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"Russian consumer market and FMCG retail chains rating. The results of 2017-2018" (<a href='/shop/issledovaniya-rynkov/page.php?ID=160871'>доступна обновленная версия</a>)

"Russian consumer market and FMCG retail chains rating. The results of 2017-2018" (доступна обновленная версия)

  • Дата выхода : 15.11.2017
  • Кол-во стр: 150
  • Язык отчета: English
  • Демо-версия: Загрузить
  • Презентация: Скачать
  • Стоимость: 150 000 руб   1789 USD   1657 EUR
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Objective: analysis of trends in retailing and in the consumer market, structured description, comparative analysis, monitoring of investments and organic growth dynamics, ranking of operational and financial indicators of more than 200 major FMCG chains in Russia.

We recommend: The analytical database "700 FMCG retail chains of Russia" to model effective interaction between suppliers, service companies and FMCG chains and to conduct comparative analysis and benchmarking. The research "FMCG Hypermarkets in Russia". For market analysis of non-food and related products the research "Household in Russia. The database 100 largest Household chains". To obtain the Presentation on Russian FMCG market, please send an inquiry HERE.

Research use: benchmarking, analysis of competitors and partners, marketing and strategic planning, searching for customers and partners, preparation for negotiations with retail chains.

Time framework: Dynamics (market capacity and dynamics) from 2007. Operational and financial indicators of largest FMCG chains from 2011. Results of 2016-2017 and forecast to 2018 (retail market capacity and dynamics, consumer incomes, strategy and plans of the largest FMCG chains).

Publication deadline: January 2018 (the previous version was published in the December 2017).

Key market figures: the retail market capacity in Russia in 9m 2017 exceeded RUB 21.6 tn (inclusive of VAT). The food products sales reached RUB 10.4 tn (inclusive of VAT). 200 described FMCG retail chains (including specialized ones and stores at gas filling stations), account for 50% of food retail turnover in Russia. The share of 10 FMCG largest retail chains comes to more than 25% of food retail.

To obtain Demo-version of the presentation "Russian consumer market and

FMCG retail chains rating", please send an inquire HERE.

Research preferences: Monthly analysis and structured description of the consumer market. Most important events in food retail, including governmental regulation (new legislative acts and initiatives). Monthly monitoring of more than 200 largest FMCG chains (corporative events, operational, financial and investment activity).

Resources: 300 man-day (around RUB 1,5 m).

Structure and objectives by sections:

Rating of FMCG retail chains of Russia

Operational results of 200 largest FMCG chains by formats: stores number and selling space dynamics (hypermarket, supermarket, discounter, convenience store). The most significant stores opening and closing. Ratings by number, selling space, revenue of TOP 50 FMCG chains in Russia (with over RUB 10.8 bn in revenue), selling space growth structure and dynamics by chains and formats.

Section I. Retail trends and development in Russia

Macroeconomic retail: turnover and money supply dynamics, turnover forecast. Leading indicator of retail development. Governmental regulation of retail. Structure of retail turnover by businesses types. Regional structure of retail turnover. Food market inflation. Incomes and expenditures of population. Monetary policy. Consumer expectations and confidence of population

Section II. Key events for FMCG retail in Russia

Important events for FMCG retailers in Russia. Expert assessment of the Russian market by INFOLine’s specialists. Case – operational and analytical information on topical issues.

Section III. Key events and plans of major FMCG chains

Current information on largest FMCG retail chains in Russia: strategy and plans, results and forecasts, investments, stores opening and closing, stores opening in 2017, new formats development, resignations and appointments, logistics, private label, interaction with consumers and suppliers, corporative events, top management and contact information.

Experience and preferences: Since 2005 INFOLine IA conducts custom-made researches and publishes enterprising research reports on FMCG retail industry and consumer market. Our regular clients and partners are more than 30 FMCG retail chains (incl. the market leaders Magnit, X5 Retail Group, Auchan, DIXY, Metro Cash&Carry, Lenta, OKEY, Globus, Azbuka vkusa), more than 100 producers and suppliers (Procter&Gamble, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, SABMiller, Fazer, Mars, Colgate-Palmolive, UNICONF and many others), distributors (GC Megapolis), financial companies (Financial Corporation Sberbank, VTB) and service companies (Microsoft, SAP, Wincor-nixdorf). The rating of the largest FMCG retailers in Russia is annually published in the leading Russian mass media. The rating is the most authoritative and quotable research report on FMCG market in Russia. Moreover, INFOLine IA has the unique capacity and profound experience in conducting researches on other retail industries and consumer markets (DIY, Non-Food), on real estate market and geomarketing.

