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"The Shopping Centers Market in 32 Cities and Regional Areas of Russia, Results of 2011 and Prognosis till 2015".

"The Shopping Centers Market in 32 Cities and Regional Areas of Russia, Results of 2011 and Prognosis till 2015".

  • Дата выхода : 11.10.2012
  • Кол-во стр: 237
  • Язык отчета: English
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  • Стоимость: 60 000 руб со скидкой: 48 000 руб.
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About the Shopping Centers Market in 32 cities and Regional Areas of Russia, Results of 2011 and Prognosis till 2015 Research The Shopping Centers Market in 32 Cities and Regional Areas of Russia, Results of 2011 and Prognosis till 2015 Research contains description of the commercial real estate market conditions in 32 cities and regional areas of Russia, the comparative analysis of the shopping centers market in 32 cities and regional areas of Russia, as well as the prognosis for the Russian shopping centers market development till 2015 and description of the key trends during 2011-2012. At the same time the specialists of INFOLine IA ranked the cities of Russia according to total and rentable floorspace at shopping centers, as well as according to per capita saturation with total floorspace in shopping centers. As the information base for the Research there was used a unique data base of Russian shopping centers, both existing and in the process of construction, which includes over 2200 entries.
The Shopping Centers Market in 32 cities and Regional Areas of Russia, Results of 2011 and Prognosis till 2015 presents a brief description of retail trade in Russia according to segments (FMCG, DIY and Household, Home Appliances and Electronics, Fashion and others), including the dynamics of retail trade turnover, the market shares of the major retailers from INFOLINE RETAILER RUSSIA TOP-100.
The Shopping Centers Market in 32 Cities and Regional Areas of Russia, Results of 2011 and Prognosis till 2015 Research includes the following sections:
    Section I. Main key figures of the economy and retail trade in Russia, where the specialists of INFOLine IA present an integrated description of the overall conditions of economics, retail trade and commercial real estate markets. Section II. Survey of the retail trade market according to segments (FMCG, home appliances and electronics, DIY and household goods, mobile phones, pharmaceuticals, perfumery and cosmetics, fashion and children’s goods), for each of them the description contains the market volume dynamics, TOP-100 rating structure according to the volume of trading floorspace and sales revenue, the analysis of the market development trends and the share of the largest retailers in the total retail trade volume of the segment.
  • Section III. Condition of shopping centers market in cities of Russia, which contains analysis of the overall condition of the shopping centers market in 32 cities and regional areas of Russia, comparative analysis of floorspace commissioning in cities of Russia, estimation of the cities saturation with floorspace in shopping centers per 1000 residents, description of trends and development outlooks for shopping centers market in Russia.
  • Section IV. Rating of 30 largest owners of shopping centers in Russia, which includes a rank rating and a rating in terms of total and rentable floorspace of 30 largest companies-owners of commercial real estate in Russia, as well as a look-ahead rating of TOP-30 owners of commercial real estate for 2012 and 2015. The ratings were built on the basis of the shopping centers data base, composed by specialists of INFOLine IA, which includes over 1700 operating multifunctional and shopping complexes as well as over 550 units under construction.
  • Section V. Business environment of M&A market of Russia in the segment of commercial real estate, which includes survey of the main trends and analysis of the basic indexes of M&A market (number of the largest M&A transactions, average transactions volume, dynamics of transactions volume of the largest transactions), description of the main development stages of the market, description of the largest transactions in the segment of purchase and sale of operating commercial real estate facilities and those being built (together with the transaction date, the purchaser and seller, location and floorspace of the unit, transaction’s sum and brief description) and estimation of development outlooks for M&A market in Russia.
  • Section VI. Conditions of commercial real estate market in each of 32 cities and regional areas of RF, which describes the business environment of the commercial real estate market individually for each of 32 cities and regional areas of the Research (Moscow and Moscow region, St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, Novosibirsk and Novosibirsk region, Yekaterinburg and Sverdlovsk region, Nizhniy Novgorod and Nizhniy Novgorod region, Samara, Tolyatti and Samara region, Kazan, Naberezhnye Chelny and Republic of Tatarstan, Omsk and Omsk region, Chelyabinsk and Chelyabinsk region, Rostov-on-Don and Rostov region, Ufa and Republic of Bashkortostan, Volgograd and Volgograd region, Perm and Perm Territory, Krasnoyarsk and Krasnoyarsk Territory, Voronezh and Voronezh region, Krasnodar and Krasnodar Territory, Izhevsk and Republic of Udmurtia, Lipetsk and Lipetsk region, Stavropol and Stavropol Territory, Yaroslavl and Yaroslavl region, Irkutsk and Irkutsk region, Khabarovsk and Khabarovsk Territory, Vladivostok and Primorye Territory, Orenburg and Orenburg region, Kemerovo, Novokuznetsk and Kemerovo region, Astrakhan and Astrakhan region). Individual cities sections contain the following subsections:
    • Overall condition of the commercial real estate market, which presents dynamics of shopping centers floorspace commissioning, description of each city’s specific features.
    • The major shopping centers of the regional area, their description includes the location of shopping centers, total and rentable floorspace, owners of the shopping centers and commissioning date
It is important to note that the analysts of INFOLine IA composed INFOLine Developer Russia TOP-100, a rating of 100 largest owners of shopping centers in Russia. To this purpose they analyzed over 1500 operating and over 700 being built shopping and multifunctional centers in all cities of Russia with population over 100 thousand people. As the result of polling and questionnaire survey, INFOLine IA obtained factual data regarding 450 owners of shopping and multifunctional centers, which were ranked according to the volume of their rentable trading floorspace and 100 largest owners were included into INFOLine Developer Russia TOP-100. The Shopping Centers Market in 32 Cities and Regional Areas of Russia, Results of 2011 and Prognosis till 2015 presents TOP-30 of the largest owners of shopping centers in Russia.
Besides, INFOLine Developer Russia TOP-100 research contains the following: business references on TOP-35 largest owners of shopping centers, in-depth analysis of shopping centers market of 32 cities and regional areas of RF, including indexes of saturation with trading floorspace in the regional area, rating of the largest owners in the regional area and their description, the list of shopping centers being built and prognosis for their commissioning till 2015. The section of M&A deals contains a complete list of transactions at the commercial real estate market for 2005-2012 (1st quarter).
In the context of preparation of the Shopping Centers Market in 32 Cities and Regional Areas of Russia, Results of 2011 and Prognosis till 2015 research the specialists of INFOLine IA composed a data base of operating and being built shopping centers , which includes the following information:
  • designation of the shopping center;
  • commissioning deadline;
  • type of the shopping center;
  • total floor space;
  • rentable floor space ;
  • number of storeys;
  • parking;
  • address of the shopping or multifunctional center;
  • administration contacts;
  • managing company contacts;
  • contacts of the owner-company (or developer) and broker.
In the context of preparation of the Market Shopping Centers in 32 Cities and Regional Areas of Russia, Results of 2011 and Prognosis till 2015 Research the specialists of INFOLine IA made use of the following data:
  • questionnaire survey, through which there were obtained factual data regarding 500 owners of shopping centers in 120 cities of Russia, which were ranked according to the volume of total and rentable trading floorspace in their ownership;
  • interview with representatives of developers, about 400 representatives of shopping centers under construction and 500 representatives of operating shopping centers were questioned;
  • reports of consulting firms (Jones Lang LaSalle, Astera, Colliers International, Becar, GVA Sawyer, Maris Properties and others), materials of developers and managing companies (press-releases, web-sites content, annual and quarterly reports, mass media publications);
  • data from Federal State Statistics Service, Federal Antimonopoly Service, Ministry of Economy Development as well as information from regional government authorities (Ministry of Economy, departments of consumer market development);
  • Branch news of trade-administrative construction in RF and the archive of materials that had accumulated since 2001 on the subject of Construction and Retail chains, as well as mass media materials (printed press, electronic mass media, federal and regional information agencies, materials from retail chains and supplying companies: press-releases, web-sites materials, reports and investment memorandums). The Shopping Centers Market in 32 Cities and Regional Areas of Russia, Results of 2011 and Prognosis till 2015 Research is intended for quick familiarizing with and superficial comparative analysis of shopping centers markets in regional areas of RF. The Research makes it possible to solve quite a number of problems, which would take to much time to solve using internal resources (the development department of a retail chain or the marketing department of a developing company or an owner of commercial real estate) or would be too costly: ranking and comparison of regional areas in terms of saturation with floorspace at shopping centers, as well as estimation of the investment attractiveness of each of 32 cities and regional areas for implementation of development projects; search for potential partners, as well as formation of the potential partners and competitors data base;
  • competitive analysis.
The end-users of the Shopping Centers Market in 32 Cities and Regional Areas of Russia, Results of 2011 and Prognosis till 2015 Research could be as follows:
  • business development departments and management of retail chains in different segments (FMCG, home appliances and electronics, DIY, fashion etc.);
  • developers and managing companies, operating at the commercial real estate market;
  • sales departments of companies rendering services for shopping centers (equipment, software, engineering communication systems etc.);
  • consulting companies, operating at the commercial real estate market;
  • financial companies: banks, investment companies, international and Russian investment funds.
  • The distinctive features of the Shopping Centers Market in 32 Cities and Regional Areas of Russia, Results of 2011 and Prognosis till 2015 Research are as follows:
