personnel and distribution centers), financial (revenue) and efficiency (revenue per one square meter) indicators of the largest FMCG retailers in Russia.
  • Section 2. Database of 550 FMCG Chains and 450 Distribution Centers in Russia, which is intended for optimization of interaction with retail chains, includes the following fields:
  • Chain’s brand
  • Legal name
  • Management of the chain
  • Chief Executive Officer
  • Chief Financial Officer
  • Chief Procurement Officer
  • Chief Information Officer
  • Actual address
  • Phone
  • Fax
  • E-mail
  • Web site
  • Formats developed (hypermarket, supermarket, convenience store)
  • Total number of the chain’s stores as of 01 January 2013
  • Number of stores as of 01 January 2013 in terms of formats (hypermarkets, supermarkets, convenience stores)
  • Total trading floorspace of the chain’s stores as of 01 January 2013
  • Net revenue (without VAT) of the chain in 2010-2012, billion roubles
  • Regional representativeness (regional areas and cities in which the chain’s stores are situated, including the number of stores
  • Number of DCs as of 01 January 2013
  • Total floorspace of DCs as of 01 January 2013
  • Regional areas of DCs presence as of 01 January 2013
FMCG chains of Russia, included into the database (all in all 550 chains): 4 Sezona, Apelsin, Ekonom (Tverskoy Produkt, LLC); Glavprodukt (GC Glavprodukt (Glavprodukt Plyus, LLC, Glavprodukt, LLC)); 7 Kopeek, Matur (Sintez, LLC); 7Semerka (7Semerka, LLC); Narodnaya 7Ya, IdeYa, Spar (TH Intertorg, LLC); Atac (Atac Russia, LLC); Auchan (Auchan, LLC); Billa (formerly also BIOP) (Billa, LLC); EURO (Ster, LLC); Globus (Hyperglobus, LLC); Metro C&C (Metro Cash & Carry, LLC); Prisma (Prisma, LLC); Real (Real-Hypermarket, LLC); Selgros C&C (Selgros, LLC); Seven (AmiKo, LLC); Spar, Eurospar (Produkt Servis, LLC and others (Spar Middle Volga, LLC)); Spar (Spar Tula, LLC); Spar (Spar Retail, CJSC and others); Spar (Spar Povolzhye, CJSC); Spar (SVA Trading, CJSC (Spar Vostok, LLC)); S-class, Delis (Negotsiant+, LLC); ABK (Vegat Plyus, CJSC); Abrikos, Lama, Food-City (Lama Plyus, LLC; Tomretail, LLC); Absolute (TH Absolute, LLC); Absolute Cash & Carry (Absolute, LLC and others); Adept, Novgorodskiy Bacon (Adept, CJSC); Avoska (Avoska-dva, LLC); Azbuka Vkusa (Gorodskoy supermarket, LLC); Aygul (Aygul, LLC); Aikai, Groshel, Lukomorye, Lukoshko, Minimarket (Aikai, LLC); Aktay (Apaz, PO); Alex, Gastronomchik (TK Alex, LLC); Alekseevskiy (Alekseevskiy, GUSP); Alice (IE Golyshev D. Yu.; TH Alice, LLC; Supermarket Alice, LLC; Universam Alice, LLC); Almi, Zakrama (Elaks, LLC); Altynay (TF Altynay, LLC); Alie Parusa, Eliseevskiy (Supermarket Alie Parusa, LLC); Albatross (Valkor, LLC; AlphaMarket, LLC; Kalinka Renaissance, LLC); AMK, Prostor (Megatorg, LLC); Aniks, Bravo (TH Aniks, LLC); Korzinka, Korzinka-mini (Prayd-A, LLC); Antares (Antares, LLC); Apex-plus (Apex-plus, LLC); Aprodukt (TS Atlant, LLC); Gastronom-21 (former Aristey-Impeks) (many); Aromatniy Mir (Aroma Market, LLC); Augustina (Augustina, LLC; Arslan, LLC); Artemida-Don (Artemida-Don, LLC); Arish Mae (Firma Tansu, LLC); Assorti (TH Assorti, LLC); Assorti (Nizhniy Novgorod) (Assorti, LLC); Assorti Produkty (Rostok, LLC; Assorti Trading, Assorti Alyans, LLC; Assorti, LLC); Assorti, Ekonom (Rep. Komi) (Assorti, CJSC); Astor (Astor, CJSC); Atrus (Atrus, LLC); Ayavrik (Ayavrik, LLC); Bayram (TorgMaster, LLC); Bars (TH Bars, LLC); Barybinets (Barybinets, LLC); Bahetle (Bahetle-1, LLC); Bashspirt (TH Bashspirt, LLC); Begemot (TH Kolibri, LLC); Bezhin Lug (Bezhin Lug, LLC); Best-Market (Best-Market, LLC); Bim (BiM, LLC); BMK i K (TPF BMK i K, CJSC); Borodino (Torg Plast, LLC); Bravo, Pchelka (Pchelka, LLC); TH Borodinskiy (ORTP 2010, LLC; Food Store, LLC; Noviy Ambar, LLC; Kaufholl, LLC); Mosmart, Mosmart-Maxi, Spar (Partner market, LLC); Brat (Brat, LLC); Butovo MZHK, Vkusnov (TH MZHK Butovo, LLC; Vkusnov, LLC); Bystronom, Santimo (Megatorg, LLC); V Desyatku (TH Slastena, LLC); V Desyatochku (TH Voronezhskiy-2000, LLC); Lyubimiy (IE Ivanova E.N.); Gastronomir (Gastronomir, LLC); Accept (Accept, LLC); 5 Zvezd, Produkt (TK 5 Zvezd, IE Kozlova); Romashka (TK Produkty, LLC); Fresco 24 (former Slavniy) (Repeshok, LLC; Gravilat, LLC); Afanasiy (IE Gavrilov S. N.); Dobryachok (Format Trading, LLC, IE Matushkin I. O.); Prodtovary (Prodtovary, CJSC); Vulcan (Roznichniy Standart, LLC); Ranyusha (Ranyusha, LLC); Severnoe Siyanie (Severnoe Siyanie, LLC); Vamin (Vamin Tatarstan, JSC); Avers (Avers, LLC); Karavay (TH Karavay, LLC); Ros (Ros, LLC); Yuzhniy Dvor (Yuzhniy Dvor, LLC); Vladimir Ivanovich (Maxwell, LLC); Lakomka (Vladhleb, JSC); Vector (Vector PKF, LLC); Katyusha (Katyusha, LLC); Vavilon (Vavilon, LLC); Vek (Vek, LLC); Velem (Velem, LLC); Velikolukskiy Myasokombinat (Torgograd, LLC and others.); Vershina (Firma Opt-Torg, LLC); Vesta (TK Vesta-SA, LLC); Vesta (Vesta-Plyus, LLC); Vester, Sosed (GC Vester (Vester-Regiony, LLC)); Vial-Trade (Vial-Trade, LLC); Vivat, Delta (Vivat-Trade, LLC; Delta-trade, LLC); VIK (VIK, LLC); Victoria, Deshevo, Kvartal, Cash (Diksi Group, JSC (former GC Victoria, JSC)); Vinoteka, Negotiant (Negotiant, LLC); Vityaz-Torg (Vityaz-Torg, LLC); VL-Mart (VL-Mart, LLC); Vozmi Vse Srazu (Vozmi Vse Srazu, LLC); Volshebniy Aromat (IE Muhacheva E.L.); Volniy Kupets, Telezhka, Tverskoy Kupets (Ritm-2000, LLC); Vprok (Astrid, LLC); Vse v Rozochkah, Dobryak, Samberi, Ekonomych (Vizit-1, LLC; ABI Group, CJSC); Vse Na Svete, Globus, Urzhumkа, Vino (Globus Plus, LLC); VTA-Resurs (VTA-Resource, LLC); Vygodniy (Optimal, LLC); Vysshaya Liga, Liga-Markt, Tsenorez, Apelsin, Extra-Ekonom (TG Vysshaya Liga, LLC; Vysshaya liga, CJSC); Gastronom (Gastronom, LLC); Gastronom 811, Tsentralnye Bulochnye (Tsentralnye Bulochnye, LLC); Geomart (Geomart-Retail, LLC); Georgiy (Georgiy, CJSC); Germa (Germa, LLC); Gildiya (TK Gildiya, LLC); Glavmag, Extra (Extra, CJSC; Extra-Premium, LLC); Globus (Ulyanovsk) (Globus Torg, LLC); Globus Gurme (Stolichnaya Torgovaya Kompaniya, LLC); Gorod Izobiliya (TH Gorod Izobiliya, LLC); Gorozhanka, Megas, Sibirskiy Gigant (Trading holding Sibirskiy Gigant, LLC); Gorodok, Pogrebok (Kaspiy-Retail, LLC); Grand (Grand, LLC); Grozd (Tsentr Restrukturizatsii, LLC); Grosfood, Na 7 Vetrah, Universal, Rosbi Vostok (Rosbi+, LLC (ROSBI+ Group of Companies)); Gulliver (Gulliver, CJSC); Gurman (Gurman, LLC); Gurman, MAN, Plyus, Superman, MiniMAN (Man, LLC); Gurman (Gurman, CJSC); Gurman, Nash, Nash-Express (GC Universal, LLC); XL (Retail Severo-Zapad, LLC; Dayana, LLC); Derzhava (Derzhava, LLC); Desyatka, Big Si (IE Popov M.G.); Defa (Defa, LLC); Dieta 18, Prosper (Dieta-18, CJSC); Diksi, Megamart, Minimart (Diksi Group, JSC); Diksika (TS Diksika, LLC); Disko, SemYa (SemYa, LLC (Perm)); Disma, Pyat Shagov, Sigma, U Doma, Romashka (Nekommercheskoe parterstvo Torgovyh Predpriyatiy Panorama Retail (Vinkom, LLC)); Dobronom (TK Dobronom, LLC); Dobriy Den (Firma YuSA, LLC); Dobrynya (Dobrynya, LLC); Dom Edy (Dom Edy, CJSC); Dostupnye Produkty (Dostupnye Produkty, LLC); E.D.A. (Bakaleya tochka ru, LLC); Europe (Europe, LLC (Kursk)); Evroros, Tvoy (TH EvroNord, LLC); SPM (SPM+-Plyus, LLC (directly SPM)); Pochta Rossii (FGUP Pochta Rossii); Pochtoviy Magazin (Edinaya Rozninchnaya Kompaniya, LLC); Egoryevskiy (TI Egoryevskiy); Elisey (Elisey, LLC); Elisey, Zarya, Oktyabrskiy, Prospekt, Rodina, Rassvet, Sadko, Sibirskiy (Vizit, LLC, IE Motorin B.A.); Eliseyskiy (Eliseyskie Magaziny, JSC); Ermak (Sport-Torg, LLC); EST, Mag-Mak (Roznichnaya Set Dinskie Kolbasy, LLC); Zyeleznodorozhnaya Torgovaya kompaniya (Zheleznodoroznaya Torgovaya Kompaniya, JSC); Zhuravli (Retail, LLC); Zakamye, Temle (Torgoviy Dom Duslyk, LLC); Zvezdniy (Universam Zvezdniy , LLC); Zeleniy Ostrov (Promtorgresurs, LLC; Vestprod, LLC; Sbytorg, LLC; Foodsretail, LLC); Izhtrading, Tri Banana (Izhtrading, LLC); Imperia Produktov, Fresh (TH Mega-Don, LLC); Impuls (Impuls, LLC); Invet (Invet, LLC); Kayros (Kayros, LLC); Kalinka (Kalinka, LLC); Kamilla (TH Kamilla, LLC); Kapriz (Solnechniy Mir LLC; Fon-market LLC); Karavay, Spar (franchise) (Karavay-RS, LLC); Karavay, Kolos, Niva (Karavay, LLC; Kolos, LLC; Niva, LLC); Karavan (Karavan, LLC); Karusel, Pyaterochka Maxi (TH Perekrestok, CJSC); Kaufman, Mir Vkusa, Galereya Chizhova (Vendor, LLC); Kvartal (Ambitus, LLC); Kvartal (Kvartal, LLC); Kvartet (Kvartet, LLC); Kir 24 (Upravlyayushchaya Kompaniya Prolog, LLC); Kirovskiy (Lev, LLC and others.); Klass (Polufabrikaty Klass, LLC); Klondike (Sovin i K, LLC); Kolbaskin i Ogurchikov (Soyuz, LLC); Kolobok (Kolobok, LLC); Komandor, Alleya (Elita-98, LLC); Titan, Tinan Ekonom (Kompaniya Titan, LLC); Kontinent Vkusa, Kontinent (Produkty, LLC); Produkty (Cooperator, Potrebitelskoe Obshchestvo); Cooptorg (Cooptorg, LLC; Cooptorg-plus, LLC); Kopeika, Radna (Kopeika, LLC (GK Rosbi)); Cora, Palata, Sibiriada, Holiday Classic, Chervonets (GK Holiday, LLC; Kompaniya Holiday, LLC; Cora-TK, LLC); Kraslestorg (Kraslestorg, JSC); Krasnogorskiy (TH Krasnogorskiy, LLC); Krasniy Yar (Torgoviy Soyuz, LLC (former Eniseyskaya Torgovaya Kompaniya, JSC)); Credo (Credo, LLC); Krestovskiy (KK Torgoviy Dom, LLC); Kupets (Elittorg, LLC); Kupets (Kupets, LLC); Kupets (Stroy Fin Torg, LLC); Kuriko (Ptitseprom, LLC); Magazin (former Lavina) (Magazin, LLC); Lakmin (TK Lakmin, LLC); Lenta (Lenta, LLC); LetLend (Standart-Alko, LLC (former TK Letlend, LLC)); Liniya (Grinn Corporation, CJSC); Lipka (Lipka, LLC); Lotos, Sigma, Gurman, Lotos Gurman (Torgoviy holding Lotos, LLC); LotosM (Lotos-retail, LLC); Lukoshko (Lukoshko +, LLC); Lukoshko (Severo-Zapadnaya Torgovaya Gruppa, LLC); Lend (Lend, CJSC); Lyubimye Produkty, 7 Dney (TH Melifaro, LLC); Lyubimye Produkty, Modern (Opt-Torg, LLC); Lyubimiy Magazin (Lyubimiy Magazin, LLC); Lyady (Lyady, JSC); Magazin, Prodtovary (PK Luch); Magazin Moego Rayona, Prospekt, Slava, Yuzhniy, Vostok, Dva Gusya (Magazin Moego Rayona, LLC); Magic (RTS Magic, LLC); Magnit (Magnit, JSC (Tander, CJSC)); Magnolia (T i K Produkty, CJSC); Magnum (M1, LLC); Makarovskiy (Makarov i kompaniya, LLC); Max City (Cityavtoservis, LLC); Maxi, Mini (Maxi, LLC); Maximum (Maximum, LLC); Maria-Ra (Roznitsa-1, LLC and others.); Mayak-1 (Mayak-1, LLC); Matritsa (Universal-Trading, LLC); Medunitsa (Medunitsa, LLC); Mera (Vest, LLC); Meridian (TS Meridian); Meridian (Retail-Garant, LLC); Petrovich (Merkuriy, LLC); Merkuriy (Samara) (MPR, LLC); Metallurg (Sotsialniy Kompleks, LLC); Metatr (Metatr, LLC); Mikey (MTK, LLC); Mechta (IE Mangasaryan); Miko (Miko-Roznitsa, LLC); Milart (TTS Na Bakinskoy, LLC); Mindal (TH Mindal`, LLC); Milena (Milena, LLC); Minima (Vash Shans LTD, LLC); Mir Prodovolstviya (Mir Prodovolstviya, LLC); Mir Produktov (Mirovye Produkty, LLC); Kontinent, Ekonom, Norma, Apelsin (Mir produktov, LLC); Mikhailovskiy (-); Mishka na Severe, Mishutka, Atlant, Beliy Medved (Beliy Medved, LLC); Achilles (TK Achilles, LLC; TH Achilles, LLC); TH Pokotorg, LLC (TH Pokotorg, LLC); PKF Simvol, LLC (PKF Simvol, LLC); Biryuza, LLC, IE Kimchenko (Biryuza, LLC, IE Kimchenko); Modul (Modul, LLC); Moy Magazin (Grand-Trade M, LLC); Molniya, Spar (franchise) (Moll, LLC); Monetka (franchise) (Investproekt, LLC); Monetka, Monetka Super, Wright (Element-Trade, LLC); Morkov (Minister Melochey, LLC); Mostovskiy, Eskada (Avlanzh, LLC; Lakvenst-T, LLC; Novoe Eldorado, LLC); Myasnov (TSDN Myasnov, LLC); Myasnoy Dvorik, Myasnoy Dom, Myasnaya Karusel, Myasnaya Raduga (Myasnoy Dvorik LLC; Myasnoy dom LLC; Myasnaya Karusel LLC; Myasnaya Raduga LLC;); TF Na Tashkentskoy (TF Na Tashkentskoy, LLC); Nadezhda (Nadezhda, CJSC); Namangan (Namangan, CJSC); Napoleon, Margo (Napoleon, LLC); Dobrynya, Noviy