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"Store chains in St. Petersburg. Consumer Market and FMCG Trade".

"Store chains in St. Petersburg. Consumer Market and FMCG Trade".

  • Дата выхода : 01.07.2009
  • Кол-во стр: 47
  • Язык отчета: English
  • Стоимость: 30 000 руб со скидкой: 24 000 руб.
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“Store chains in St. Petersburg. Trade centers market in the region”research contains description of the key performance figures of economy and retail trade development of the region, characteristics of commercial real estate market and description of disorganized trade in the region (markets), analysis of the main trends, current conditions and development outlooks for retail trade and FMCG trading chains in Russia, including store formats, in 2008 and January-May 2009, description of business activities of the chains represented in the region, including figures of operating and financial performance of the chains;

“Store chains in St. Petersburg. Consumer market and FMCG trade” research includes:

  • Section I. “The main key figures of the economy and retail trade in the region” describes the economic development of the region under crisis conditions, estimates the influence of crisis and makes predictions regarding development of economy and retail trade in 2009-2010;
  • Section II. “Shopping centers market in the region” describes the conditions at the market of commercial real estate in the region in 2008, presents the main key figures of the market development, including the dynamics of facilities commissioning and floor space saturation in the trade centers of the region. The section also defines the main development trends at the trade real estate market in 2008;
  • Section III. “Retail markets of the region” describes the dynamics and the main development trends of regional retail markets, their current conditions and the outlooks for development under stiffening state control, as well as presents analyses of the level of saturation by retail markets;
  • Section IV. “Retail trade and FMCG chains of the region" presents information that deals with structure of FMCG retail trade according to the trading format (hypermarket, supermarket, neighborhood store) and the chain type (international, federal, interregional, local), the dynamics of the main indexes of business activity of the largest regional FMCG retailers: the regional retail market development according to the trading formats: Hypermarket, supermarket and neighborhood store, describes the key performance indexes of the key retailers that operate within specified formats, and gives predictions regarding the development of the formats in 2009 taking into account changes in the economy conditions and consumer preferences;
  • Section V. “Description of trade chains represented in the region”, which deals with main performance indexes of the chains operation: sales volumes in 2007 and 2008, trading floorspace and number of stores according to results of the third quarter of 2007 and 01 January 2009, as well as historical description of the business development in the region and outlooks for development of each chain under the crisis conditions.
  • About the reseach
    Section I. The main key figures of the economy and retail trade in the region
    Section II. Shopping centers market in the region
    Conditions of the shopping centers market in the region
    The structure of shopping center proposals in the region
    The outlooks for opening of new shopping centers in the region
    The current conditions and development outloks for the shopping centers in the region
    The trends of the shopping centers market in the region
    Section IV. Retail trade and FMCG trading chains of the regionThe structure of retail FMCG trade market according to trading formats and types of trading chains
    The structure of retail FMCG trade market according to the companies
    The condition of the key market players in supermarket format
    The condition of the key market players in the neighborhood store format
    The condition of the key market players in the hypermarket format
    The development outlooks for the FMCG chain trading in the year
    Section V. Description of trade chains represented in the regionInternational chains
    frderal chains
    Interregional chains
    Local chains
  • Section I. The main key figures of the economy and retail trade in the region

  • Gross product indexes in Russia and the region in 2003-2008
  • Consumer price indexes in Russia and the region in 2003-2008
  • Structure of retail trade sales volumes in the region according to the types of goods 2003-2008, bln. roubles.
  • Average per capita cash incomes of Russia and the region residents 2003-2008, ths.rub.
  • Structure of retail trade sales volumes in Russia in 2008, %.
  • Structure of retail trade sales volumes in Russia and the region in 2003-2008.
  • Share of food products in the sales volumes of retail trade in 2003-2008, %
  • Performance figures of retail trade of food products in the region in 2003-2008.

