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"Investment Projects and Engineering in Oil-and-Gas Industry of Russia. Trends of 2013. Forecast till 2016". (доступна обновленная версия)

"Investment Projects and Engineering in Oil-and-Gas Industry of Russia. Trends of 2013. Forecast till 2016". (доступна обновленная версия)

  • Дата выхода : 26.07.2013
  • Кол-во стр: 120
  • Язык отчета: English
  • Демо-версия: Загрузить
  • Презентация: Скачать
  • Стоимость: 35 000 руб со скидкой: 28 000 руб.
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The Objective of the Investment Projects and Engineering in Oil and Gas Industry in Russia report is a comprehensive, integrated study of development dynamics of oil-and-gas industry of Russia, key trends of governmental regulation of this sector, dynamics of investment activities of the major companies in oil-and-gas sector in Russia, assessment of the current volume of investments in oil-and-gas industry as a whole and by its segments, making a forecast for volume of investments in oil-and-gas industry till 2016, taking into account the progress of companies’ investment projects implementation.
In the process of preparation of Investment Projects and Engineering in Oil and Gas Industry in Russia the key trends that determine the oil-and-gas industry’s development in Russia were revealed and analysed, as well as trends of the engineering design and facilities’ construction markets in this sector. Active implementation of programmes for production capacities improvement by the major players of O&G and petrochemical sectors raised the relevance of the following issues: monitoring and assessment of investment activities in the fuel and energy complex, prospects and investment projects’ velocity in the field of hydrocarbons extraction, transportation and processing. A positive tendency of oil industry’s development is establishment of new oil producing centers in the Western and Eastern Siberia, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), at Sakhalin’s shelf, in the Caspian Sea. The commissioning of new hydrocarbons deposits required corresponding development of systems for utilisation of associated oil-well gas, condensate and other hydrocarbon crude materials, since their extraction volumes exceed the existing production capacities of petroleum chemistry enterprises, as well as pipeline transportation facilities. Therefore oil-and-gas industry companies have formed excessive volume of demand which can’t be met by Russian construction and engineering markets. This factor has become the main driver of growth for construction and design engineering organisations; it stimulates processes of assets’ integration and competence buildup through creation of full-cycle engineering companies.
Investment Projects and Engineering in Oil and Gas Industry in Russia report contains an introductory part, which describes the objectives, tasks and structure of the Research, main prerequisites and results of the product’s development. It is followed by 2 main parts divided into 7 main sections. Report contains an introductory part, which describes the objectives, tasks and structure of the Research, main prerequisites and results of the product’s development and is followed by 2 main parts divided into 7 main sections.
Part I is available in printed and electronic formats and contains the following sections: Section I provides the deals of the current condition of oil-and-gas industry in Russia; the key trends and stimuli of oil-and-gas industry development which are formed by the government; analysis of investment activities in oil-and-gas industry and their outlook till 2016. Investment activities was analysed and presented according to their macroeconomic (the industry in toto, on a national scale) and microeconomic (broken down by investment programs of oil-and-gas companies) levels; by segments of production, processing, transportation, oil-and-gas chemistry and gas liquefaction. The calculations, made by INFOLine, regarding the investment activities, take into consideration measures of governmental stimulation for development of the fuel and energy complex; data on regional programs for social and economic development; parameters of vertically-integrated oil companies development strategies, Gazprom Group, independent producers; indicators of financial and management accounting of companies; information about tender procedures of governmental and private companies of this sector; information about rates, specific features and prospects for implementation of the largest investment projects in Russia; results of survey conducted by INFOLine, information from other open sources.
Section II is devoted to description of the specific features and dynamics of market formation in the segment of engineering design services for oil-and-gas industry in Russia and global market of integrated engineering services, description of the current condition of the Russian market of engineering design services for oil-and-gas industry and key trends of its development.
Section III contains description of the specific features and dynamics of market formation in the segment of construction services for oil-and-gas industry in Russia, development strategy of market’s players, its key trends and development prospects. In order to give the most precise description of the market the Research quotes expert interviews with the Chief Officers of the leading enterprises of this sector.
Section IV includes the ratings of engineering companies, specialising in services for oil-and-gas industry segments by revenue in 2012:
  • Scientific-research and engineering design organisations. In order to determine the largest companies the range of more than 20 thousand design engineering companies in all federal districts of Russia were observed. The resulting rating includes 12 companies, whose revenue for the period of 2009-2012 exceeded 130 million US dollars
  • Construction companies. In order to determine the largest companies the range of more than 50 thousand design engineering companies in all federal districts of Russia were observed. The resulting rating includes 19 companies, their revenue for the period of 2011 exceeded 400 million US dollars.
  • Foreign engineering companies whose activities in Russia maximally correspond to those criteria of revenue volumes and number of perspective projects. The selection consists of 14 companies; the revenue of each company from their projects in Russia exceeded 110 million US dollars during the period of 2010-2012.
For the purpose of verification and update of the information about the companies included in this Research, in May 2013 the specialists of INFOLine carried on the following activities:
  • phone polling of 150 companies operating in the segment of engineering design and construction of facilities for oil-and-gas industry
  • survey among more than 100 companies – contractors of vertically-integrated oil companies, enterprises of Gazprom Group, SIBUR, NOVATEK and other players of this market (design engineers, contractors and suppliers)
  • adjustment of data in reference entries according to the information received from the described companies.