Vek (Druzhba-15, LLC); TK Narodniy (Vek, LLC); Nash Mag, Pchelka (Vympel, LLC (IE Zlobin)); Nash, Sedmoi Kontinent (Sedmoi Kontinent, JSC); Negotiant (Konstantin i K, CJSC); Netto (Nordik-Neva, LLC); Novosibirskaya Ptitsefabrika (UDS, LLC); Noviy Vek, Produkty, Viola (Noviy Vek, LLC); Noviy Produkt (Noviy Produkt, LLC, Sanar 2004, LLC); Norman (Norman, LLC; Norman-Neva, LLC); NTN (Noyabsktorgneft, LLC); Vse Budet OK, Caesar (Prodgamma, LLC and others.); Ob (Ob, LLC); Ogni Stolitsy (OptPotreb, LLC); OKey (TS OKey, LLC); OKey, OKey-Ekspress (OKey, LLC); Olivye (Smart Value Retail, CJSC); Omich i K (Supermarket, LLC); Yarmarka (Naturalnye Produkty, LLC); Orbita (Orbita, LLC); Ostap (Ostap, GK); Otdohni (TSDA Sommelier, LLC); OShA, Petro’L (OShA, LLC); Payba (Inkom, LLC); Pelikan (Neotrade, LLC); Pelikan (Pelikan, LLC); Pensioner (Pensioner, LLC); Perekrestok (TH Perekrestok, CJSC); Perekrestok Ekspress, Kopeika (Ekspress-retail, LLC); Pestrechinka (Azyk, JSC); Picnic, Vini (GC Picnic); Petrovskiy, Petromost (GC Petrovskiy); Peterskoe (Peterskoe, LLC); Plovdiv (Prodopttorg, LLC); Podosinki (Podosinki, CJSC); Podsolnuh (AZS JSC Rosneft) (RN-Moskva, JSC); Pokupay, Eda (Кoteks-Torg, LLC); Pokupay-ka (Tandem, LLC); Polushka (Sankt-Peterburg), Lime, E-da! (Lyubavushka, LLC); Polushka (Ufa) (Forvard, CJSC); Polyana, Chibis (Sistema Chibis, LLC; RegionMart, CJSC; RegionMart-Tomsk, CJSC; Amik Cash & Carry, LLC); Posadskiy (Shed, LLC); Posyltorg (Viola, LLC); Prazdnichniy (Prazdnichniy, LLC); Privet (Privet-Plus, LLC); Printo (Roznichnaya Set Printo, LLC); Proviant (Proviant-Roznitsa, LLC); Produktovaya Lavka (Lokos, LLC); Produktoviy Rai (Produktoviy Rai, LLC); Produkty (Mikhail, LLC); Produkty 24 Chasa (Partner-Naym, LLC); Produkty VSK (GK VSK); Produkty, Pchelka, SC Karavay, Leemak (L-T, LLC); Prokopyevskiy (Gastronom Prokopyevskiy, LLC; IE Prokopyeva); Proletarskiy (Aron, LLC); Prospekt (Progress, LLC; Uspeh, LLC); Puasson (Puasson, LLC); Pushkinskiy (Magnat LLC; Ruselit i K, LLC); Pchelka, Imperial (Pskovpishcheprom, CJSC); Pchelka, Elite, Caramel (Elite, LLC); Apelsin, Pyatachok (Moskovskaya oblast`) (GC Vostok, LLC); Pyatachok (St. Petersburg) (Pyatachok-Amphibia, LLC; Pyatachok Pushistiy, LLC); Pyaterochka (TH Perekrestok, CJSC); Bayram (former Pyaterochka (franchise in Bashkortostan)) (Salyut-Torg, LLC); Pyaterochka (franchise in Volgograd region) (Tamerlan, LLC); Pyaterochka (franchise in Republic of Tatarstan) (Ak Bars Torg, LLC); Pokupochka (former Pyaterochka (franchisee in Samara region)) (Agrotorg-Samara, LLC); Pyaterochka (franchisee in Saratov region) (Volgatorg, LLC); Dvortsoviy Ryad (former Pyaterochka (franchisee in Ulyanovsk region)) (Dvortsoviy Ryad-MS, LLC); Pyaterochka in Perm Territory (Kama-Retail, LLC); Pyatyu-Pyat (former Pyaterochka (franchisee in Voronezh region)) (Visant-Torg, CJSC); Radamir (TH Udmurtpotrebsoyuz, LLC); Radezh, Ekonom (Radezh, LLC); Raytsentr, Rai Tsen, Tochka (Raytsentr, LLC); Ramos (Ramos, LLC); Rassvet (Rassvet, CJSC); Real (TH Real, LLC); Renata (Renata, LLC); Repka, Eda, Povorot, Nash magazin, Pobeda! (Format, LLC); Riat-Market (Supermarket, LLC); Riomag (Riomarket, LLC); Ring (Ring, LLC); Roznitsa S (Roznitsa S, LLC); Rosinka, Apelsin, Oktyabrskiy, Pallada, Sberegayka, Vse k Stolu (Region-Produkt, LLC; RegionProdukt, LLC); Rossoshanskiy Torg (Rossoshanskiy Torg, CJSC); Rost (Rost, LLC); Rosfood (Kompaniya Rosbi LTD, LLC); Russkaya Troyka (IE Boshzhkov O. P.); Russmarket (Rusmarket, LLC); Rus, Rostok and others. (SPK im. Krupskoy); Ryabinka (Ryabinka, CJSC); Sadko (Sadko, LLC); Savva Vodochnikov, Russkaya vodka, Erosey (LVZ Habarovskiy, JSC); Samobranka (Yupiter, LLC); Saharniy Lev (TH ORDM, LLC); Sayus (Kompaniya SAYuS, LLC); Svezhie Produkty, Luchi, Indyushkino (Set Magazinov Svezhie Produkty, LLC (former Alpi, JSC)); Sever, Ekonomka, Nograd, Aquatorium (Aquamarket, LLC); Sezon (Style, LLC); Sezon (Primorskoe, LLC); Sezon, Menahem (TH Menahem, LLC); Semirechye (TH Semirechye, LLC); Sem Klyuchey (TS Sem Klyuchey, JSC); SemYa (Volzhskiy) (SemYa-Market, LLC (Volzhskiy)); SemYa (Magnitogorsk) (SemYa, LLC (Magnitogorsk)); SemYa, EKO (Torgoviy Dom SemYa, LLC); Servis-Byt (Servis-Byt, LLC); Shamsa (Shamsa-Holding, LLC); Simbirka (Maksima-H, LLC); Sintorg (Sintorg, LLC); City Gurme (Market, LLC); Citymarket (Citymarket, LLC); Sytno (TH Sytno(Chelyabinsk)); Citystor (Enka SC, LLC); Sytno (TH Sytno, LLC (Ufa)); Sytno (TH Sytno, LLC (Magnitogorsk)); Slavniy, Slata (Mayak, LLC); Slavyanka (Slavyanka, LLC); Slastena (Ufimskiy Hlebokombinat No.1, JSC); Sloboda, Sloboda Optoviy (Telpas, LLC); Smak (Elinn, LLC); Smak-Gurme (Smak-Gurme, LLC); Solnechniy Krug (TG Solnechniy Krug, LLC and others.); Solnyshko (Solnyshko, LLC); Soltex (Soltex, LLC); Soroka (Soroka Market, LLC); Soroka, Yarmarka (Bolshaya Yarmarka, LLC and others.); Sota (former Intellect Capital/Vtoroy dom LLC) (TH Epsilon, LLC); Socialism (Russkie, LLC); Soyuz (Soyuz-Lastochka, LLC); Soyuz-Servis (Soyuz-Servis, LLC); Stanem Druzyami (Santorg, LLC); Start (TS S, LLC); Status (Status, LLC); Stokmann (Stokmann, CJSC); Stolichniy (Yulena, CJSC); Stomak (Stomak, LLC); Strelets (IE Seredkin V.V.); Supersam (Produktoviy Soyuz, LLC); Super-Siva (Renlund SPb, CJSC); SuperCity, Ananas (Samarskaya Assotsiatsiya Roznichnoy Torgovli, LLC); Sphere Produkty (Sphere-Produkty, LLC); Sphere Market (Sphere Market, CJSC); Tabris (TVK-R, LLC); Tamada (Henry i K, LLC); Tamara (HK Fond, CJSC); Tverprodtorg (Tverprodtorg, JSC); Tvoy Dom (Kroteks, CJSC); TDT (TH Tarasova, LLC); TDM (TH Mikhaylova, LLC); Telex (Telex, LLC (Fedorov M.I., IE)); Teorema (Berkut, LLC); Theresa (RTS Theresa, LLC); Teremok (Rosas, LLC); Tesey (Tesey, LLC); Tehnolog (Tehnolog, LLC); Tihookeanskaya TPK (TTPK, CJSC); Tovarishch, Manera, Spar (Tovarishch, LLC); Torex (Torex, LLC); Tochka (Tochka, LLC); Tral-2 (Tral, LLC); Tri Bogatyrya (Firma Tri Bogatyrya, LLC); Tri Bogatyrya (Azimuth, LLC); Tri Tolstyaka (Firma Tri Tolstyaka, LLC); Troyka, SemYa (Troyka, LLC; Dela, LLC); Troya Plyus (Amforma, LLC; Troada, LLC); TF Industrialnaya (TF Industrialnaya, CJSC); Udachniy (Comfort, LLC); Universal (ORT Universal, JSC); Universam Borisovskiy (Universam Borisovskiy, LLC); Universam Udachnyh Pokupok, Leader Ekonomii, Supermarket, Stolichniy, Bahetle, Pravilnoe Pivo (Capital, LLC; Gorodskaya Set Market, LLC); Unysh (Saf, LLC); Urozhay (Alcomir, LLC); Utkonos, Perekrestok-Ekspress (reverse franchise) (Noviy Impuls-50, LLC); Factoriya (Factoriya, LLC); Fantik (TH Tomilino, CJSC); Fix Price (Best Price, LLC); Fili Universam (TRTS Universam FILI, LLC); Ekonom, Tri Bochki (Grape Market-City); Firmennye Novotritskie Kolbasy (former Ekonom Gastronom) (MD Gastronom, LLC); Flagman (Flagman, LLC); Fortuna Garant (Fortuna Garant, LLC); Fortuna (TH Fortuna Mnogo Drugih); Fresh, Fresh Lite, Nahodka (Evropa, LLC (Sankt-Peterburg)); Foodmarket (Foodmarket, LLC); Hollyfood, Produkty 24 Chasa, Equator, Nizkotsen (Hollyfood, LLC); Horoshee Nastroenie (TH Boston-3, LLC); Holodilnik (Holodilnik, LLC); Tsentrosoyuz (TsentrSoyuz RF); Tsentralniy Gastronom (Tsentralniy Gastronom, CJSC); Tsentrprodservis (Tsentrprodservis, JSC); Tsentrtorg (Tsentrtorg, JSC); Chelny-Hleb (TH Chelny-Hleb, LLC); Cherniy Kot (IE Polyakov V.P.); Chicago (Chicago, LLC); Chkalovskiy (TKTS Chkalovskiy, LLC); Shatlyk (TH URS, LLC); Shubinskiy (Shuba, LLC); Edelweiss (Kazanskiy Torgoviy Dom, JSC); Edem (Edem, LLC); Ekonom (Ekonom, LLC); Ekonomka (Ekonomka, LLC); Ekonomniy magazin (Vyatkarosstroy, LLC); Elect (Elect, LLC); Elbrus (Elbrus, LLC); Essen (Optovik, LLC); Yunmart (Yunmart, LLC); Yabloko (Yabloko-2000, LLC); Yarmarka (Karlugas, LLC; Naturalnye Produkty, LLC); Premier (TH Premier, LLC); Vkusniy Ostrov (GK Vkusniy Ostrov); Garant XXI (Garant XXI Vek, LLC); Druzhba (TK Druzhba, LLC); Exposhop Cash&Carry (Inter MTD, CJSC); Lira (Lira, LLC); Metropolis (GK Metropolis (Parus, LLC; Aktiv, LLC)); Ral (RAL I Ko LTD, CJSC); Semerochka, Temle (Prodtovary, JSC ); Titan (Titan TKPF); Admiral, Desyatochka, Optovik (TH TSVK, LLC); Radost` (Radost`, LLC); Izbenka, VkusVill (Lug da pole, LLC); soseDDushka (IE Pikalov A.A., Sosedushka, LLC); Stolichniy (Vostok, LLC); Kak Syr V Masle (IE Sverdlin A. S.); Samberi (GK Samberi); Semeiniy Capital. Prodovolstvennie Tovary (Semeiniy Capital. Prodovolstvennye Tovary, LLC); Super Good (Dimart, LLC); Kvartal (Kvartal-Tula, LLC); Labyrinth (Labyrinth, LLC); Lyundik (Serpantin, LLC); Miratorg (APH Miratorg (Miratorg, LLC)); Citymarket, Gurman (TK KTK, CJSC); 7 Shagov (no single entity); Saharok, Kuvshinka (Saharok, LLC; Saharok Plus, LLC; Prodmarket, LLC; IE Meshkova O.V.; IE Tihonov S.G.; IE Malov G.I.; Lukoshko, LLC; Brigantina, LLC); Zolotoy Klyuchik (Zolotoy Klyuchik, LLC); Gurman (many (IE Serkova Z.A, Loza, LLC)); Mango (Vaktorg, LLC); Torgovaya Liga (Torgovaya Liga, CJSC); Bimart (Bimart, CJSC); Varyag, Produkty, Sam Kupil (IE Volper A.V.); Bereg (Lion-Trade, LLC); Lavash (PK Lavash, LLC); Extra (Extra, CJSC); Ermak (IE Vdovin V.L., TH Ermak, LLC); Rosvkus (TH OPT, LLC); Alleya (Prodinvest, LLC); Helena (Helena, LLC); Hercules, LLC (Hercules, LLC); Exposhop (Inter MTD, CJSC); Podsolnuh (RN-Moskva, JSC); Sgomon (GK Sgomon); Beryozka (Beryozka-Plus, LLC); Avoska (Kaskad-Trade, LLC); Ya-Lyubimiy (Amatus, CJSC); Onyx (Proizvodstvenno-Kommercheskaya firma Sistema Magazinov ONIX, LLC); Agat Cash&Carry (TH Agat, LLC); Verniy (Tovarishchestvo Svyatogo Ioanna Voina, LLC; Soyuz Svyatogo Ioanna Voina, LLC); K-RUOKA (Kesko Food Rus, LLC); Podsolnuh (Podsolnuh, LLC i dr.); Krasnoe&Beloe (PS Holding); Gorilka; Morkov (Yekaterinburg) (TM-Yekaterinburg, LLC); Lime (Orion, LLC); Helena; Karavay (TH Karavay, LLC; Firma Karavay, LLC); Kuvshinka (TKP Zhemchug, LLC); Strana Kalinka (Market, LLC); Koshelyok (Koshelyok, LLC); Zahoti (Paritet Produkt M, LLC and many IE); Altyn Igen (Altyn Igen, LLC i dr.); Hypermarket Nizkih Tsen (Triumph-plaza, LLC); NovaTor (NovaTor, LLC); Premier, Myasnaya Lavka (Myasnaya Lavka, LLC and others); Baris (Baris Plus, LLC); Shaurskiy, LLC, Berkut, LLC (Santa); KDV Group, LLC (Yarche!) and others.
About 550 FMCG Retail Chains of Russia Database (concise version)

Section 1. Condition of the FMCG retail market in Russia
The main macroeconomical figures of retail trade in Russia and performance indicators of the largest chains
History of development, the current condition and development outlooks for FMCG retail chain trade
Ratings of FMCG chains in terms of operational, financial indicators, logistics and formats
Ratings of FMCG chains in terms of operational, financial indicators, logistics and formats
Rating of FMCG chains in terms of number of stores
Rating of FMCG chains in terms of total trading floorspace
Rating of FMCG chains in terms of net revenue
Rating of chains in terms efficiency indicators
Rating of FMCG chains’ distribution centers in Russia
Rating of FMCG chains of Russia in terms of formats
Section 2. Database of 550 FMCG Chains and 450 Distribution Centers in Russia Federal chains
Chains of Central FD
Chains of North-Western FD
Chains of South FD
Chains of North-Caucasus FD
Chains of Volga FD
Chains of Urals FD
Chains of Siberia FD
Chains of Far East FD
Section 1. Condition of the FMCG retail market in Russia
  • Attractiveness rating of retail markets in developing countries in 2004-2012
  • Level of income and consumption of various commodities in terms of their price brackets in Russia
  • Structure of retail turnover in terms of product groups in 2002-2011
  • Structure of main food commodities sales in 2000-2012
  • Dynamics of main food commodities sales in 2000-2012, index %
  • Turnover of trading organizations and retail markets in 2002-2011