Please, send an inquiry HERE for the information needs questionnaire and the list of complete Researches or other information products prepared by INFOLine IA. To inquire a brief version of the Research free of charge please, fill in the questionnaire.

Research methods and data sources

· Monthly expert polling and interviews of more than 200 Russian retail FMCG chains

· Research Food retail and consumer market of Russia. Growth prospects in 2017-2019

· The English version of the research: Food retail and consumer market of Russia. Growth prospects in 2017-2019

· Research Non-Food retail and consumer market of Russia. Growth prospects in 2017-2019.

· The English version of the research: Non-Food retail and consumer market of Russia. Growth prospects in 2017-2019.

· Questionnaire survey of more than 200 FMCG retail chains, monitoring and analysis of operational and financial results of more than 700 FMCG Retail Chains

· Research 1000 FMCG Hypermarkets in Russia. Results of 2016 and Forecast for 2019

· Monitoring in commercial real estate market, including 1800 Shopping Centres in 30 Largest Cities base. Monitoring of investment projects and commercial real estate commissioning "FMCG and DIY Shopping Centres and Hypermarkets in Moscow and Moscow Region, St. Petersburg and Leningrad region. Comparative analysis Shopping Centres Market in 27 Cities and Regions of the RF.

To obtain an example of the monitoring in commercial real estate market free of charge please, send an inquiry HERE.

· Monitoring of over 2000 mass media. Exposure of key events on retail FMCG market since 2002 as part of Industry News: Food Retail and FMCG Retail Chains of the RF, Industry News: Food Industry and Food Market of the RF and Industry News: Retail in th RF.

To obtain an example of the monitoring in FMCG and food market free of charge please, send an inquiry HERE.

Buying industry review "Russian consumer market and FMCG retail chains rating. The results of 2017-2018" , You get release by year-end 2017 and 3 releases for 12 months 2017 (since January to December).


About Russian consumer market and FMCG retail chains rating

Rating of FMCG retail chains of Russia

TOP 200 FMCG chains performanceд

Rating of FMCG retail chains by number of stores

Rating of FMCG retail chains by selling space

Rating of FMCG retail chains by net sales

Section I. Retail trends and development in Russia

Macroeconomic retail indicators

Main indicators of retail development

Government regulation of retailing

Structure of retail turnover by the category of products

Structure of retail turnover by the category of retailer

Regional structure of retail turnover

Food market inflation

Consumer incomes and expenditures

Consumer expectations and confidence index

Section II. Key events for FMCG retail in Russia

On Prolongation of Counter-Sanctions Restricting Food Product Supplies from the EU, the USA and Some Other Countries

Mutual relations with Turkey

Milestones of 2017

Roskachestvo activities

IA INFOLine activities

Section III. Key events and plans of major FMCG chains

Magnit, PJSC / Magnit, Magnit Semeiniy, Magnit Cosmetic

Magnit, PJSC / Magnit, Magnit Semeiniy, Magnit Cosmetic chains

Magnit, PJSC / Magnit Cosmetic

X5 Retail Group (TH Perekrestok, CJSC) / Pyaterochka, Perekrestok, Karusel, Kopeika and Perekrestok Express, Perekrestok Hyper

X5 Retail Group /Pyaterochka

X5 Retail Group / (TH Perekrestok, CJSC) / Perekrestok

X5 Retail Group (Express-Retail, LLC) / Perekrestok Express, Citymag, Kopeika

X5 Retail Group (TH Perekrestok, CJSC) / Karusel, Perekrestok Hyper

Auchan Retail Russia / Auchan, Auchan-City, Nasha Radug, Kazhdy Den, Atac and V shage ot Vas

