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Quarterly review "Food Retail and the Russian Consumer Market: Results of 2024-2025" (in English)

Quarterly review "Food Retail and the Russian Consumer Market: Results of 2024-2025" (in English)

  • Дата выхода : 12.03.2025
  • Кол-во стр: 68
  • Язык отчета: English
  • Стоимость: 60 000 руб   693 USD   641 EUR
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Relevance of the study "Food Retail and the Russian Consumer Market: Results of 2024-2025"

At the end of 2024, changes in consumer behavior began to take shape, which resulted in a slowdown in traffic growth in chains with a focus on the low-price segment, while maintaining the dynamics of retailers and channels offering an expanded range (supermarkets, hypermarkets, specialized chains).  By the end of 2024, retail trade turnover in comparable prices increased by 7.2% to RUB 55.6 trln: retail sales of food products increased by 6.0% to RUB 26.5 trln, and non–food products - by 8.3% to RUB 29.1 trln.

In 2024, against the background of reduced marketing investments by market participants, rising costs per last mile and a shortage of couriers, the E-grocery market slowed down. The share of online sales of food products in the total volume of retail sales of food and beverages increased to 4.8% by the end of 2024.

In order to analyze in detail the state of the retail market and understand how and in what segments and formats it will develop, we have prepared this review. With this product, you will be able to analyze the company"s development in comparison with competitors and market indicators in general, as well as prepare a strategic business development plan.

Research objectives:

  • overview of FMCG retail industry indicators;

  • compilation of ratings of FMCG segment retailers by revenue, number of retail facilities, volume of retail space, by trade formats and regions of presence;

  • overview of the vector of industry development by describing the most important events;

  • forecasting the development of the industry;

  • development of a scenario forecast for the development of the Food retail market;

  • analysis of the activities of the largest companies in the industry;

  • analysis of consumer behavior of the population;

  • review and analysis of government regulation.

Areas of use of the research results: benchmarking, competitor analysis, marketing and strategic planning, customer and partner search, preparation for negotiations with retail chains.

Time frame of the study: Dynamics since 2015, results of the Q4 and 2024 (macroeconomic indicators of retail trade, demand in the consumer market, market capacity and dynamics by segment, operational indicators of retail chains).

Study dates: Q4 of 2024

Advantages of the study:

  • innovative format in the form of an electronic presentation;

  • structured description and analysis of FMCG market trends and prospects;

  • forecasts for the development of the largest FMCG chains;

  • The research is based on an annually updated and replenished database of more than 1,000 of Russia"s largest retail chains in various areas of trade. Throughout the year analysts non-stop collect, aggregate, verify, and analyze operational and financial indicators of Russian retail companies;

  • ratings of FMCG retail chains (TOP-10) by financial and operational indicators;

  • FMCG retail chain ratings (TOP-5) by federal district;

Objectives and structure of the study by sections:

Key economic trends in Russia in 2025

Part I. Retail and consumer market indicators Macroeconomic indicators of retail trade: GDP dynamics and structure. Dynamics of key balance of payments indicators. Exchange rate and key rate dynamics. Consumer price index. Retail trade turnover. Retail turnover by types of goods. Demography and migration. Consumer appending dynamics. Consumer confidence. Household income dynamics. The structure of monetary income and expenses of the population. State of consumer lending and deposits. Deposit volume. Consumer and mortgage loans.

Part II. Key retail events Government regulation of retail trade.

Part III. FMCG retail indicators Structure of food retail turnover. Number and selling space of TOP-200 FMCG chains. Selling space structure and growth of TOP-200 FMCG chains. Selling space structure of TOP-200 FMCG chains by formats. Food retail market structure. Food market share dynamics of TOP-10 FMCG retailers. Rating of TOP-10 FMCG retailers at the end of Q4 of 2024. Rating of TOP-10 FMCG retailers at the end of 2024. Rating and performance of publicly listed FMCG retail chains. Comparable sales of public FMCG retail chains. Financial performance and investments of public FMCG retail chains. Stock prices and capitalization of publicly listed FMCG retail chains.