    • rating of TOP-30 owners of commercial real estate, which includes a ranked rating and an operational rating (total and rentable floorspace);
    • comparative analysis of shopping centers market in each of 32 cities and regional areas of RF, which shape over 80% of the total supply of shopping centers floorspace in Russia;
    • fundamental information base of the Research: data base of shopping centers of Russia, composed by the specialists of INFOLine IA, which covers over 1700 operating and more than 550 being built multifunctional and shopping complexes;
    Besides the Shopping Centers Market in 32 Cities and Regional Areas of Russia, Results of 2011 and Prognosis till 2015 Research INFOLine IA presents a number of similar information products:
    • In the first quarter of 2011 – Shopping Centers Market in 24 Cities and Regional Areas of Russia, Results of 2010 and Prognosis till 2013 Research, which characterizes trends and development outlooks for the shopping centers market in Russia, contains analysis of the overall conditions of shopping centers market in 22 cities of Russia (including 2 cities-regional areas: Moscow and St. Petersburg) and 2 regional areas of Russia (Moscow and Leningrad regions).
    • In the first quarter of 2011– Hypermarkets Segment in 24 Cities and Regional Areas of Russia Research, which contains analysis of the overall condition of hypermarket segment in 22 cities of Russia (including two cities-regional areas: Moscow and St. Petersburg) and 2 regional areas (excluding Moscow and St. Petersburg), describes conditions of the retail market in Russia as a whole, the development and conditions of hypermarket format in and the overall business environment in the hypermarket segment, it also introduces a data base of 470 operating FMCG hypermarket chains of Russia.
    • In second quarter of 2011–INFOLine Retailer Russia TOP-100 Research, which presents dynamics of key performance figures of retail trade in RF, dynamics of key performance figures of TOP-100 retailers, surveys of such markets as FMCG, home appliances and electronics, DIY and household goods, mobile phones, pharmacies, perfumery and cosmetics, fashion and children’s goods. The Research also contains structured information on development of retail chains, M&A deals, operational results and investment plans.
    • In the first quarter of 2012–INFOLine Developer Russia TOP-100 Research, which describes the conditions of commercial real estate market of Russia in 32 cities and regional areas, it also contains comparative analysis of shopping centers market in 32 cities and regional areas of Russia, the prognosis for development of Russian market of shopping centers till 2015 and the Rating of 100 largest owners of shopping centers in Russia - INFOLine Developer Russia TOP-100. Also the specialists of INFOLine IA ranked the cities of Russia according to the volume of total and rentable floorspace in shopping centers, as well as according to the level of per capita saturation with total floorspace in shopping centers. As its information basis the Research makes use of the unique data base of operating and being built shopping centers of Russia, which contains more than 2300 entries.
    • In the first quarter of 2012 – Construction Industry of Russia: Housing, Commercial, Industrial, Infrastructure and Road Construction Research, which provides analysis of the main trends of the construction industry in Russia, dynamics and geographical structure of the main performance indexes of housing, commercial and administrative, industrial, infrastructure and road construction. It also contains the analysis of investment activities in the construction industry of RF, analysis of operational activities of the largest companies – the leaders of various construction market segments (housing, commercial and administrative, road and infrastructure construction). Besides the Research includes key indexes and trends in the segments of construction materials industry (cement, bricks, aggregates etc.).
    • In the first quarter of 2012 – DIY Retail Trade in Russia, Results of 2011 and Prognosis till 2015 Research, with description of the current condition and development outlooks for DIY and household goods retail trade in Russia, description of main trends and key operational indexes of DIY and household goods retail chains development, rating of the largest DIY and household goods chains, business references on TOP-20 of the largest DIY and household goods retailers of Russia, as well as a data base of 170 DIY and household goods retailers of Russia.
    • In the second half of 2012 – FMCG Retail Trade in Russia, Trends of 2011 and Prognosis till 2015 Research, in which INFOLine IA aggregates its total experience of many years of research in the retail trade in Russia, which also includes a prognosis for macroeconomic indexes of Russia, description of the current condition and development prognosis for retail trade in Russia, evaluation of the main aspects of the state regulation of trade and the Act On Principles of State Regulation of Trade Operations in RF, description of the main tendencies and key operational indexes of FMCG retail chains development, detailed business-references on TOP-10 largest retailers of Russia and 77 FMCG retailers of the second echelon, analysis of development and outlooks of various retail formats, analysis of the economic and retail trade situation, condition of retail trade in 30 regional areas.
    About the Shopping Centers Market in 32 cities and Regional Areas of Russia, Results of 2011 and Prognosis till 2015 Research 3
    Key figures of economics and retail trade in Russia