  • Regional structure of retail sales turnover in RF in 2003-2012
  • Main stages of Russian FMCG retail development in 1994-2012
  • Number of stores of the largest FMCG chains during 2005-2012, as of the end of the period, outlets
  • Total trading floorspace of the largest FMCG chains of Russia during 2005-2012, as of the end of the period, thousand square meters
  • Dynamics of floorspace growth among the largest FMCG chains of Russia in 2006-2012, %
  • Dynamics of net revenue (without VAT) of the largest FMCG chains in 2005-2012, billion roubles
  • Dynamics of revenue growth among the largest FMCG chains of Russia in 2006-2012, %
  • Net revenue (without VAT) per one square meter of the trading floorspace of the largest FMCG chains (with revenue above 3 billion roubles) in 2007-2012, thousand US dollars per year
  • Dynamics of net revenue growth (without VAT) per one square meter of trading floorspace among the largest FMCG chains in 2008-2012 (in US dollars), %
  • Description of distribution centers of FMCG retail chains in Russia as of 01 January 2013
  • Description of distribution centers of TOP FMCG retail chains in Russia (with sales over 6 billion roubles) as of 01 January 2013
  • Number, trading floorspace and regional representativeness of hypermarkets of the largest retailers in Russia, as of 01 January 2013
  • Characteristic features of hypermarkets of the largest retailers in Russia, as of 01 January 2013
  • Number, trading floorspace and regional representativeness of supermarkets of the largest retailers in Russia, as of 01 January 2013
  • Characteristic features of supermarkets of the largest retailers in Russia, as of 01 January 2013
  • Number, trading floorspace and regional representativeness of convenience stores (discounters) of the largest Russian retailers (the table contains chains with more than 100 convenience stores (discounters)), as of 01 January 2013
  • Description of convenience stores (discounters) of the largest Russian retailers (the table contains chains with more than 100 convenience stores)
  • Number, trading floorspace and regional representativeness of convenience stores of the largest Russian retailers (table contains chains with more than 100 convenience stores (discounters)), as of 01 January 2013

  • Nominal GDP and retail turnover in RF in 2000-2012
  • Dynamics of Russian retail market attractiveness indicators in 2002-2012
  • Dynamics of real GDP, retail turnover and actual income of population in 1998-2012 and prognosis for 2013-2015
  • Dynamics of the main consumer market indicators in 2005-2012
  • Dynamics of retail turnover in 2005-2012
  • Dynamics of retail turnover in 2000-2012 by commodity types
  • Dynamics of per capita earnings of population in 1992-2011 and prognosis for 2012
  • Dynamics of food commodities sales share in retail turnover in 2005-2012
  • Structure of retail turnover according to groups of commodities in 2008-2012 (by months)
  • Structure of retail turnover according to groups of commodities in 2008-2012 (by months), %
  • Dynamics of retail turnover by individual commodity groups
  • Turnover of trading organizations and retail markets in 2008-2012 (by months)
  • Structure of retail turnover in 2008-2012 (by months), %
  • Structure of retail turnover in 2006-2012 by types of organizations
  • Dynamics of retail turnover in 2003-2012 by regional areas of Russia
  • Dynamics of retail turnover in 2003-2012 by regional areas of Russia
  • Dynamics of the share of 69 regional areas of Russia (except the 11 largest ones) in retail turnover in 2003-2012
  • Structure of retail turnover in 2003 by regional areas of Russia
  • Structure of retail turnover in 2011 by regional areas of Russia
  • Structure of retail turnover in 2011 by regional areas of Russia
  • Structure of retail turnover in 2012 by regional areas of Russia