Part IV. Russian retail development cases

Part V. Online-sales and E-grocery E-grocery market dynamics. INFOLine E-grocery Russia Top Rating. E-grocery market structure. Omnichannel development strategies of leading FMCG chains

Part VII. Regional retail development FMCG Regional structure of the RTT, Food and Non-Food. FMCG chains ratings for 8 federal districts, as well as for St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, Moscow and Moscow region.

Information sources:

  • data from the Federal State Statistics Service, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;

  • reports and reports of international and domestic companies in accordance with IFRS;

  • survey, monthly survey and interviewing of more than 200 FMCG retail chains, data from the largest retailers (website materials, press releases), monitoring of openings and closures of retail facilities in the Russian Federation;

  • INFOLine analytical databases: "TOP 200 largest FMCG retail chains in Russia";

  • INFOLine ratings: INFOLine RETAIL RUSSIA TOP-100, FMCG RETAIL RUSSIA TOP, DIY RETAIL RUSSIA TOP, HOUSEHOLD RETAIL RUSSIA TOP, etc.; INFOLine research: INFOLine Retail Russia TOP-100, "DIY Russia Market", "Household Russia Market";

  • regular media monitoring within the framework of the Thematic News services: "Food industry and the Russian food market", Thematic news: "Food retail and FMCG Russia retail chains"

  • materials from Russian and foreign media (federal and regional press, news agencies), as well as industry press.

We remind you that INFOLine customers receive the most favorable terms of service, discounts, participation in industry events, as well as their materials.

Expert support of our product has become one of the most popular options when subscribing to INFOLine"s quarterly industry review "Food Retail and the Russian Consumer Market: Results of 2024-2025" in recent years.

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  • discuss the research results with your company"s specialists, focusing on key indicators and key industry trends;

  • speaking at your company"s corporate event with an analytical report and an extended presentation;

  • participation in your company"s client conference (speaker integration, moderation, industry analytics).

You: purchase our industry review " Food Retail and the Russian Consumer Market: Results of 2024-2025". We will help you effectively apply it in your company"s work.


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Detailed content of the report:

Part I. Retail and consumer market indicators

1.1. GDP dynamics and structure

1.2. Dynamics of key balance of payment indicators

1.3. Exchange rate and key rate dynamics

1.4. Consumer price index

1.5. Retail trade turnover

1.6. Retail turnover by types of goods

1.7. Demography and migration

1.8. Consumer spending dynamics

1.9. Consumer confidence

1.10. Household income dynamics

1.11. The structure of monetary income and expenses of the population

1.12. State of consumer lending and deposits

1.13. Deposit volume

1.14. Consumer and mortage loans

PART II. Key retail events

2.1. Goverment regulation of retail trade

PART III. FMCG retail indicators

3.1. Structure of food retail turnover

3.2. Number and selling space of TOP-200 FMCG chains

3.3. Selling space structure and growth of TOP-200 FMCG chains

3.4. Selling space structure of TOP-200 FMCG chains by formats

3.5. Food retail market structure

3.6. Rating of TOP-10 FMCG retailers at the end of Q4 of 2024

3.7. Rating of TOP-10 FMCG retailers at the end of 2024

3.8. Rating and performance of publicly listed FMCG retail chains

3.9. Comparable sales of public FMCG retail chains

3.10. Financial performance and investments of public FMCG retail chains

3.11. Stock prices and capitalization of publicly listed FMCG retail chains

PART IV. Russian retail development cases

PART V. Online-sales and E-Grocery

5.1. E-grocery market dynamics

5.2. INFOLine E-grocery Russia Top Rating

5.3. E-grocery market structure

5.4. Omnichannel development strategies of leading FMCG chains

PART VI. Regional retail development FMCG

6.1. Regional structure of the RTT

6.2. Regional structure of the RTT Food

6.3. Regional structure of the RTT Non-Food

6.4. Rating of the largest retail chains in Moscow and the Moscow Region

6.5. Rating of the largest retail chains in the Central FD (CFD excluding Moscow and the MR)

6.6. Rating of the largest retail chains in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region

6.7. Rating of the largest retail chains in the North Western FD (NWFD excluding SPB and the LR)

6.8. Rating of the largest retail chains in the Volga FD (VFD)

6.9. Rating of the largest retail chains in the Urals FD (UFD)

6.10. Rating of the largest retail chains in the Southern FD (SFD) and North Caucasian FD (NCFD)

6.11. Rating of the largest retail chains in the Siberian FD (SFD) and Far Eastern FD (FEFD)

Classification of retail facilities by format

List of sources

Usage agreement

About the author — INFOLine groups of companies

The Industry Overview contains more than 119 charts

Key economic trends in Russia in 2025

  • Dynamics of foreign exchange rates to ruble

  • Russias federal budget deficit and surplus, RUB trillion

  • Consumer price index, % versus the same month last year

  • Loan interest rates and key rate of CBR, national banks and FRS, %

Part I. Retail and consumer market indicators

  • Dynamics of Russian basic macroeconomic indicators, %
  • Structure of Russias GDP by economic sectors, %
  • Current account components of the Russian Federation by years,
    USD bn
  • Current account components of the Russian Federation by quarters,
    USD bn
  • Dynamics of foreign exchange rates to ruble
  • Rates on mortgage loans and loans to non-financial organizations granted in rubles during the month and CBR key rate, %
  • Consumer price index, in % year-on-year
  • Consumer price index, in % year-on-year
  • Retail trade turnover dynamics, in % year-on-year
  • Retail trade turnover dynamics, %
  • Food retail turnover dynamics, in % year-on-year
  • Non-Food retail turnover dynamics, in % year-on-year
  • Natural population increase and net migration in the Russian Federation, ths people
  • Number of births and deaths in Russia, ths people
  • Consumer spending dynamics, % year-on-year
  • Consumer spending dynamics, % year-on-year (without sales on marketplaces)
  • Consumer confidence index for Russia as a whole, %
  • Consumer confidence index by federal districts (FD), %
  • Dynamics of real wage and real incomes of the population, %
  • Distribution of population by per capita income values, %
  • The structure of monetary income of the population by sources of income, %
  • The structure of public spending in the following areas, %
  • Deposits and loans of individuals at the end of the period
  • Loan volume and changes in the retail deposit volume
  • Volume of retail deposits in rubles and foreign currency and funds on escrow accounts
  • Deposit volume change versus the previous month of the current year
  • Consumer loan volume and changes in debt versus the previous month
    of the current year
  • Mortgage loan volume and changes in debt versus the previous month
    of the current year

PART III. FMCG retail indicators

  • Food retail turnover dynamics by sales channels by years, RUB trln
  • Food retail turnover structure by sales channels by years, %
  • Quarterly dynamics of Food retail turnover by sales channels, RUB trln
  • Quarterly Food retail turnover structure by sales channels, %
  • Number of facilities owned by TOP-200 FMCG chains in Russia at the end of the period
  • Change in the number of facilities owned by TOP-200 FMCG chains in Russia
  • Space growth of TOP-200 FMCG chains in Russia, ths sq. m
  • Space growth structure of TOP-200 FMCG chains in Russia, %
  • Selling space structure of TOP-200 FMCG chains in Russia by formats at the end of the period, mln sq.m
  • Selling space structure of TOP-200 FMCG chains in Russia by formats at the end of the period, %
  • Food retail market structure in Russia in 2023, %
  • Food retail market structure in Russia in 2024, %
  • Revenue of leading FMCG retailers
  • Number of facilities and selling space of leading FMCG
    retailers at the end of the period
  • Revenue of leading FMCG retailers
  • Number of facilities and selling space of leading FMCG
    retailers at the end of the period
  • Retail revenue of publicly listed FMCG retail chains
  • Like-for-like (LFL) sales dynamics of publicly listed FMCG retail chains, %
  • Retail revenue of publicly listed FMCG retail chains
  • Like-for-like (LFL) sales dynamics of publicly listed FMCG retail chains, %
  • Average receipt in comparable stores of public FMCG chains, %
  • Traffic in comparable stores of public FMCG chains, %
  • Financial performance of public FMCG chains according to IAS 17 standard
  • Capitalization of publicly listed retailers on the Moscow Exchange
  • Dynamics of capitalization of publicly listed retailers on the Moscow Exchange
    versus December 30, 2019, %
  • Capitalization of X5 Group, Magnit PJSC and Fix Price, RUB bn
  • Capitalization of Lenta LLC, OZON, RUB bn