    Macroeconomical key figures of Russia
    Consumer demand dynamics
    Macroeconomical figures of the retail trade
    Structure of retail trade sales turnover according to types of commodities
    Structure of retail trade sales turnover according to types of trading businesses
    Regional structure of retail trade sales turnover
    Performance dynamics of the largest retailers and market segments
    Situation at FMCG retail market
    Market situation in DIY retail segment
    Situation at the retail market of home appliances and electronics, computers and mobile devices
    Home appliances and electronics market
    Mobile phones market
    Computer hardware market
    Situation at pharmaceutical retail market
    Situation at fashion retail market
    Situation at cosmetics and perfumery retail market
    History and development stages of the Russian shopping centers market
    Analysis of Russian shopping centers market condition
    Dynamics of trading floorspace commissioning in the cities of Russia
    Saturation with floorspace in shopping centers in cities of Russia
    Prognosis of Russian shopping centers market performance figures

    Rating of the largest commercial real estate owners in Russia
    Positions of the largest commercial real estate market players
    Ranked rating of the largest shopping centers owners of Russia
    Rating of the largest commercial real estate owners in Russia in 2009-2011
    Prognosis for TOP-30 rating of the largest commercial real estate owners of Russia in 2012 and 2015

    M&A market environment in Russia in the segment of commercial real estate
    Main key figures and trends of M&A market
    Stages of M&A market development
    Description of M&A transactions at the commercial real estate market of Russia in 2005-2011
    Functioning shopping centers M&A deals inм Russia
    Uncompleted shopping centers M&A deals in Russia
    Development outlooks for M&A market in the segment of shopping centers of Russia