  • Number of regional areas with positive dynamics of their retail turnover in physical terms vs. the similar period of the previous year
  • Dynamics of retail turnover in 2003-2012 by federal districts
  • Structure of retail turnover in 2003 by federal districts
  • Structure of retail turnover in 2011 by federal districts
  • Structure of retail turnover in 2011 by federal districts
  • Structure of retail turnover in 2012 by federal districts
  • Share of modern formats in food commodities retail turnover in 2002-2012
  • Floorspace of FMCG retail outlets by types of trade in Russia in 2002-2012, prognosis for 2013-2014, million square meters
  • Floorspace of FMCG retail outlets by types of trade in Russia in 2002-2012, prognosis for 2013-2014, %
  • Floorspace of modern format FMCG retail outlets in Russia in 2002-2012, prognosis for 2013-2014, million square meters
  • Floorspace growth rates of modern format FMCG retail outlets in Russia in 2003-2012, prognosis for 2013-2014, %
  • Floorspace of traditional format FMCG retail outlets in Russia in 2002-2012, prognosis for 2013-2014, million square meters
  • Floorspace growth rates of traditional format FMCG retail outlets in Russia in 2003-2012, prognosis for 2013-2014, %
  • Growth rates of FMCG retail outlets floorspace in Russia in 2003-2012 (annual average) and in 2012.
  • Number of modern format FMCG outlets in Russia in 2002-2012 and prognosis for 2013-2014
  • Growth rates of modern format FMCG outlets number in Russia in 2003-2012 and prognosis for 2013-2014
  • Number of traditional format FMCG outlets in Russia in 2002-2012 and prognosis for 2013-2014
  • Growth rates of traditional format FMCG outlets number in Russia in 2003-2012 and prognosis for 2013-2014
  • Sales of food commodities by types of retail outlets in Russia in 2002-2012, prognosis for 2013-2014
  • Sales of food commodities by types of retail outlets in Russia in 2002-2012, prognosis for 2013-2014
  • Food commodities sales revenue among modern format FMCG outlets in Russia in 2002-2012, prognosis for 2013-2014
  • Food commodities sales revenue growth rates among modern format FMCG outlets in Russia in 2003-2012, prognosis for 2013-2014
  • Food commodities sales revenue growth rates among FMCG outlets in Russia in 2003-2011 (annual average in rouble terms) and in 2012
  • Food commodities sales revenue among traditional format FMCG outlets in Russia in 2002-2012, prognosis for 2013-2014
  • Growth rates of traditional format FMCG outlets revenue in Russia in 2003-2012 and prognosis for 2013-2014
  • Dynamics of sales per one square meter of floorspace in terms of formats in 2002-2012, thousand roubles
  • Dynamics of sales per one square meter of floorspace in terms of formats in 2002-2012, thousand US dollars
  • Dynamics of sales per one square meter of floorspace terms of formats in 2002-2012, thousand roubles
  • Dynamics of sales per one square meter of floorspace terms of formats in 2002-2012, thousand US dollars
  • Dynamics of sales per one square meter of floorspace in roubles in terms of formats in 2003-2012, %
  • Dynamics of sales per one square meter of floorspace in US dollars in terms of formats in 2003-2012, %
  • DC floorspace among retail chains (with revenue over 6 billion roubles) in Russia per trading floorspace of chains as of 01 January2013
  • Supply centralization level among the largest FMCG retail chains in Russia in 2008-2012 and prognosis till 2016, %
  • Number of employees per one thousand square meters of retailers floorspace in Russia in 2012
  • Number of employees per one thousand square meters of floorspace among international retailers


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10.04 06:33

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10.04 11:20

10.04 11:17

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