    Section II. Shopping centers market in the region

  • Some of the largest shopping centers operating in the region (as of 01 January 2009)
  • Some of the most significant shopping centers being under construction in Moscow (as of 01 January 2009)
  • Suspended shopping centers projects in Moscow region (as of 01 January 2009)

  • Dynamics of total space in shopping centers in the cities of Russia in 2007-2008 per ths. people.
  • Dynamics of total space on shopping centers in 2001-2008, ths. sq. m.

    Section III. Retail markets of the region

  • Retail markets of the region

  • Number of markets in the cities and regions of Russia per 100 ths. People as of 01 January 2009

    Section IV. Retail trade and the FMCG retail trade chains of the region

  • Dynamics of key performance figures of 30 largest FMCG retailers of the region, %

  • Key performance figures of retail trade in the cities and regions of Russia in 2008 in % from the highest figure in cities and regions of the present research
  • Structure of FMCG retail trade sales volumes according to formats, %.
  • Dynamics of FMCG trading chains sales volumes in the region in 2006-2008 according to formats, bln. USD.
  • Structure of FMCG retail trade sales volumes in 2008 according to chain types, %.
  • Dynamics of FMCG trading chains sales volumes in the region in 2006-2008 according to chain types, bln. USD.
  • Dynamics of FMCG trading chains sales volumes in the region in 2006-2008 according to companies, bln. USD.
  • Structure of retail trade food products sales volumes in 2008, %.
  • TOP-15 of large chains in the region according to sales per one square meter of trading space in 2008
  • Structure of FMCG chains sales volume in 2008
  • Structure of trading floorspace of FMCG chains as of 01 January 2009.
  • Dynamics of sales volumes of FMCG chains supermarkets in the region in 2006-2008 according to companies, bln. USD.
  • Structure of sales volumes of FMCG chains in the region in supermarket format in 2008, %
  • TOP-15 of large chains in the region in supermarket format according to sales per one square meter of trading space in 2008.
  • Dynamics of sales volumes of FMCG neighborhood store chains in the region in 2006-2008 according to companies, bln. USD. USD.
  • Structure of sales volumes of FMCG chains in the region in neighborhood store format in 2008, %
  • TOP-15 of large chains in the region in neighborhood store format according to sales per one square meter of trading space in 2008.
  • Dynamics of hypermarkets number in the region according to the chain type in 1997-2009.
  • Dynamics of hypermarket trading space in the region according to the chain type in 1997-2009.
  • Dynamics of commissioning of hypermarkets in the region in 1997-2009.
  • Dynamics of trading space of hypermarkets in the region in 1997-2009.
  • Structure of trading space of hypermarkets in the region as of May 2009.
  • Dynamics of FMCG trading chains sales volumes in the region in 2006-2008 according to companies, bln. USD.
  • Structure of sales volumes of FMCG chains in the region in hypermarket format in 2008, %
  • Sales volumes per one square meter of trading space in 2008 of retailers developing hypermarket format.
  • Dynamics of hypermarket commissioning in the region, 1997-2009, according to the type of premises
  • Dynamics of average trading space of hypermarkets in the region, 1997-2009, according to the type of premises.
  • Rates of sales growth of the main formats of FMCG trading chains in cities and regions of Russia in 2008 compared in % with the previous year

    Section V. Description of trading chains represented in the region

    International chains
  • Auchan
  • Real
  • Prisma
  • Super Siva
    Federal chains
  • Х5 Retail Group N.V.
  • OKey
  • Lenta
  • Diksi, V-mart
  • Victoria, Kvartal
  • Paterson
  • Sedmoi Kontinent
  • Magnit
  • Mosmart
  • Grossmart
    Interregional chains
  • 7Ya semYa
  • Norma
  • Norman
  • Morkov
  • Globus Gurme
  • Treshechka
    Local chains
  • Polushka
  • Nahodka
  • Piterskoe
  • MaxMix
  • Sezon
  • Netto
  • Smart
  • Lend
  • Riomag
  • Dieta 18
  • Plovdiv
  • Tsentralnye bulochnye
  • Gastronom 811







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