PART IV. Russian retail development cases

PART V. Online-sales and E-Grocery

  • Share of online sales in Food RTT by quarters
  • Food RTT dynamics in online and offline channels by quarters
  • E-grocery market dynamics by years
  • E-grocery market dynamics by quarters
  • E-grocery market dynamics by missions and delivery times by years
  • E-grocery market dynamics by missions and delivery times by quarters
  • INFOLine E-Grocery Russia TOP Rating based on the results of 2024 (FMCG sales in RUB bn including delivery services with VAT)
  • INFOLine E-Grocery Russia TOP Rating based on the results of Q4 of 2024 (FMCG sales in RUB bn including delivery services with VAT)
  • Average ticket of major E-grocery market players in Q4 of 2024
  • INFOLine E-Grocery Russia TOP rating by the number of orders,
    ths per day
  • INFOLine E-Grocery Russia TOP rating by food sales in RUB bn with VAT
  • INFOLine E-Grocery Russia TOP rating by food sales in RUB bn with VAT
  • Online FMCG sales rating by holdings,
    RUB bn with VAT
  • E-grocery market structure by quarters, %
  • Online FMCG sales rating by holdings,
    RUB bn with VAT
  • E-grocery market structure by quarters, %
  • Leading FMCG chains in terms of retail turnover, RUB bn without VAT
  • Online-sales of leading FMCG chains, RUB bn without VAT

PART VI. Regional retail development FMCG

  • RTT structure by federal districts of the Russian Federation, %
  • The number of regions with positive dynamics of RTT in physical terms compared
    to the same period of the previous year
  • RTT Food structure by federal districts of the Russian Federation, %
  • The number of regions with positive dynamics of RTT Food in physical terms compared to the same period of the previous year
  • Shares of Russian regions in RTT Food, %
  • Dynamics of the shares of the 11 largest regions of Russia in the RTT Food
  • RTT Non-Food structure by federal districts of the Russian Federation, %
  • The number of regions with positive dynamics of RTT Non-Food in physical terms compared to the same period of the previous year
  • Shares of Russian regions in RTT Non-Food, %
  • Dynamics of the shares of the 11 largest regions of Russia in the RTT Non-Food

All ratings of the largest FMCG chains by Federal Districts include the following charts:

  • Revenue and share in the RTO Food TOP-5 FMCG chains in the market of the FD
  • The number of facilities and retail space of the TOP 5 FMCG chains in the market of the FD





Рынок строительно-отделочных материалов, будучи одной из ключевых составляющих экономики, испытывает значительное влияние как внутренних, так и внешних факторов. По итогам 2024 года совокупный оборот DIY-рынка достиг 8,2 трлн рублей (+21% за год). Основными причинами динамичного роста рынка стали рост цен на энергоресурсы, повышение тарифов естественных монополий, увеличение логистических затрат, а также инфляция в производственной сфере. В перспективе по мнению экспертов INFOLine, дополнительным фактором повышения цен станет запуск маркировки стройматериалов. 


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