    Shopping centers market situation in each of 32 cities and regional areas of Russia
    Shopping centers market situation in Krasnodar
    Shopping centers market situation in Yekaterinburg
    Shopping centers market situation in Ufa
    Shopping centers market situation in Voronezh
    Shopping centers market situation in Samara
    Shopping centers market situation in Yaroslavl
    Shopping centers market situation in Kazan
    Shopping centers market situation in Orenburg
    Shopping centers market situation in Moscow
    Shopping centers market situation in Moscow region
    Shopping centers market situation in Astrakhan
    Shopping centers market situation in Chelyabinsk
    Shopping centers market situation in St. Petersburg
    Shopping centers market situation in Leningrad region
    Shopping centers market situation in Novosibirsk
    Shopping centers market situation in Rostov-on-Don
    Shopping centers market situation in Nizhniy Novgorod
    Shopping centers market situation in Kemerovo
    Shopping centers market situation in Lipetsk
    Shopping centers market situation in Omsk
    Shopping centers market situation in Perm
    Shopping centers market situation in Irkutsk
    Shopping centers market situation in Volgograd
    Shopping centers market situation in Izhevsk
    Shopping centers market situation in Krasnoyarsk
    Shopping centers market situation in Saratov
    Shopping centers market situation in Vladivostok
    Shopping centers market situation in Stavropol
    Shopping centers market situation in Khabarovsk

    The list of graphs and tables Section I. Main key figures of the economy and retail trade in Russia

    • Dynamics of key figures of economy in Russia in 2002-2011, %
    • Dynamics of GDP growth in Russia in 2003-2011 and prognosis for 2012-2014 in % against previous year
    • Dynamics of investments into basic capital in Russia in 2003-2011 and prognosis for 2012-2014 in % against previous year
    • Dynamics of actual wages and actual earnings of population in 2000-2011, %
    • Dynamics of actual wages and actual earnings of population in 2007-2011, %
    • Dynamics of nominal accrued wages and per capita earnings of population in 2000-2011, thousand roubles
    • Structure of population’s cash earnings by sources in 2000-2011, %
    • Structure of population’s cash earnings usage in 2000-2011, %
    • Actual earnings of population growth rates in 2006-2012, % vs. similar period of prev. year
    • Actual wages growth rates in 2006-2012, % vs. similar period of prev. year
    • Volume of natural persons’ deposits and credits in 2007-2011 in roubles and foreign currency, billion roubles
    • Volume of natural persons’ deposits and credits in 2007-2011 in roubles and foreign currency, % vs. Jan. 2007
    • Consumer confidence index in Russia in 2000-2011
    • Consumers’ estimation of economic situation in Russia in 2000-2011
    • Consumers’ estimation of personal financial condition in Russia in 2000-2011
    • Consumers’ estimation of current condition in Russia in 2000-2011
    • Index of daily consumer spendings in February 2008-2012, % vs. February of previous year
    • Dynamics of households’ average spendings on FMCG, % vs. January 2008
    • Dynamics of households’ average spendings оn FMCG, % vs. January 2008
    • Dynamics of key consumer market figures in 2005-2011, % vs. similar period of previous year
    • Dynamics of retail trade and monetary stock turnover in 2005-2011, billion roubles
    • Dynamics of food commodities share in retail turnover in 2005-2012, %
    • Structure of retail turnover formation in 2006-2011, by types of businesses, %
    • Dynamics of retail markets number in RF and their share in retail turnover in 2001-2011
    • Structure of retail turnover by federal districts of RF in 2011, %
    • Structure of retail turnover by RF territorial subjects in 2011, %
    • Dynamics of shares of 69 regional areas of Russia (except 11 largest) in retail trade turnover in 2003-2011, %
    • Retail trade turnover growth by districts in 2007 - 2011, in % vs. corresponding period of previous year, in comparable prices
    • Number of regional areas with positive dynamics of retail trade turnover in physical terms vs. similar period of prev. year
    • Dynamics of GDP, domestic and external demand, % vs. previous year
    • GDP structure in terms of economic activity types in 2006-2011 and prognosis for 2012-2014, %
    • Dynamics of retail trade turnover in Russia in 2006-2012
    • Structure of sales turnover in retail trade according to groups of commodities in 2002-2011
    • Sales turnover of trading businesses and markets in 2002-2011, billion roubles
    • Regional structure of retail trade sales turnover of RF in 2003-2011, %
    Survey of retail trade market in Russia according to its segments