Auchan LLC / Auchan, Auchan-City, Nasha Raduga, Kazhdy Den

Auchan, LLC / Nasha Raduga

Atak, LLC / Atak, V shage ot Vas

GC DIXY (DIXY Group, PC) / DIXY retail chain, Megamart, Minimart, Viktoria-kvartal, Deshevo, Victoria, Cash

GK DIXY (DIXY Group, PC) / DIXY, Megamart, Minimart

DIXY GC (Victoriya Baltiya, LLC) / Victoria, Kvartal, Deshevo

Lenta, LLC / Lenta Cash&Carry

Metro Group / METRO, METRO Punct, real,-

METRO Cash&Carry, LLC / METRO, METRO Punct

METRO Cash&Carry, LLC / Fasol


Fresh Market LLC / DA! chain

Hyperglobus LLC / Globus retail chain

About INFOLine IA products

The Review contains 13 tables and 81 pictures

Rating of FMCG retail chains in Russia
  • Number of stores of the largest FMCG chains during in 2012-2017
  • Dynamics of sales space growth among TOP 200 of Russian retailers in 2012-2017
  • Total selling space of major FMCG chains of Russia in 2012-2017, thousand sq. m
  • Financial indicators (exclusive of VAT) of major FMCG chains during 2017, bn RUB
  • Financial indicators (exclusive of VAT) of major FMCG chains during 2017, bn RUB
  • Net sales dynamics (excluding VAT) of the major FMCG chains in 2015-2017, bn RUB

Section I. Retail trends and development in Russia
  • Retail turnover dynamics in Russia in 2007-2017 and forecast till 2018-2020 (basic forecast)
  • Structure of retail turnover in terms of product groups in 2011-2017
  • Sales dynamics of main food and non-food during 2017
  • Sale of food products in 2016-2017, % in comparable prices to the previous months
  • Turnover of retail businesses and markets in 2011-2017, bn RUB
  • Structure of sales at markets and fairs in actual prices during 2017, %
  • Regional structure of retail turnover in the RF in 2007-2017, %

