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"Hypermarket Segment in 24 Cities and Regional Areas of Russia".

"Hypermarket Segment in 24 Cities and Regional Areas of Russia".

  • Дата выхода : 13.05.2011
  • Кол-во стр: 230
  • Язык отчета: English
  • Стоимость: 60 000 руб со скидкой: 48 000 руб.
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In Research "Hypermarket Segment in 24 Cities and Regional Areas of Russia ": the general condition of the market of hypermarkets in 22 cities of Russia is analysed (including 2 cities-regions: Moscow and St.-Petersburg) and 2 regions of Russia (without Moscow and St.-Petersburg), are described 480 operating hypermarkets, thus, including into research have entered: Moscow (42 hypermarkets), St.-Petersburg (55 hypermarkets), Novosibirsk (12 hypermarkets), Ekaterinburg (15 hypermarkets), Nizhny Novgorod (11 hypermarkets), Samara (7 hypermarkets), Kazan (7 hypermarkets), Omsk (4 hypermarkets), Chelyabinsk (9 hypermarkets), Rostov-on-Don (8 hypermarkets), Ufa (5 hypermarkets), Volgograd (9 hypermarkets), Perm (5 hypermarkets), Krasnoyarsk (3 hypermarkets), Voroneg (9 hypermarkets), Saratov (5 hypermarkets), Krasnodar (11 hypermarkets), Ulianovsk (3 hypermarkets), Izhevsk (6 hypermarkets), Lipetsk (7 hypermarkets), Kirov (2 hypermarkets), Stavropol (2 hypermarkets), Moscow region (41 hypermarket), Leningrad region (6 hypermarkets) and Tolliatti (6 hypermarkets); the database of operating hypermarkets of FMCG chains of Russia is resulted.

Research " Hypermarket Segment in 24 Cities and Regional Areas of Russia " includes following sections:
The main key figures of the economy and retail trade in Russia: describe the information on macroeconomic indicators in the retail trade, the given structures of a turn of retail trade by kinds of the goods, the information on incomes and expenses of the population, consumer expectations and confidence of the population, inflation.
Development history and key features of the hypermarket format: describe the history and features of development of the hypermarket format in the retail market of Russia.
Conditions of the unorganized trade and outlooks for replacement of marketplaces by the hypermarket format: the structure of a turn of retail trade by kinds of the trading organizations is considered, and also the situation description in the market of unorganized trade contains and prospects of replacement of the markets by the hypermarket format are analysed.
The rating of FMCG trading chains according to results of 2010 and description of the key market players: ratings of the largest players FMCG of Russia developing the hypermarket format and are presented key indicators of the hypermarket format of trading chains are described.
Development of the hypermarket format in the regional areas: the regional structure of retail trade of Russia and feature of development of the hypermarket format on regions of Russia is described.
Expectations for development of the hypermarket format: prospects of development of the hypermarket format by the largest FMCG chains of Russia the next year are presented.
Development of the hypermarket format in 24 cities and regional areas of Russia: the generalizing review of a situation in the market of 24 cities and regions of Russia in 2010 is presented, the comparative analysis of dynamics of input of hypermarkets in cities of Russia is carried out, the saturation of cities by hypermarkets on one thousand inhabitants and on sq. km is estimated, city building, tendencies and prospects of development of the market of hypermarkets in Russia are described.

Situation in the market of hypermarkets sections on each city contain following subsections in each of 24 cities and regions Russian Federations where the situation in the market of hypermarkets separately on each of 24 cities and Research regions is described::
  • Condition of key players of a hypermarket format on each of 24 cities and regions where dynamics of input hypermarkets is presented, features of each city and level of a saturation of inhabitants are described by hypermarkets;
  • Trends of the market of hypermarkets on each of 24 cities and regions.

  • The database of "480 hypermarkets of FMCG chains of Russia" which is intended for optimization of interaction with hypermarkets trading chains, is given in format Excel, is the integral appendix to the given report, and includes following fields:
    • Opening Date;
    • Brand of chain;
    • The Company;
    • The Total area;
    • The Floor space;
    • Federal district;
    • Region;
    • The City;
    • The Address;
    • Placing Type (Mall / Separate);
    • Name of Mall;
    • Area of Mall;
    • Hypermarket Phone;
    • The Director of a hypermarket.

