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A pool of speakers for plenary session “International Cooperation and Export” is being formed

A little over a month is left to the date of holding the key analytical event in the foodstuffs market – namely, plenary session “International Cooperation and Export” that will be held on September 25, 2019, in International Exhibition Center “Crocus Expo” in Moscow, from 12:15 to 2:30 p.m. The event will take place within the framework of the major international exhibition of foodstuffs WorldFood Moscow.

INFOLine Information and Analytics Center acts as a strategic analytical partner of the event.

Participants of the discussion include representatives of international cooperation and retail, manufacturers of foodstuffs, beverages and agricultural products.

Participants of the discussion:



The pool of the plenary session speakers is currently being formed to discuss the following key questions:

·         The state of foreign economic activities of Russia. Export commodity structure and geographic reach.

·         What measures does the Russian Government take to reach key export targets on agricultural projects with the framework of the “International Cooperation and Export” National Project?

·         Where will export-oriented wholesale distribution centres be built until 2023? How can Russian agricultural businesses and food retailers use these centres?

·         Promotion of “Umbrella Brands”, and which product groups, agricultural businesses and food retailers will have access to Umbrella Brands by 2021

·         Regional Export Standard 2.0: What is it, and how can Russian suppliers directly contract foreign retailers, including Chinese companies?

Invited for participation are (the list is currently being adjusted):

Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance, Council of the Federation Committee for Agrarian and Food Policy and Environmental Management, Russian Export Center (REC), ECE, X5 Retail Group, Magnit, Auchan, VkusVill, PepsiCo Holdings, Mondelez Europe, Nestle Russia, Miratorg, United Confectioners, Cherkizovo Group, Rusagro Group, Baltika Brewing Company, and many others.

Reports and presentations of INFOLine specialists at strategic session “International Cooperation and Export” are based on the agency’s following new studies: "Food and beverage production in Russia. Results of 2018 and Trends for 2019. Forecast up to 2021" and "Agricultural complex of Russia. Results of 2018 and Trends for 2019. Forecast up to 2021"

Be in a hurry tо sign up

For more information about the event and INFOLine information products, please contact us by phone +7 (495) 772-7640 or +7 (812) 322-6848 or by e-mail retail@infoline.spb.ru

Источник:  INFOLine

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