    • Nominal GDP and retail trade turnover in RF in 2000-2011, billion USD
    • Dynamics of retail trade turnover in physical terms by types of goods in 2000-2011, %
    • Rating of countries by FMCG retail trade turnover in 2011, billion US dollars
    • Dynamics of food retail trade turnover in RF in 2005-2011 and prognosis for 2012
    • Dynamics of food retail trade turnover in RF in 2005-2011 and prognosis for 2012
    • Revenue per one square meter of trading floorspace of FMCG chains in TOP rating of FMCG chains in 2010-2011, thousand US dollars
    • Rating of countries by DIY retail trade turnover in 2010 (Russia – data for 2011), billion US dollars
    • Dynamics of DIY retail trade turnover in RF in 2005-2011 and prognosis for 2012, billion roubles
    • Dynamics of DIY retail trade turnover in RF in 2005-2011 and prognosis for 2012, billion US dollars
    • Revenue per one square meter of trading floorspace of major DIY chains in 2010-2011, thousand US dollars
    • Dynamics of home appliances and electronics retail trade turnover in RF in 2006-2011 and prognosis for 2012
    • Dynamics of home appliances and electronics retail trade turnover in RF in 2006-2011 and prognosis for 2012
    • Dynamics of home appliances and electronics retail trade turnover by types of goods in 2008-2011, billion roubles
    • Structure of home appliances and electronics sales by main segments in 2008-2011, %
    • Revenue per one square meter of trading floorspace of home appliances and electronics sales chains rating in 2009-2011, thousand US dollars
    • Number of shopping facilities of mobile phones chains in Russia as of 01 January 2011
    • Revenue per one square meter of trading floorspace of mobile device chains rating in 2009-2010, thousand US dollars
    • Dynamics of computers retail trade turnover in RF in 2006-2010, roubles
    • Dynamics of computers retail trade turnover in RF in 2006-2010, dollars
    • Revenue per one square meter of trading floorspace of computer hardware chains rating in 2009-2010, thousand US dollars
    • Dynamics of pharmaceuticals market capacity in Russia (commercial segment and government order) in 2000-2010, billion roubles
    • Dynamics of pharmaceuticals market capacity in Russia (commercial segment and government order) in 2000-2010, billion US dollars
    • Revenue per one square meter of trading floorspace of pharmacy chains rating in 2009-2010, thousand US dollars
    • Dynamics of clothing retail trade in RF in 2005-2010, roubles
    • Dynamics of clothing retail trade in RF in 2005-2010, dollars
    • Revenue per one square meter of trading floorspace of chains rating segment of clothing, footwear and sporting goods in 2009-2010, thousand US dollars
    • Dynamics of perfumery and cosmetics retail turnover in RF in 2005-2010, roubles
    • Dynamics of perfumery and cosmetics retail turnover in RF in 2005-2010, dollars
    • Retail trade sales turnover structure in 2000-2011 and representativeness of retailers in TOP-100 rating (according to results of 2010 )
    • Rating of the largest FMCG retailers of Russia according to sales revenue in 2009-2011, billion roubles without VAT
    • Rating of the largest DIY retailers of Russia according to sales revenue in 2009-2011, billion roubles without VAT
    • Rating of the largest home appliances and electronics retailers of Russia according to sales revenue in 2009-2011, billion roubles without VAT
    • Rating of the largest retailers (without franchisees) at the mobile devices market of Russia according to sales revenue in 2009-2010, billion roubles without VAT
    • Rating of the largest retailers at the computer hardware market of Russia according to sales revenue in 2008-2010, billion roubles without VAT
    • Leaders among the pharmaceuticals chains in the commercial segment of pharmaceuticals retail market (not considering government contracts)
    • Rating of the largest retailers at pharmaceuticals market of Russia according to sales revenue in 2008-2010, billion roubles without VAT
    • Rating of the largest retailers in the segment of clothing, footwear and sporting goods in Russia in terms of sales revenue in 2008-2010, billion roubles without VAT
    • Rating of the largest retailers at perfumery and cosmetics market of Russia according to sales revenue in 2008-2010, billion roubles without VAT
    Condition of the shopping centers market in Russia