    The base of hypermarkets includes 480 operating hypermarkets of 46 companies: X5 Retail Group (69 hypermarkets, 67 hypermarkets Karusel and 2 hypermarkets Pyaterochka Maxi), Metro Cash&Carry (57 Metro Cash&Carry), Magnit (51 hypermarket Magnit), Auchan (44 hypermarkets: 29 hypermarkets Auchan, 13 hypermarkets Auchan city and 2 hypermarkets Raduga), Lenta (39 hypermarkets Lenta), OKey (35 hypermarkets OKey), GK Vester (19 hypermarkets Vester Hyper), Gorporate Grinn (19 hypermarkets Linia), Real (16 hypermarkets Real), GK Dixy (15 hypermarkets Megamart), Optovik (14 hypermarkets Essen), Sedmoy Kontinent (11 hypermarkets NASH), System RegionMart (11 hypermarkets Polyana), GK Holidey (9 hypermarkets: 7 hypermarkets Palata, 1 hypermarket Holidey and 1 hypermarket Holidey Maxi), Mosmart (8 hypermarkets: 6 hypermarkets Mosmart and 2 hypermarkets Mosmart Maxi), HyperGlobus (5 hypermarkets HyperGlobus), Moll (5 hypermarkets Molniya), Selgros (4 hypermarkets Selgros), Izhtraiding (4 hypermarkets: 2 hypermarkets Tri banana and 2 hypermarkets Izhtraiding), Intertorg (4 hypermarkets Kupets), GK Lama (3 hypermarkets Food city), Geomart retail (2 hypermarkets Geomart), Maria-Ra (2 hypermarkets Maria-Ra), SVA Traiding (2 hypermarkets SPAR), Semiya (2 hypermarkets Semiya), Sibirsky Gigant (2 hypermarkets Gigant), Element Traid (2 hypermarkets Rait), Alie Parusa (1 hypermarket Alie Parusa), Bahetle (1 hypermarket Bahetle), Vivat-Traid (1 hypermarket Vivat), GK Victoria (1 hypermarket KESH), Duplet (1 hypermarket Komandor), Karavan (1 hypermarket Karavan), Lipka (1 hypermarket Lipka), Mir produktov (1 hypermarket Mir produktov), Prisma (1 hypermarket Prisma), Primorskoe (1 hypermarket Season), Pskovpisheprom (1 hypermarket Imperial), Rost (1 hypermarket Rost), Spar Retail (1 hypermarket SPAR), TVK (1 hypermarket Tabris), TG Nash Magazin (1 hypermarket Povorot), TH Lotos (1 hypermarket Sigma), Universam Severo-Zapadniy (1 hypermarket Teorema), Univetsal-Traiding (1 hypermarket Matritsa), Ulena (1 hypermarket Stolichniy).