Investment Projects and Engineering in Oil and Gas Industry in Russia Research makes it possible for the consumer of this information product to solve wide range of problems, which otherwise would take too much time to solve using internal resources or be very costly:
  • Analysis of the current level and prospects of investment activities in oil-and-gas, oil-and-gas processing and petrochemical segments
  • Analysis of financial indicators of the largest companies- industry leaders
  • Description of investment projects of oil, gas and petrochemical companies in the field of production, transportation and processing
  • Description of investment activities of companies of the fuel and energy complex in Russia
  • Appraisal of development outlooks of this sector in Russia, along with demand for services of engineering design and construction companies from the point of implementation of large investment projects
The potential consumers of the Research prepared by the specialists of INFOLine IA could be as follows:
  • Management and sales departments of companies, manufacturing equipment and other products, as well as providing services for oil producing and oil refining companies
  • Investment companies, Russian and foreign investorsManagement and marketing departments of oil producing companies and oil refining enterprises in Russia

Part I. Analysis of the market
Section I. Investment activities in the oil-and-gas industry
  1. Current condition of oil-and-gas industry in Russia
  2. Condition of oil and oil refining industry in Russia
  3. Analysis of governmental regulation of oil and oil refining industry in Russia
  4. Condition of gas and gas processing industry in Russia
  5. Analysis of governmental regulation of gas and gas processing industry in Russia
  6. Overlook of investment activities in oil-and-gas industry of Russia in 2012-2016
  7. General description of investment activities in oil-and-gas industry of Russia
  8. Investment activities and largest investment projects in oil and petrochemical industry
  9. Indicators of investment activities of companies in oil industry
  10. Investment activities and largest investment projects in gas and gas chemical industry sectors
  11. Indicators of investment activities of companies in gas industry
    Section II. Market of engineering design services for oil-and-gas industry in Russia
    1. Current conditions of Russian market of engineering design services for oil-and-gas industry in Russia
    2. Market development trends of engineering design services for oil-and-gas industry in Russia

    Section III. Construction services market in oil-and-gas industry in Russia107
    1. Current condition and development outlooks of construction services market in oil-and-gas industry in Russia
    2. Recommendations regarding promising development directions of engineering companies in Russia

    Section IV. Rating of engineering design companies in oil-and-gas industry in Russia116
    1. . Rating of engineering design companies in oil-and-gas industry in Russia
    2. Rating of construction companies in the segment of oil-and-gas industry in Russia
    3. Rating of foreign engineering companies at the market of engineering in oil-and-gas industry in Russia


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