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Research "Russian shipbuilding industry analysis. Results of 2018. Forecast up to 2025"

Research "Russian shipbuilding industry analysis. Results of 2018. Forecast up to 2025"

  • Дата выхода : 01.08.2019
  • Кол-во стр: 91
  • Язык отчета: English
  • Демо-версия: Загрузить
  • Презентация: Скачать
  • Стоимость: 80 000 руб   954 USD   884 EUR
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Сomprehensive analysis of the current state of Russian shipbuilding industry; formation of long-term forecasts of industry development and overall demand for products of various shipbuilding segments.

We recommend:

The analytical database "Orders for building of ships at Russian shipyards: Results of 2018-2019" to model effective interaction between companies of shipbuilding industry; Industry News: "Shipbuilding industry of the Russian Federation and CIS countries" for regular monitoring of the most important events in the shipbuilding industry.

Research use:

Benchmarking, analysis of competitors and partners, marketing and strategic planning, searching for customers and partners, preparation for negotiations.

Research time framework:

Indicators of the industry since 2011, results of 2018 (dynamics and volumes of construction and repair of vessels at the enterprises of Russia, operational and financial indicators of the largest shipbuilding companies), forecast up to 2025 (basic factors of the market, volumes of construction and repair of vessels, tendencies of development of regional clusters).

Research schedule: H1 2019 (the previous version of Research "Russian shipbuilding industry" was published in Q1 2018)

Research advantages:

analysis of Russian shipbuilding and ship repair market; coverage of civil and military shipbuilding (including military exports); research base is a monthly updated and replenished analytical database of orders for the construction of ships at Russian shipyards (data on customers, contractors, technical and cost characteristics of ships and the current status for each of these projects), as well as an unique set of theme-based news "Shipbuilding industry of the Russian Federation and CIS countries".

Resources: 180 person/days (around $ 11 thsd)

Research objectives and structure by sections:

Section I. State and Prospects of the Civil Fleet: brief description of the main groups of vessels (marine fleet, river fleet, fishing fleet, development of the continental shelf, prospective costs for the development of civil marine equipment and shipbuilding).

Section II. State of the State-Owned Navy and Civil Fleet: key features and structure of the Russian Navy (submarine fleet of the Russian Navy, surface fleet of the Russian Navy), military-technical cooperation program, icebreaker fleet (navigation in high latitudes, nuclear icebreakers, diesel icebreakers, LNG icebreakers), research vessels.

Section III. State Support for Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering Development: programs and measures of the state support in the sphere of civil shipbuilding, in the sphere of fishing fleet renewal and construction, measures to promote the Commercial Fleet under the flag of the Russian Federation

Section IV. Civil Shipbuilding Development Forecast: analysis of the factors influencing the state and development of the industry, possible consequences of the application of the law on state support of shipbuilding and shipping; quantitative forecast of the construction of ships at Russian shipyards (special vessels and facilities, sea and river transport vessels, auxiliary vessels, fishing fleet, research fleet).

Section V. Rating of Leading Shipbuilding Companies: rating by finance indicators (revenue comparison, gross profit and net profit comparison, EBITDA comparison, debt load comparison), rating by delivered vessel characteristics, rating according to order portfolio characteristics.

References: INFOLine has offered customized research and issued independent studies on the shipbuilding and ship repair market since 2010. Our regular customers are over 20 shipbuilding, ship repair and design enterprises (incl. the market leaders USC JSC, Krylov State Research Centre, Leningrad Shipyard «Pella», Red Anchor group, Yantar shipyard, Bureau Veritas Rus, Ship Repair Center  Zvezdochka, Samuskuy shipbuilding and ship repair plant, Krasnoye Sormovo, Marine bridge and navigation systems, Factory "Equator", CRISM "Prometey", Moscow Design Bureau "Compass”), over 15 suppliers of equipment for the shipbuilding industry (Cable Alliance Holding, Hempel, KAMPO JSC, Concern CSRI Elektropribor, Neva-MetallTrade Ltd and others). The rating of the largest shipyards in Russia “INFOLine Shipbuilding Russia TOP” is annually published in the leading Russian mass media. The rating is the most authoritative and quotable research report on shipbuilding market in Russia. Moreover, INFOLine IA has the unique competencies and profound experience in conducting research on related industries in Russia, such as engineering and fuel and energy complex.

Please, send an inquiry HERE  for the information needs questionnaire and the list of complete Research or other information products prepared by INFOLine IA. To inquire a brief version of the Research free of charge please, fill in the questionnaire.