    The base of hypermarkets includes 480 operating hypermarkets in 56 regions of Russia: Altay territory (3 hypermarkets), the Astrakhan region (3 hypermarkets), the Belgorod region (9 hypermarkets), the Bryansk region (5 hypermarkets), Vladimir region (2 hypermarkets), the Volgograd region (12 hypermarkets), the Voronezh region (9 hypermarkets), the Gomel area (Belarus, 1 hypermarket), the Ivanovo area (4 hypermarkets), the Kaliningrad region (5 hypermarkets), the Kaluga region (3 hypermarkets), the Kemerovo region (14 hypermarkets), the Kirov region (3 hypermarkets), the Kostroma region (1 hypermarket), Krasnodar territory (31 hypermarket), Krasnoyarsk region (5 hypermarkets), the Kurgan region (1 hypermarket), Kursk area (3 hypermarkets), Leningrad region (6 hypermarkets), the Lipetsk region (9 hypermarkets), Moscow (41 hypermarket), Moscow Region (31 hypermarket), Murmansk area (2 hypermarkets), the Nizhniy Novgorod region (13 hypermarkets), the Novgorod region (2 hypermarkets), the Novosibirsk region (12 hypermarkets), the Omsk region (7 hypermarkets), the Orenburg region (3 hypermarkets), the Oryol region (2 hypermarkets), the Penza region (3 hypermarkets), the Perm edge (5 hypermarkets), the Pskov area (3 hypermarkets), Republic Bashkortostan (3 hypermarkets), Republic Kalmykia (1 hypermarket), Republic Kabardino-Balkariya (1 hypermarket), Republic Karachaevo-Circassia (1 hypermarket), Republic Kareliya (2 hypermarkets), Republic North Ossetia (1 hypermarket), Republic Tatarstan (24 hypermarkets), Republic Udmurtiya of 9 hypermarkets), Republic Hakassija (2 hypermarkets), Republic Chuvashiya (4 hypermarkets), the Rostov region (14 hypermarkets), the Ryazan region (5 hypermarkets), the Samara region (13 hypermarkets), St.-Petersburg (55 hypermarkets), the Saratov region (6 hypermarkets), Sverdlovsk area (20 hypermarkets), Stavropol Territory (5 hypermarkets), the Tambov region (3 hypermarkets), the Tver region (2 hypermarkets), the Tomsk region (5 hypermarkets), the Tula area (3 hypermarkets), the Tyumen region (10 hypermarkets), the Ulyanovsk region (4 hypermarkets), the Chelyabinsk area (13 hypermarkets), Yaroslavl region (9 hypermarkets).
    The main key figures of the economy and retail trade in Russia
    Development history and key features of the hypermarket format
    Conditions of the unorganized trade and outlooks for replacement of marketplaces by the hypermarket format
    The rating of FMCG trading chains according to results of 2010 and description of the key market players

    The rating of FMCG trading chains of Russia in terms of number of stores
    The rating of FMCG trading chains of Russia in terms of number of stores
    The rating of FMCG trading chains of Russia in terms of net sales
    Main performance features of hypermarkets in Russia
    The rating of companies in terms of number of hypermarkets and total trading floorspace
    Development of the hypermarket format in the regional areas
    Expectations for development of the hypermarket format

    Development of the hypermarket format in 24 cities and regional areas of Russia Conditions of the hypermarket segment in Moscow