Rating of FMCG retail chains in Russia
  • Dynamics of number of stores and their selling space of 200 largest retailers of Russia in 2011-2017 (at the beginning of the period)
  • Dynamics of number of stores and their selling space of 200 largest retailers of Russia in 2007-2017 (to the end of the period)
  • Dynamics of the net hypermarkets number increase among of 200 largest retailers of Russia in 2014-2017 on monthly basis, number of selling points
  • Dynamics of number of hypermarkets and their floorspace of 200 largest retailers of Russia in 2011-2017 (to the end of the period)
  • Dynamics of the net supermarkets number increase among of 200 largest retailers of Russia in 2014-2017 on monthly basis, number of selling points
  • Dynamics of number of supermarkets and their selling space changes of 200 largest retailers of Russia in 2011-2017
  • Dynamics of the net discounter number increase among of 200 largest retailers of Russia in 2014-2017 on monthly basis, number of stores
  • Dynamics of number of discounters and their selling space of 200 largest retailers of Russia in 2011-2017
  • Dynamics of the net convenience stores number increase among of 200 largest retailers of Russia in 2014-2017 on monthly basis, number of shops
  • Dynamics of number of convenience stores and their selling space of 200 largest retailers of Russia in 2011-2017
  • 200 major retailers selling space growth (exclusively of retailers with decreased space) in 2011-2017, thousand sq. m.
  • 200 major retailers selling space growth structure (exclusively of retailers with decreased space) in 2011-2017, %
  • 200 major retailers selling space growth structure (exclusively of retailers with decreased space) in 2016, %
  • 200 major retailers selling space growth structure (exclusively of retailers with decreased space) in 2017, %
  • Structure of the retail food market in 2017 (estimates),%
  • 200 major retailers’ net selling space growth in 2014-2017 by months (data for month previous to reporting month, to include public company’s data), thousand sq. m.
  • Quarterly dynamics of retail revenue among major FMCG chains in 2015-2017, RUB bn
  • Quarterly dynamics of LFL (revenue) among major FMCG chains in 2015-2017, %
  • Quarterly dynamics of LFL (average ticket) among major FMCG chains in 2015-2017, %
  • Quarterly dynamics of LFL (traffic) among major FMCG chains in 2015-2017, %
Section I. Retail trends and development in Russia
  • Main consumer market indicators 2007-2017 and forecast till 2018-2020, % against the same period of previous year.
  • Dynamic RTO food 2011-2017, % against the same period of previous year.
  • Dynamic RTO non-food 2011-2017, % against the same period of previous year.
  • Retail turnover and money supply dynamics in 2007-2017, bn RUB
  • Entrepreneur confidence index in Russia in 2007-2017
  • Assessment of economic situation in Russia in 2007-2017
  • Retail turnover in Russia in 2007-2017
  • Average number of employees in retail in Russia in 2007-2017
  • Stock reserves in Russia in 2007- 2017
  • Product mix in Russia in 2007-2017
  • Selling prices in Russia in 2007-2017
  • Average existing retail margin’s level in Russia in 2007-2017
  • Investments into business expansion, repair and modernization in retail in Russia in 2007-2017
  • Retail storage space in Russia in 2007-2017
  • Financial resources of Russian retailers in 2007-2017
  • Profit of Russian retailers in 2007-2017
  • Key factors restricting retailing operation in Russia 2007-2017
  • Retail turnover dynamics in physical terms by categories in 2007-2017, %
  • Dynamics of food share turnover in 2007-2017, %
  • Retail turnover structure by product groups in 2011-2017 (by months), bn RUB
  • Retail turnover structure by product groups in 2011-2017 (by months), %
  • Import share in the volume of retail commodities of the Russian Federation, %
  • Retail turnover structure by business types in 2007-2017, %
  • Turnover dynamics of retail companies and markets in 2011-2017 (by months), tn RUB
  • Retail turnover structure in 2011-2017 (by months), %
  • Number of markets in Russia and their share in retail turnover in 2007-2016
  • Retail turnover share of 74 regions of Russia (except the largest 11 regions) in 2007-2017, %
  • Retail turnover structure by regions of Russia in 2016, %
  • Retail turnover structure by regions of Russia in 2017, %
  • Retail turnover structure by federal districts of Russia in 2016, %
  • Retail turnover structure by federal districts of Russia in 2017, %
  • Retail turnover growth by districts in 2009-2017, in % against the same period of previous year in comparable prices
  • Number of regions with positive turnover dynamics in physical terms against the same period of previous year
  • Consumer prices index as of the period’s end in 2007-2017 and forecast for 2018-2020 (basic forecast), % to December of previous year
  • Contribution to inflation in 2007-2017, pp
  • Consumer prices index in 2011-2017, % on previous month
  • Food price changing rates in 2011-2017, % against the same period of previous year
  • Real salary and real income dynamics in 2007-2017, forecast for 2018-2020 (basic forecast), %
  • Real salary and real income dynamics in 2007-2017, %
  • Nominal accrued salary and income per capita in 2007-2017, forecast for 2018-2019, thousand RUB
  • Distribution of income by per capita in 2013-2017, %
  • US dollar and Euro exchange rate in 2007-2017, RUB
  • Cash income structure by sources in 2007-2017, %
  • Cash expenses structure in 2007-2017, %
  • Growth rates of populations real income 2007-2017, % on the same period of previous year
  • Real wages growth in 2007-2017, % on the same period of previous year
  • Total personal deposits and loans obtained in 2009-2017 in RUB and foreign currencies (% vs. the previous month of the year)
  • Total personal deposits and loans obtained in 2009-2017 in RUB and foreign currencies (RUB bn)
  • Total personal deposits and loans obtained in 2009-2017 in RUB and foreign currencies (% vs. January 2009).
  • Nominal daily spending of people living in the RF cities with the population 100,000+ over time 2012-2017
  • Real (excluding inflation) daily spending of people living in the RF cities with the population 100,000+ over time 2012-2017
  • Average bill in RUB over time
  • Consumer confidence index in Russia 2007-2017
  • Consumers’ assessment of economic situation in Russia in 2007-2017
  • Consumers’ assessment of personal financial situation in Russia 2007-2017
  • Consumers’ assessment of current situation in Russia in 2007-2017


11.04 09:21

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10.04 06:33

10.04 02:03

10.04 11:20

10.04 11:17

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