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"Russia’s construction industry. Development prospects in 2017–2019"

"Russia’s construction industry. Development prospects in 2017–2019"

  • Дата выхода : 30.06.2017
  • Кол-во стр: 78
  • Язык отчета: English
  • Демо-версия: Загрузить
  • Стоимость: 150 000 руб   1789 USD   1657 EUR
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N.B.! The research is available in English and Russian.

Relevance of the research “Russia’s construction industry. Development prospects in 2017–2019”. Russia’s construction industry faces one of the most challenging periods in its history. By the 1990s, the country ramped up its construction rates: 72.8 M sq. m of housing was built in 1987, and the homebuilding volumes dropped more than twofold – to 30.3 M sq. m 13 years later. Then, after the recovery from 2009 economic recession, the demand for homes surged, while the development of mortgage lending boosted the multi-storey home sales: 84.2 M sq. m of housing was built in 2014 and 85.3 M sq. m in 2015, hitting Russia’s all-time high. After the record-high homebuilding volumes of 2015, the market began to slip into decline, which exceeded 6% in 2016 and persists in 2017. Similar trends are observed in non-residential construction, where the only construction segment with the upward trend in investments and output of facilities is that in the farming industry. To understand the reasons of the recurrent slump in the construction industry and how deep it will be, we have conducted a comprehensive research of the industry across all its segments. This product will help you to compare the development pace and performance of your company with the industry’s indicators and market leaders, evaluate the big-league companies in the industry included in the rating and define your priorities of business development.

Purposes of the research:

· insights into the state of affairs in Russia’s construction industry as a whole and in individual segments by types of facilities (housing, industrial, infrastructure, commercial);

· ranking developers by building volumes, ranking of retail space developers in Russia;

· identification and description of key in-progress investment and construction projects in Russian industry segments;

· description of landmark events in Russia’s construction industry by market segments, companies, types of facilities, as well as development stage;

· analysis of changes to the government regulation of the Russian industry (adoption and entry into force of key regulatory documents);

· analysis of the development pace of the building materials industry in Russia (piece wall materials, non-metallic construction materials, cement, etc.) and investment projects in the segment of construction materials;

· scenario outlook for the development of Russia’s construction industry and the construction materials market in Russia.

A synergistic effect can be achieved through the combination of the research “Russia’s construction industry. Development prospects in 2017–2019” with other INFOLine’s studies on the construction industry:

· Regular monitoring of the construction materials market as part of the Theme-based news service:

o “Market of building and finishing materials, DIY and household retail chains in Russia

o “Russias cement market

o “Russias ceramics and porcelain stoneware market

· Industry-specific reviews-catalogs of the largest in-progress investment projects:

o “160 largest sports facilities construction projects in Russia. Projects in 2016–2019

o “220 largest farm construction projects in Russia. Projects in 2017–2020

o “350 largest investment construction projects in Russia in 2017”

o “320 comprehensive urban development projects in Russia. Projects in 2016–2020

o “200 largest construction projects of logistics facilities in Russia (warehouses, ports, airports). Projects in 2016–2020

o “160 largest projects of hotel construction in Russia. Projects in 2017–2020

o “200 in-progress and would-be-build shopping centre construction projects in Russia. Projects in 2017–2020

· Periodic reviews of the construction industry:

o “Russia’s construction industry: residential, civil, infrastructure construction”

o “Investment projects in the industrial construction of Russia”

o “Investment projects in the transport infrastructure of Russia”

o “Investment projects in the civil construction of Russia”

o “Investment projects in the engineering infrastructure of Russia”

The research findings can be used in: marketing and strategic planning. Overall analysis of the construction industry and the construction materials industry, as well as benchmarking and competitor analysis of companies.

Research timeline: indicators of the industry since 2011, general statistics for the country and regional statistics as of 2016 (homebuilding volumes and volumes of non-residential real estate, infrastructure facilities, basic indicators of the construction industry, production volume and sales of building materials), development prospects in 2017–2019 (macroeconomic indicators of Russia, investment projects, legislative changes).

Research schedule: Q2 2017.

Research advantages. The research provides a detailed analysis of the industry, as well as features:

· leading industry ratings from INFOLine’s analysts:

o rating of leading developers in the residential housing market INFOLine BUILDING RUSSIA TOP;

o rating of key owners and developers of shopping centres INFOLine DEVELOPER RUSSIA TOP-10;

· description of key in-progress homebuilding projects (including projects of integrated urban development and construction of new urban conglomerates);

· description of the largest infrastructure construction projects;

· scenario conditions and outlooks for the construction industry;

· data on the production rates and sales of construction materials broken down by years, including the reasons for the surge in the production of nonmetallic construction materials in 2016.

Research objectives and structure by sections:

Part I. Key indicators of the construction industry:
insights into the volume of construction work, construction volumes of new homes and non-residential buildings, mortgage indicators, lending of construction companies, and their business activity.

Part II. Landmark events in the industry: changes to the laws applicable to the construction industry, changes in the government support of the industry, monitoring of major M&A in construction and production of construction materials, important resignations and appointments.

Part III. Core indicators of the construction industry segments: description of the state of affairs across all areas of the industry (housing, industrial, infrastructure, commercial, manufacture of building materials).

Part IV. Development prospects of the construction industry: description of development scenarios for the construction industry until 2019 and outlooks for the construction and the construction materials industry.

Track record and references: INFOLine has offered customized research and issued independent studies on the construction market since 2010. Our regular customers are over 100 construction and investment companies, as well as construction materials market players, among them large developers and builders (IKEA Mos, Adamant Holding Company, Glavstroy Corporation and LSR Group), leading manufacturers of construction materials (KNAUF, Eurocement Group, LAFARGE-HOLCIM, LSR Group, Ruukki Rus), financial companies (Sberbank, Alfa-Bank, VTB).

Get a questionnaire detailing your information requirements and a complete list of ready-made research products and other INFOLine’s information products HERE.


· data of the Federal State Statistics Service, the Federal Agency of Construction, Housing and Housing Services of the Russian Federation, the Housing Mortgage Lending Agency, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, the UN Comtrade Database, the portal of the Presidential Administration, data of the Housing and Utility Reform Foundation;

· INFOLine’s database by topic areas “Investment projects in the industrial construction of Russia”, “Investment projects in the transport infrastructure of Russia”, “Investment projects in the civil construction of Russia”, “Investment projects in the engineering infrastructure of Russia”

· other INFOLine’s products: “2,000 shopping centres in 30 biggest cities of Russia”, “Russia’s market of steelwork”, “Russia’s cement market”, “Manufacture and demand for gravel in Russia”, “Manufacture and market of silica and ceramic bricks”, “Russia’s construction industry”;

· data of the largest construction companies (website materials, press releases);

· materials of more than 5,000 Russian mass media (federal and regional press, news agencies, electronic media), as well as the industry press.

Special offer: Get a FREE! short version of the research “Russia’s construction industry. Highlights of 2016. Development prospects until 2019” by sending your request to str@allinvest.ru, or phone us: (812) 322-68-48, (495) 772-7640.


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