    Interregional comparison of hypermarkets saturation in the cities
    Development history of the hypermarket format in Moscow
    Operative performance figures of hypermarkets in Moscow
    Conditions of hypermarket segment in terms of allocation types in Moscow
    Trends of the hypermarket segment in Moscow
    Conditions of the hypermarket segment in Moscow region
    Interregional comparison of hypermarkets saturation in the cities
    Development history of the hypermarket format in Moscow region
    Operative performance figures of hypermarkets in Moscow region
    Conditions of hypermarket segment in terms of allocation types in Moscow region
    Trends of the hypermarket segment in Moscow region
    Conditions of the hypermarket segment in St. Petersburg Interregional comparison of hypermarkets saturation in the cities
    Development history of the hypermarket format in St. Petersburg
    Operative performance figures of hypermarkets in St. Petersburg
    Conditions of hypermarket segment in terms of allocation types in St. Petersburg
    Trends of the hypermarket segment in St. Petersburg
    Conditions of the hypermarket segment in Leningrad region
    Interregional comparison of hypermarkets saturation in the cities
    Development history of the hypermarket format in Leningrad region
    Operative performance figures of hypermarkets in Leningrad region
    Conditions of hypermarket segment in terms of allocation types in Leningrad region
    Trends of the hypermarket segment in Leningrad region
    Conditions of the hypermarket segment in Yekaterinburg and Sverdlovsk region
    Interregional comparison of hypermarkets saturation in the cities
    Development history of the hypermarket format in Yekaterinburg and Sverdlovsk region
    Operative performance figures of hypermarkets in Yekaterinburg and Sverdlovsk region
    Conditions of hypermarket segment in terms of allocation types in Yekaterinburg and Sverdlovsk region
    Trends of the hypermarket segment in Yekaterinburg and Sverdlovsk region
    Conditions of the hypermarket segment in Kazan and Republic of Tatarstan
    Interregional comparison of hypermarkets saturation in the cities
    Development history of the hypermarket format in Kazan and Republic of Tatarstan
    Operative performance figures of hypermarkets in Kazan and Republic of Tatarstan
    Conditions of hypermarket segment in terms of allocation types in Kazan and Republic of Tatarstan
    Trends of the hypermarket segment in Kazan and Republic of Tatarstan
    Conditions of the hypermarket segment in Nizhniy Novgorod and Nizhniy Novgorod region
    Interregional comparison of hypermarkets saturation in the cities
    Development history of the hypermarket format in Nizhniy Novgorod and Nizhniy Novgorod region
    Operative performance figures of hypermarkets in Nizhniy Novgorod and Nizhniy Novgorod region
    Conditions of hypermarket segment in terms of allocation types in Nizhniy Novgorod and Nizhniy Novgorod region
    Trends of the hypermarket segment in Nizhniy Novgorod and Nizhniy Novgorod region
    Conditions of the hypermarket segment in Samara, Tolyatti and Samara region
    Interregional comparison of hypermarkets saturation in the cities
    Development history of the hypermarket format in Samara, Tolyatti and Samara region
    Operative performance figures of hypermarkets in Samara, Tolyatti and Samara region
    Conditions of hypermarket segment in terms of allocation types in Samara, Tolyatti and Samara region
    Trends of the hypermarket segment in Samara, Tolyatti and Samara region
    Conditions of the hypermarket segment in Novosibirsk and Novosibirsk region
    Interregional comparison of hypermarkets saturation in the cities
    Development history of the hypermarket format in Novosibirsk and Novosibirsk region
    Operative performance figures of hypermarkets in Novosibirsk and Novosibirsk region
    Conditions of hypermarket segment in terms of allocation types in Novosibirsk and Novosibirsk region
    Trends of the hypermarket segment in Novosibirsk and Novosibirsk region
    Conditions of the hypermarket segment in Ufa and Republic of Bashkortostan
    Interregional comparison of hypermarkets saturation in the cities
    Development history of the hypermarket format in Ufa and Republic of Bashkortostan
    Operative performance figures of hypermarkets in Ufa and Republic of Bashkortostan
    Conditions of hypermarket segment in terms of allocation types in Ufa and Republic of Bashkortostan
    Conditions of the hypermarket segment in Ufa and Republic of Bashkortostan
    Conditions of the hypermarket segment in Chelyabinsk and Chelyabinsk region
    Interregional comparison of hypermarkets saturation in the cities
    Development history of the hypermarket format in Chelyabinsk and Chelyabinsk region
    Operative performance figures of hypermarkets in Chelyabinsk and Chelyabinsk region
    Conditions of hypermarket segment in terms of allocation types in Chelyabinsk and Chelyabinsk region
    Trends of the hypermarket segment in Chelyabinsk and Chelyabinsk region
    Conditions of the hypermarket segment in Rostov-on-Don and Rostov-on-Don region
    Interregional comparison of hypermarkets saturation in the cities
    Development history of the hypermarket format in Rostov-on-Don and Rostov-on-Don region
    Operative performance figures of hypermarkets в Rostov-on-Don and Rostov-on-Don region
    Conditions of hypermarket segment in terms of allocation types in Rostov-on-Don and Rostov-on-Don region
    Trends of the hypermarket segment in Rostov-on-Don and Rostov-on-Don region
    Conditions of the hypermarket segment in Omsk and Omsk region
    Interregional comparison of hypermarkets saturation in the cities
    Development history of the hypermarket format in Omsk and Omsk region
    Operative performance figures of hypermarkets in Omsk and Omsk region
    Conditions of hypermarket segment in terms of allocation types in Omsk and Omsk region
    Trends of the hypermarket segment in Omsk and Omsk region
    Conditions of the hypermarket segment in Krasnodar and Krasnodar Territory
    Interregional comparison of hypermarkets saturation in the cities
    Development history of the hypermarket format in Krasnodar and Krasnodar Territory
    Operative performance figures of hypermarkets in Krasnodar and Krasnodar Territory
    Conditions of hypermarket segment in terms of allocation types in Krasnodar and Krasnodar Territory
    Trends of the hypermarket segment in Krasnodar and Krasnodar Territory
    Conditions of the hypermarket segment in Volgograd and Volgograd region
    Interregional comparison of hypermarkets saturation in the cities