Research methods and data sources:

·       expert surveys and questionnaire survey of more than 100 shipbuilding and transport companies;

·       analysis of  INFOLine database "Orders for building of ships at Russian shipyards: Results of 2018-2019";

·       review of information news from news that INFOLine carries out within the service Industry News: "Shipbuilding industry of the Russian Federation and CIS countries;

·       monthly updated databases of the state order;

·       IFRS reports and statements of companies, press releases and presentations, materials of corporate websites;

·       media materials: federal and regional press, news agencies, electronic media;

·       materials of more than 60 specialized and industry media and websites dedicated to the shipbuilding and ship repair industry, the Navy, and water transport;

·       data of the Federal State Statistics Service;

·       data of the Ministry of transport, Ministry of industry and trade, Federal Agency for Fishery;

·       Legal act of Russian Federation, Federal Targeted Programs of Russian Government

Special offer:

Buying Market Research "Russian shipbuilding industry analysis. Results of 2018. Forecast up to 2025" or subscribing to database "Orders for building of ships at Russian shipyards: Results of 2018-2019" or Industry News: "Shipbuilding industry of the Russian Federation and CIS countries",

you get free of charge Standard Version of Register "Shipbuilding industry: shipyards and design companies" or 50% discount on Extended Version of Register "Shipbuilding industry: shipyards, design companies and equipment suppliers".

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Section I. State and Prospects of the Civil Fleet

1.1 Marine Fleet

1.2 River Fleet

1.3 Fishing fleet

1.4 Continental Shelf Development

Section II. State of the State-Owned Navy and Civil Fleet

2.1 Key Features and Structure of the Russian Navy

2.1.1 Russian Navy Submarine Fleet

2.1.2 Russian Navy Surface Fleet

2.2.3 Military-Technical Cooperation Program

2.2 Icebreaking Fleet

2.2.1 Navigation at High Latitudes

2.2.2 Atomic Icebreakers

2.2.3 Diesel Icebreakers

2.2.4 LNG Icebreakers

2.3 Research Vessels

Section III. State Support for Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering Development

3.1. Key Government Programs for Vessel and Shipyard Construction

3.2. State Support in Fishing Fleet Renewal and Russian Fishing Vessel Construction

3.3. Measures to Promote the Commercial Fleet under the Flag of the Russian Federation

Section IV. Civil Shipbuilding Development Forecast

4.1 Large-Tonnage Transport Shipbuilding

4.2 Construction of Special Vessels and Facilities

4.2.1 Icebreakers

4.2.2 Fixed Offshore Platforms

4.3 Prospects for Fishing, River and Sea Fleet Vessels Construction

4.3.1 Prospects for Fishing Fleet Development

4.3.2 Prospects for River Fleet Development

4.3.3 Sea Transport Fleet

4.4 Quantitative Forecast of the Shipbuilding in Russia

4.4.1 Special Vessels and Facilities

4.4.2 Sea and River Transport Vessels

4.4.3 Auxiliary Vessels

4.4.4 Fishing Fleet

4.4.5 Research Fleet

Section V. Rating of Leading Shipbuilding Companies

5.1 Rating by Delivered Vessel Characteristics

5.2 Rating According to Order Portfolio Characteristics

5.3 Rating of Largest Customers

5.4 Rating by Finance Indicators

5.4.1 Revenue Comparison

5.4.2 Gross Profit Comparison

5.4.3 Net Profit Comparison

5.4.4 EBITDA Comparison

5.4.5 Debt Load Comparison (Net Debt; Net Debt to EBITDA Ratio)

Research contains 56 tables and 36 pictures


Table 1. Dynamics of water transport cargo turnover of the Russian Federation in 2010 - 2018 (bn ton-kilometers)

Table 2. The volume of transport of goods by sea in the Russian Federation for 2010 - 2018 (mln tons)

Table 3. The quantitative composition of the Russian civil marine fleet for 2019

Table 4. Deliveries of largest marine transport ships for Russian ship owners in 2015-2019 and forecast for 2025.