    • Dynamics of non-residential buildings construction volumes in Russia in 2003-2011 (data for 2011 were corrected), million square meters
    • Average floorspace and construction volumes of commercial buildings, commissioned in Russia in 2003-2011
    • Dynamics of number and floorspace of commercial buildings commissioned in RF in 2003-2011, % vs. prev. year
    • Structure of population size of RF by regional areas in 2003-2010%
    • Dynamics of retail turnover volumes in RF in 2004-2010 by regional areas, trillion roubles
    • Dynamics of commercial buildings and shopping centers commissioning in RF in 2004-2011
    • Dynamics of shopping centers total floorspace commissioning in 30 cities of Russia in 2004-2011 and prognosis for 2012, thousand square meters
    • Dynamics of shopping and shopping-recreational centers total floorspace commissioning in 30 cities of RF till 2011, thousand square meters
    • Dynamics of shopping and shopping-recreational centers floorspace commissioning in 30 cities in RF till 2003-2011, thousand square meters per one thousand people
    • Dynamics of shopping and shopping-recreational centers floorspace commissioning
    • Saturation with floorspace in shopping centers in 30 cities of RF (size of area depends on the size of trading floorspace in shopping centers)
    • Dynamics of shopping and shopping-recreational centers floorspace commissioning in cities of the 1st quadrant, on an accrual basis, thousand square meters per one thousand people
    • Dynamics of shopping and shopping recreational centers floorspace commissioning in cities of the 2nd quadrant, on an accrual basis, thousand square meters per one thousand people
    • Dynamics of shopping and shopping recreational centers floorspace commissioning in cities of the 3d quadrant, on an accrual basis, thousand square meters per one thousand people
    • Dynamics of shopping and shopping recreational centers floorspace commissioning in cities of the 4th quadrant, on an accrual basis, thousand square meters per one thousand people
    • Dynamics of shopping centers total floorspace commissioning in 30 cities and 2 regional areas of RF in 2004-2011 and prognosis till 2015, thousand square meters
    • Dynamics of shopping centers total floorspace commissioning in 30 cities of Russia RF in 2004-2011 and prognosis till 2012, thousand square meters.
    • Main stages of commercial real estate format development in 1990s - 2011
    • General description of MEGA shopping centers
    • Shopping centers in 32 cities and regional areas of Russia, expected to be commissioned in second-third quarters of 2012
    • Shopping centers in 32 cities and regional areas of Russia, scheduled to be commissioned in the fourth quarter of 2012
    • The largest shopping and recreation center among 32 cities of this Research, commissioned in the first quarter of 2012
    Rating of the largest commercial real estate owners in Russia