    Development history of the hypermarket format in Volgograd and Volgograd region
    Operative performance figures of hypermarkets in Volgograd and Volgograd region
    Conditions of hypermarket segment in terms of allocation types in Volgograd and Volgograd region
    Trends of the hypermarket segment in Volgograd and Volgograd region
    Conditions of the hypermarket segment in Perm and Perm Territory
    Interregional comparison of hypermarkets saturation in the cities
    Development history of the hypermarket format in Perm and Perm Territory
    Operative performance figures of hypermarkets in Perm and Perm Territory
    Conditions of hypermarket segment in terms of allocation types in Perm and Perm Territory
    Trends of the hypermarket segment in Perm and Perm Territory
    Conditions of the hypermarket segment in Krasnoyarsk and Krasnoyarsk Territory
    Interregional comparison of hypermarkets saturation in the cities
    Development history of the hypermarket format in Krasnoyarsk and Krasnoyarsk Territory
    Operative performance figures of hypermarkets in Krasnoyarsk and Krasnoyarsk Territory
    Conditions of hypermarket segment in terms of allocation types in Krasnoyarsk and Krasnoyarsk Territory
    Trends of the hypermarket segment in Krasnoyarsk and Krasnoyarsk Territory
    Conditions of the hypermarket segment in Voronezh and Voronezh region
    Interregional comparison of hypermarkets saturation in the cities
    Development history of the hypermarket format in Voronezh and Voronezh region
    Operative performance figures of hypermarkets in Voronezh and Voronezh region
    Conditions of hypermarket segment in terms of allocation types in Voronezh and Voronezh region
    Trends of the hypermarket segment in Voronezh and Voronezh region
    Conditions of the hypermarket segment in Saratov and Saratov region Interregional comparison of hypermarkets saturation in the cities
    Development history of the hypermarket format in Saratov and Saratov region
    Operative performance figures of hypermarkets in Saratov and Saratov region
    Conditions of hypermarket segment in terms of allocation types in Saratov and Saratov region
    Trends of the hypermarket segment in Saratov and Saratov region
    Conditions of the hypermarket segment in Izhevsk and Republic of Udmurtia
    Interregional comparison of hypermarkets saturation in the cities
    Development history of the hypermarket format in Izhevsk and Republic of Udmurtia
    Operative performance figures of hypermarkets in Izhevsk and Republic of Udmurtia
    Conditions of hypermarket segment in terms of allocation types in Izhevsk and Republic of Udmurtia
    Trends of the hypermarket segment in Izhevsk and Republic of Udmurtia
    Conditions of the hypermarket segment in Ulyanovsk and Ulyanovsk region
    Interregional comparison of hypermarkets saturation in the cities
    Development history of the hypermarket format in Ulyanovsk and Ulyanovsk region
    Operative performance figures of hypermarkets in Ulyanovsk and Ulyanovsk region
    Conditions of hypermarket segment in terms of allocation types in Ulyanovsk and Ulyanovsk region
    Trends of the hypermarket segment in Ulyanovsk and Ulyanovsk region
    Conditions of the hypermarket segment in Lipetsk and Lipetsk region
    Interregional comparison of hypermarkets saturation in the cities
    Development history of the hypermarket format in Lipetsk and Lipetsk region
    Operative performance figures of hypermarkets in Lipetsk and Lipetsk region
    Conditions of hypermarket segment in terms of allocation types in Lipetsk and Lipetsk region
    Trends of the hypermarket segment in Lipetsk and Lipetsk region
    Conditions of the hypermarket segment in Kirov and Kirov region
    Interregional comparison of hypermarkets saturation in the cities
    Development history of the hypermarket format in Kirov and Kirov region
    Operative performance figures of hypermarkets in Kirov and Kirov region
    Conditions of hypermarket segment in terms of allocation types in Kirov and Kirov region
    Trends of the hypermarket segment in Kirov and Kirov region
    Conditions of the hypermarket segment in Stavropol and Stavropol Territory
    Interregional comparison of hypermarkets saturation in the cities
    Development history of the hypermarket format in Stavropol and Stavropol Territory
    Operative performance figures of hypermarkets in Stavropol and Stavropol Territory
    Conditions of hypermarket segment in terms of allocation types in Stavropol and Stavropol Territory
    Trends of the hypermarket segment in Stavropol and Stavropol Territory
    The main key figures of the economy and retail trade in Russia
  • Dynamics of retail trade sales turnover in Russia in commodities mass in 2006-2010 and the expectations for 2013 Dynamics of the diagram below;
  • Structure of sales turnover in retail trade according to groups of commodities in 2002-2010; Graphs
  • Dynamics of main performance figures of consumer market in 2005-2011 in % against the similar period of the previous year;
  • Dynamics of retail trade sales and monetary stock in 2005-2011, billion roubles;
  • Dynamics of sales turnover in retail trade according to categories of goods in 2005-2011, %;
  • Dynamics of share of food commodities in sales turnover of retail trade in 2005-2011, %;
  • Dynamics of actual payroll and actual earnings of the population in 2000-2010, % against the previous period;
  • Dynamics of nominal gross payroll and per capita earnings of population in 2000-2010 and projections till 2013, thousand roubles;
  • Structure of cash earnings of population according to income source in 2000-2010, %;
  • Structure of cash earnings usage in 1990-2010, %;
  • Rates of actual earnings of population growth in 2006-2010 and projections till 2013, % against the similar period of the previous year;
  • Rates of actual payroll increase in 2006-2010, % against the similar period of the previous year;
  • Volume of deposits of individual persons and credits granted to individual persons in 2007-2010 in roubles and foreign currency, billion roubles;
  • Volume of deposits of individual persons and credits granted to individual persons in 2007-2010 in roubles and foreign currency, % against Jan. 2007;
  • Consumer prices index in 2000-2010 and projections till 2013, % against the previous year;
  • Structure of contribution to inflation in 2007-2010, percentage points;
  • Consumer prices index in 2007-2010, in % against the previous month;
  • Price changes for food commodities (without beverages) in European countries, December 2010, in % against December 2009;
  • Rates of price changes for food commodities in 2007-2011, % against previous year.

