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"DIY market of Russia. The results of 2013. Forecast till 2017".

"DIY market of Russia. The results of 2013. Forecast till 2017".

  • Дата выхода : 11.07.2014
  • Кол-во стр: 125
  • Язык отчета: English
  • Демо-версия: Загрузить
  • Стоимость: 50 000 руб со скидкой: 40 000 руб.
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In the report "DIY market of Russia. The results of 2013. Forecast till 2017" the development of DIY market is characterized including forecast till 2017. There is also a comparable analysis and structured description of the largest DIY market players. In the report IA INFOline’s analytics characterized the main trends of Russian DIY market development, composed the rating TOP-50 largest DIY operators of Russia by the results of 2013, which includes the indicators of net revenue, revenue by square meter of space, amount of commercial objects and aggregate commercial space by 01.01.2014. In the report there is also dynamics of development of organized retail and wholesale-retail formats at DIY market of Russia is described, the major players of formats like hypermarket, construction wholesaler and specialized shopping center are described, information about distributive centers of the largest DIY chains of Russia is presented, information about consumer preferences of Russians in relation to construction goods is presented.

The report " DIY market of Russia. The results of 2013. Forecast till 2017" includes the following sections:
Situation at DIY retail market

The history of DIY market’s development is presented along with its present condition, there are also trends and perspectives of its development outlined, as well as the information on consumer preferences;


Сharacteristics of assortment of the largest retail and wholesale-retail DIY operators; rating DIY RETAIL RUSSIA TOP 50; ratings of the largest retail and wholesale-retail DIY operators of Russia by revenue for 2013, revenue from a square meter of commercial/reduced area, dynamics of stores number and commercial spaces of retail and wholesale-retail DIY operators;

Current condition and development perspectives of DIY market formats in Russia

General characteristics of the main formats, developed by Russian DIY chains, history of development and key peculiarities of such formats as hypermarket, construction wholesaler, specialized shopping center; characteristics of distribution centers of the largest DIY operators;

Condition of construction industry of Russia

The main macro economical indicators of construction industry, dynamics of investment in fixed assets, indicators of business activity of construction companies, main indicators of construction companies’ activities, rating of companies in residential construction segment, condition of mortgage credit lending market, dynamics of housing prices, condition of uninhabited premises construction market, analysis of investment activity in building of commercial objects and in industrial construction;

Business references of TOP-30 DIY operators of Russia Contacts, TOP-management, history of the chain’s development, the structure of the chain and its stock capital, operational indicators, format indicators, financial indicators, regional representation, distributive centers, own brands, perspectives of development.

While doing research for the report "DIY market of Russia. The results of 2013. Forecast till 2017" specialists of IA INFOLine used the following sources:
  • Expert surveys and interviews with commercial chains’ representatives, survey of more than 200 chains;
  • Commercial chains’ materials (primary documents, press-releases, materials from the sites, reports);
  • Records of financial reporting of commercial chains according to Russian and international standards;
  • Service "Thematic news: Commercial chains DIY" and archive since 2001 on topic of "Commercial chains".







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