    • Distribution of the largest owners share in total supply of trading floorspace in terms of companies’ number according to results of 2011
    • Structure of trading floorspace supply of 30 largest owners of commercial real estate of Russia by regional areas according to results of 2011, %
    • Total and rentable trading floorspace of TOP-30 owners of commercial real estate of Russia according to results of 2011, thousand square meters
    • Weighted average rent rates at shopping centers of the largest commercial real estate owners of Russia according to results of 2011, roubles per one square meter a month
    • Weighted average rent rates at shopping centers of the largest commercial real estate owners in 2010 and 2011, roubles per one square meter a month
    • Regional representativeness of TOP-30 owners of shopping centers in RF by regional areas of this Research
    • Quantitative criteria for attribution of facilities to shopping centers depending on the cities of allocation
    • Structure of INFOLine Developer Russia TOP-100 by types of companies
    • Ranked rating of TOP-30 commercial real estate owners of Russia according to results of 2011
    • TOP-100 rating of commercial real estate owners in Russia by total and rentable floorspace in 2009-2011
    • Prognosis for TOP-30 rating of the largest commercial real estate owners of Russia in 2012 and 2015
    • Prognosis for TOP-30 rating of the largest commercial real estate owners of Russia for 2015
    M&A market environment in Russia in the segment of commercial real estate

    • Structure of investment into commercial real estate in Europe by countries in 2011, million Euros
    • Number of largest M&A transactions and average transaction volume in commercial real estate segment, 2005-2011
    • Dynamics of largest M&A transactions volume in commercial real estate segment, 2005-2011
    • Dynamics of largest M&A transactions volume in completed commercial real estate projects segment, 2005-2011
    • Main stages of M&A market development in commercial real estate segment in 2005 – 2011
    • Major M&A deals in functioning shopping centers segment in Russia in 2005-2011
    • Major M&A deals among being built and design engineered shopping centers of Russia in 2005-2011
    • Debt recoveries in the segment of commercial real estate in 2008-2011
    Shopping centers market situation in each of 32 cities and regional areas of Russia Conditions of commercial real estate market in each of 32 cities and regional areas of RF, which describes the business environment of the commercial real estate market individually for each of 32 cities and regional areas of the Research (Moscow and Moscow region, St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, Novosibirsk and Novosibirsk region, Yekaterinburg and Sverdlovsk region, Nizhniy Novgorod and Nizhniy Novgorod region, Samara, Tolyatti and Samara region, Kazan, Naberezhnye Chelny and Republic of Tatarstan, Omsk and Omsk region, Chelyabinsk and Chelyabinsk region, Rostov-on-Don and Rostov region, Ufa and Republic of Bashkortostan, Volgograd and Volgograd region, Perm and Perm Territory, Krasnoyarsk and Krasnoyarsk Territory, Voronezh and Voronezh region, Krasnodar and Krasnodar Territory, Izhevsk and Republic of Udmurtia, Lipetsk and Lipetsk region, Stavropol and Stavropol Territory, Yaroslavl and Yaroslavl region, Irkutsk and Irkutsk region, Khabarovsk and Khabarovsk Territory, Vladivostok and Primorye Territory, Orenburg and Orenburg region, Kemerovo, Novokuznetsk and Kemerovo region, Astrakhan and Astrakhan region). Description of each of the following cities in graphs and tables.

    • Dynamics of total floorspace of shopping centers in cities of Russia in 2006 and in 2011, square meters per thousand people
    • Dynamics of retail trade turnover in cities of Russia in 2006 and in 2010, thousand roubles per one square meter of total floorspace in shopping centers
    • Saturation with floorspace in shopping centers in the city (size of area depends on the size of trading floorspace in shopping centers)
    • Dynamics of total floorspace in shopping centers of the city in 2003-2011, ths. sq. m. as of the year’s end
    • Dynamics of rentable floorspace in shopping centers of the city in 2003-2011, ths. sq. m. as of the year’s end
    • Dynamics of per capita saturation with total trading floorspace in the city in 2003-2011, sq. m./ths. People
    • Dynamics of per capita saturation with rentable floorspace in the city in 2003-2011, sq. m./ths. People
    • Dynamics of shopping centers number in the city in 2003-2011
    • Main stages of commercial real estate market development in the 1990s – 2011 гг.
    • The largest operating shopping centers, opened in 2003-2011 гг;


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    ИНФОЛайн тел. +7(812)3226848 Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ ИА №ФС77-37500 от 15.09.2009 г. Роскомнадзор Москва

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