  • Development history and key features of the hypermarket format
  • Main stages of the hypermarket format development in 1994-2011;
  • Graphs
  • Personnel number of Retailers in Russia (per thousand square meters of floorspace) in 2009 international retailers;
  • Number of employees for thousand square meters of international retailers;
  • Dynamics of hypermarkets number in Russia in 1995-2010, as of the end of the period;
  • Dynamics of trading floorspace of hypermarkets in Russia in 1995-2010, thousand square meters;
  • Dynamics of commissioning of hypermarkets in Russia in 1995-2010, allocation as of the end of the year;
  • Dynamics of commissioning of floorspace in hypermarkets in Russia in 1995-2010, allocation as of the end of the year;
  • Dynamics of number of opened and closed hypermarkets in Russia in 1995-2010, allocation as of the end of the year;
  • Dynamics of floorspace of opened and closed hypermarkets in Russia, thousand square meters.

  • Conditions of the unorganized trade and outlooks for replacement of marketplaces by the hypermarket format
  • The sales turnover of trading organizations and marketplaces in 2002-2010, billion roubles;
  • Structure of retail trade sales in 2006-2010 according to categories of trading organizations, %;
  • Dynamics of marketplaces number in RF and their share in sales turnover in 2004-2010;
  • Marketplaces share, saturation with marketplaces and trading slots at them in 24 regional areas of RF.

  • The rating of FMCG trading chains according to results of 2010 and description of the key market players
  • Number of stores of the largest FMCG chains during 2007-2011 as of the end of the period, (units);
  • Total trading floorspace of the largest FMCG chains of Russia during 2007-2011 as of the end of the period, thousand square meters;
  • Dynamics of net sales (without VAT) of the largest FMCG chains in 2010-2011, billion roubles;
  • Dynamics of net sales (without VAT) of the largest FMCG chains in 2007-2010, billion roubles;
  • Number, trading floorspace and regional representativeness of hypermarkets of the largest retailers in Russia, as of beginning of 2011;
  • Characteristic features of hypermarkets of the largest retailers in Russia, as of beginning of 2011;