Table 5. Volume of inland water cargo transportation in 2010 - 2018 (mln tons)

Table 6. Structure of the Russian river fleet as of Q2 2019

Table 7. Auxiliary fleet replenishment under the federal project "Inland Waterways"  (program "Development of the Transport System")

Table 8. Planned and actual river fleet replenishment with new vessels in 2010-2021, units

Table 9. Russian sea fishing fleet, as of the beginning of 2018 and 2019

Table 10 Gas carrier construction at Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering shipyard for the Yamal LNG project

Table 11. Portfolio of completed and ongoing orders for offshore platforms for 2013-2019

Table 12. Vessel financing under the leasing program of USC JSC

Table 13. Fishing vessels under construction within the investment quotas program as of Q2 2019

Table 14. Construction of fish processing plants under the investment quota program for Q2 2019

Table 15. Tax remissions and social preferences for ship owners registered in the Russian International Register of Vessels

Table 16. Unequal provisions for vessels sailing under a national flag and sailing under a foreign flag, due to different applicable laws

Table 175. Factors to meet the demand for large transport vessels in connection with the development of mineral resources in the Arctic

Table 18. Factors affecting the prospect of building new fishing vessels

Table 19. Factors affecting the prospect of transport and auxiliary river fleet renewal

Table 20. Factors affecting the prospect of marine transport and auxiliary fleet renewal

Table 21. Forecast of the number of commissioned special nuclear and diesel-electric icebreakers in the period up to 2025

Table 22. Constructed and contracted icebreakers as of Q2 2019

Table 23. Forecast of marine facilities and platforms commissioning up to 2025

Table 24. Offshore platforms and facilities that are under construction and contracted as of Q2 2019

Table 25. Forecast of the number of completed contracts for construction of sea, river and mixed navigation ships until 2025

Table 26. Expected number of completed orders for construction of civil auxiliary vessels until 2025 (according to contract states in 2019)

Table 27. Constructed and contracted tugs as of Q2 2019

Table 28. Constructed and contracted civil boats as of Q2 2019

Table 29. Under construction and contracted special and support vessels as of Q2 2019

Table 30. Expected number of delivered fishing vessels of Russian construction until 2025

Table 31. Forecast of plans for construction of research vessels up to 2025

Table 32. Research vessels under construction and contracted as of Q2 2019

Table 33. Ratio of military and civil orders in shipbuilding of the Russian Federation in 2016-2018 (excluding repairs, information on vessels with tonnage over 50 tons is given)

Table 34. Rating of holdings by the total estimated value of ships delivered to the customer in 2018 (excluding repairs, information on vessels with a tonnage of more than 50 tons is given)

Table 35. Rating of holdings by the total tonnage of ships delivered to the customer in 2018

Table 36. Rating of largest enterprises by the total value of ships delivered to customers in 2018 (excluding repairs including civil and military vessels of all classes including vessels with tonnage less than 50 tons)

Table 37. Rating of largest enterprises by the total tonnage of ships delivered to customers in 2018 (excluding repairs including civil and military vessels of all classes including vessels with tonnage less than 50 tons)

Table 38. Rating of largest enterprises by the total value of ships delivered to customers in 2018 (excluding repairs, in the civil shipbuilding segment including vessels of all classes and vessels with tonnage less than 50 tons)

Table 39. Rating of largest enterprises by the total tonnage of ships delivered to customers in 2018 (excluding repairs, in the civil shipbuilding segment including vessels of all classes and vessels with tonnage less than 50 tons)

Table 40. Distribution of ships under construction by shipbuilding holdings in Q2 2019 (excluding repairs, information on vessels with tonnage over 50 tons is given)

Table 41. Distribution of contracted but not laid down ships by shipbuilding holdings for  Q2 2019 (excluding repairs, information on vessels with tonnage over 50 tons is given)

Table 42. Rating of largest enterprises in terms of total estimated value and total tonnage of orders executed as of Q2 2019 (excluding repairs including vessels of all classes and vessels of less than 50 tons in tonnage)

Table 43. Rating of largest enterprises in terms of total estimated value and total tonnage of contracted but not yet laid down ships as of Q2 2019 (excluding repairs including vessels of all classes and vessels of less than 50 tons in tonnage)

Table 44. Rating of largest customers by the total value of ships delivered for 2018 (excluding repairs and civil vessels of all classes including vessels with tonnage less than 50 tons)

Table 45. Rating of largest customers by the total tonnage of ships delivered for 2018 (excluding repairs and civil vessels of all classes including vessels with tonnage less than 50 tons)

Table 46. Rating of largest customers by the total cost of ships under construction or contracted as of Q2 2019 (excluding repairs and civil vessels of all classes including vessels with tonnage less than 50 tons)

Table 47. Revenue rating of largest enterprises in 2015-2017

Table 48. Revenue rating of shipbuilding holding companies in Russia for 2015-2017

Table 49. Gross profit rating of largest enterprises in 2015-2017

Table 50. Gross profit rating of shipbuilding holding companies in Russia for 2015-2017

Table 51. Net profit rating of largest enterprises in 2015-2017

Table 52. Net profit rating of shipbuilding holding companies in Russia for 2015-2017