  • Graphs
  • Dynamics of number and floorspace of trading units of 90 largest retailers of Russia in 2006-2011;
  • Dynamics of units number and floorspace growth for 90 largest retailers of Russia in 2006-2010;
  • Dynamics of hypermarkets number and their floorspace for 90 largest retailers of Russia in 2006-2011;
  • Dynamics of trading floorspace of 90 major retailers of Russia according to formats, 2005-2010 (as of the year’s end);
  • Structure of trading floorspace in hypermarkets of 90 largest retailers of Russia according to formats in 2005-2010 (as of the year’s end);
  • Dynamics of floorspace growth for 90 largest retailers of Russia in 2006-2010;
  • Structure of floorspace growth for 90 largest retailers of Russia in 2006-2010;
  • Number of units and total trading floorspace of FMCG chain hypermarkets in RF as of 01 January 2011;
  • Dynamics of commissioned hypermarkets of the largest FMCG trading chains in 1995-2010, units;
  • Representativeness of FMCG trading chain hypermarkets of Russia in terms of their quantity in regional areas, units;
  • Representativeness of FMCG trading chain hypermarkets of Russia in terms of their floorspace in regional areas, thousand square meters;
  • Floorspace structure of FMCG trading chain hypermarkets in Russia in terms of regional representativeness, %.
    Development of the hypermarket format in the regional areas
  • Regional structure of retail trade sales of RF in 2003-2010, %; Graphs
  • Structure of retail sales turnover in terms of federal districts of RF in 2010, %;
  • Structure of retail sales turnover in terms of RF subjects in 2010, %;
  • Dynamics of the share of 69 regional areas of Russia (except 11 largest) in retail sales turnover in 2003-2010, %;
  • Number of regional areas with positive dynamics of retail sales turnover in physical terms against similar period of previous year;
  • Structure of retail sales turnover in terms of formats in the regional areas of the Research;
  • Structure of retail sales turnover in terms of formats in the cities of the Research;
  • Number of hypermarkets in 24 regional areas of Russia in 2004, 2007 and 2010;
  • Number of hypermarkets in 22 cities of Russia in 2004, 2007 and 2010;
  • Saturation with hypermarkets in European countries and Russian cities in 2010, per 1 million people;
  • Saturation with hypermarkets in European countries and Russian cities in 2010, per 1 million people.
    Expectations for development of the hypermarket format
  • Hypermarket commissionings of FMCG hypermarket chains of Russia in 2010;
  • Commissionings plans of FMCG hypermarkets chains of Russia in 2011; Graphs
  • Sales revenue per square meter of trading floorspace of FMCG hypermarket chains in RF in, thousand US dollars per year;
    Development of the hypermarket format in 24 cities and regional areas of Russia

  • Hypermarkets of FMCG trading chains commissioned in Moscow during 2008-2010, in 24 cities and regions of Russia;
  • Some of the most significant shopping centers of Moscow, currently in process of construction, in 24 cities and regions of Russia. Graphs
  • Saturation with hypermarkets in 22 cities of Russia in 2004, 2007 and 2010 per 1 million people;
  • Structure of retail trade sales turnover in 2010, %;
  • Average per capita cash earnings of population in Russia and … in 2003-2010, thousand roubles, in 24 cities and regions of Russia;
  • Rating of 22 cities of RF in terms of number of marketplaces per 100 thousand people as of 01 January 2010;
  • Dynamics of number of marketplaces in … in 2005-2010, in 24 cities and regions of Russia;
  • Dynamics of hypermarkets number in … according to chain type in 1997-2010, in 24 cities and regions of Russia;
  • Dynamics of trading floorspace of hypermarkets in … according to chain type in 1997-2010, in 24 cities and regions of Russia;
  • Dynamics of hypermarkets commissioning in …, 1997-2010, in 24 cities and regions of Russia;
  • Dynamics of trading floorspace of hypermarkets in …, thousand square meters, in 1997-2010, in 24 cities and regions of Russia;
  • Structure of trading floorspace of hypermarkets in …, January 2011, in 24 cities and regions of Russia;
  • Dynamics of hypermarkets commissioning in … 1997-2010 according to their allocation, in 24 cities and regions of Russia;
  • Dynamics of average trading floorspace in hypermarkets of … in 1997-2010 according to their allocation, in 24 cities and regions of Russia;
  • Dynamics of hypermarkets commissioning in … (accrued total) in 1997-2010 according to their allocation, in 24 cities and regions of Russia;
  • Dynamics of average trading floorspace of hypermarkets in Moscow (accrued total) in 1997-2010 according to their allocation, in 24 cities and regions of Russia. 


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