Table 53. EBITDA rating of largest enterprises in 2015-2017

Table 54. EBITDA rating of shipbuilding holding companies in Russia for 2015-2017

Table 55. Debt load rating of largest enterprises in 2015-2017

Table 56. Debt load rating of shipbuilding holding companies in Russia for 2015-2017

Graphs and figures

Figure 1. Distribution of the Russian civil marine fleet by flags in quantitative terms

Figure 2. Distribution of the Russian civil marine fleet by flags

Figure 3. Fleet structure of the largest ship owners of Russia, deadweight, mln tons (average fleet age is shown in parentheses)

Figure 4. Distribution of the Russian marine fleet by age

Figure 5. Dynamics of cargo transshipment volumes through the Russian ports and port capacities in 2000 - 2024, mln tons

Figure 6. Volume of goods transport by sea in the Russian Federation for 2010 - 2018 (mln tons)

Figure 7. Dynamics of volumes of cargo transshipment through the ports of Russia, Ukraine and Baltic states in 2000 - 2018, mln tons

Figure 8. Cargo transshipment (mln tons) and share of Russian foreign trade cargo transshipment (%) through the Russian seaports, mln tons

Figure 9. Distribution of the Russian marine fleet by age

Figure 10. Share of overaged inland transport vessels (in quantitative terms) segmented by types of vessels as of Q2 2019

Figure 11. Planned and actual river fleet replenishment with new vessels in 2010-2021 in accordance with the state program "Development of the Transport System (2010-2021)", units.

Figure 12. Planned and actual river fleet replenishment with new vessels in 2010-2021. in accordance with the state program "Development of the Transport System (2010-2021)", cumulative result un.15

Figure 13. Deadweight distribution of Russian fishing vessels by age in Q2 2019%

Figure 14. Quantity distribution of Russian fishing vessels by age in Q2 2019%

Figure 15. Funding for subprograms of "Development of Shipbuilding and Equipment for the Development of Offshore Fields in 2013 – 2030" (law revision of March 30, 2018)

Figure 16. Funding shares for subprograms of "Development of Shipbuilding and Equipment for the Development of Offshore Fields in 2013 – 2030" (law revision of March 30, 2018)

Figure 17. Funding for subprograms of "Development of Shipbuilding and Equipment for the Development of Offshore Fields in 2013 – 2030" (planned law revision of 2019)

Figure 18. Funding shares for subprograms of "Development of Shipbuilding and Equipment for the Development of Offshore Fields in 2013 – 2030" (planned law revision of 2019)

Figure 19. Amount of subsidies provided for loan and leasing interests payment during 2009 – 2021

Figure 20. Amount of subsidies provided under disposition grants during 2009 – 2021

Figure 21.  Dynamics in the number of ships in the Russian International Register of Vessels in 2006-2018

Figure 228. Largest shipbuilding enterprises of the Russian Federation in terms of deadweight of cargo ships built in 2010-2018, as well as built and contracted as of April 2019 (thousand tons)

Figure 23. Expected number of completed orders for construction of sea, river and mixed navigation transport vessels

Figure 24. Structure of order portfolio for construction of tankers built or contracted as of Q2 2019 (by total deadweight)

Figure 25. Structure of order portfolio for construction of dry-cargo vessels built or contracted as of Q2 2019 (by total deadweight)

Figure 26. Structure of order portfolio for construction of barges built or contracted as of Q2 2019 (by total deadweight)

Figure 27. Structure of order portfolio for construction of passenger ships built or contracted as of Q2 2019 (by total deadweight)

Figure 28. Expected number of completed orders for construction of civil auxiliary fleet vessels

Figure 29. Structure of order portfolio for construction of fishing vessels built or contracted as of Q2 2019 (by total deadweight)

Figure 30. Expected number of completed orders for large fishing vessel construction

Figure 31. Dynamics of the number of civil and military vessels with a tonnage of more than 50 tons, built in 2011-2018, units.

Figure 32. Structure of the number of civil and military vessels with a tonnage of more than 50 tons, built in 2011-2018, %.

Figure 33. Dynamics of the total value of civil and military vessels with a tonnage of more than 50 tons, built in 2011-2018, RUB bn.

Figure 34. Structure of the total value of civil and military vessels with a tonnage of more than 50 tons, built in 2011-2018, %.

Figure 35. Dynamics of the total tonnage of civil and military vessels with a tonnage of more than 50 tons, built in 2011-2018, thousand tons

Figure 36. Structure of the total tonnage of civil and military vessels with a tonnage of more than 50 tons, built in 2011-2018, %.







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