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Shipbuilding Industry of Russia and Ukraine, Results of 2012 and Forecast till 2020. (доступна обновленная версия)

Shipbuilding Industry of Russia and Ukraine, Results of 2012 and Forecast till 2020. (доступна обновленная версия)

  • Дата выхода : 03.07.2013
  • Кол-во стр: 536
  • Язык отчета: Русский (возможен перевод на Английский)
  • Демо-версия: Загрузить
  • Стоимость: 60 000 руб со скидкой: 48 000 руб.
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The main objective of the Shipbuilding Industry in Russia and Ukraine, Results of 2012 and Forecast till 2020 Research was to carry out all-inclusive comprehensive analysis of the current conditions of shipbuilding industry in Russia and Ukraine and to develop a long-term forecast for the industry’s development and the demand for the production of various shipbuilding segments.
The current position of present-day Russian shipbuilding industry at the world shipbuilding market is quite modest.
While in 2013, according to expert assessments, the world-wide market expects delivery of vessels with about 100 million tons of deadweight, Russian shipbuilding is able to supply to customers just about 200 thousand deadweight tons. Or, taking into account the navy shipbuilding, about 560 thousand tons of displacement tonnage. The major Russian shipowners, such as Sovkomflot or Primorie Shipping Company, place the bigger share of orders for their new vessels with foreign shipyards. In 2013 the portfolio of orders of these two companies exceeds 1.3 million deadweight tons. The reason for this is the simple inability of Russian shipyards to build large-size vessels. Meanwhile civil ships and small tonnage ships can be built by foreign shipyards not only faster, but also according to more modern designs and, more often than not, at a lower cost than in Russia.
According to the Shipbuilding Orders of Shipyards in Russia data base compiled by INFOLine IA, in 2011-2012 Russian shipyards built more than 190 ships with aggregate tonnage over 710 thousand tons. In 2013 it is planned to commission over 140 vessels and ships with total tonnage of about 565 thousand tons. As a result, Russian shipyards demonstrate low level of their capacities utilization (30-50%), which negatively influences their financial stability and efficiency of production. For instance, while in 2011 the aggregate revenue of 40 largest enterprises was about 177 billion roubles, the average net profit margin turned out to be negative and came up to approximately 2.1%.
There is a number of problems which hinder the development of Russian shipbuilding enterprises and improvement of their production and financial indicators:
  • high level of both physical and moral wear and tear of the capital funds
  • long-lasting stagnation of production and lack of investments
  • outdated technological and engineering solutions
  • low labor productivity and shortage of qualified engineers, workers and administrative human resources
  • low efficiency of the existing management model of the industry and individual enterprises
  • aftermaths of the ownership changes and economic recession in the 1990s and 2000s
  • absence of substantial motivation to invest into innovations, replacement of competition by administrative leverage; high level of corruption, especially in the segment of state defense orders
  • directivity at military production and absence of efficient arrangements in the segment of civil shipbuilding
  • less advantageous, as compared with foreign shipyards, conditions of financing for ship construction projects
  • high level of tax and customs pressure, low efficiency and high level of corruption among the customs bodies
  • low quality and irregularity of components and accessories supply, as well as degradation of national enterprises supplying those components and equipment
  • risks connected with Russia’s entry to WTO
  • failure to meet the planned deadlines of the major investment projects for construction of new shipyards
  • impossibility for OSK JSC to set up efficient partnership with foreign companies under the existing terms and Arrangements

The measures being taken by the Government of RF to solve the problems of shipbuilding industry and its development render contradictory results. By creating OSK (Associate Shipbuilding Corporation) JSC it managed to stop the crisis within the industry and even to start-up investment projects aimed at construction of modern shipyards. At the same time OSK monopolizes the market by the very fact of its existence. The absence of equal competition results in poor quality of orders, including the segment of military export.
Federal act No. 305-FZ of 07 November 2011 On Introduction of Amendments into Individual Legislative Acts of Russian Federation in Connection with Introduction of State Support Measures for Shipbuilding and Navigation, not only represents a number of half-measures, which are unable to improve the situation in the industry but also contains some negative issues. In particular, the measures directed at the support of shipbuilding are tied to the instrument of special manufacturing economic zones. And the suggested ways of zones’ formation carry a potential for corruption. The increase of financing for government orders, both in segments of navy shipbuilding and building of special and auxiliary vessels should, it would seem, form extremely favorable conditions for development of shipbuilding industry – in the first place in the field of renewal of RF Navy fleet and building of vessels and off-shore structure for development of the continental shelf deposits. For instance, before 2020 it is planned to appropriate about 4.44 trillion roubles for purchasing of ships and armaments for the Navy of RF. At the same time, because of the system-level problems that have accumulated in the shipbuilding during the last 20-25 years, the effectiveness of the fund’s utilization may turn out to be insufficient. Among other things – because of problems with the industry’s management and unfavorable general economic situation. All these and other circumstances of shipbuilding industry’s operation in Russia are subject of this Research. The branch research report Shipbuilding Industry of Russia and Ukraine, Results of 2013 and Forecast till 2020 represents a logical development of the Shipbuilding Industry of Russia and Ukraine, Trends of 2011 and Forecast till 2011 report, which was prepared by the specialists of INFOLine IA in November 2011. The main objective of the Research is the all-inclusive comprehensive analysis of conditions of the shipbuilding industry in Russia and Ukraine in 2012 and beginning of 2013, and development of a long-term forecast for the industry’s development and demand in various segments of shipbuilding.
The Shipbuilding Industry of Russia and Ukraine, Results of 2013 and Forecast till 2020 consists of two parts. Part 1 includes 7 sections and contains the overall analysis of the situation in the shipbuilding industry in Russia and Ukraine and forecast of development of Russian shipbuilding during next years. Part 2 has 4 sections and contains reference materials regarding 50 shipbuilding enterprises of Russia and 16 enterprises of Ukraine, as well as 8 design-construction offices in Russian Federation and 3 main Russian shipping companies. The reference materials contain detailed descriptions of shipbuilding enterprises in Russia and Ukraine, including information about the owners of shipyards, their association with holding structures, types of vessels, building and repair operations being carried on in those shipyards. It also contains data on financial indicators of enterprises, on the largest completed projects, portfolio of orders and development outlooks for the industry.
The Shipbuilding Industry of Russia and Ukraine, Results of 2013 and Forecast till 2020 compares favorably with the preceding reports due to the expanded and improved section devoted to ratings of shipbuilding enterprises and holdings of Russia. Ratings were compiled on the ground of the Shipbuilding Orders of Shipyards in Russia and Shipbuilding Orders of Shipyards in Ukraine data bases developed and supported by INFOLine IA. The ranking was executed by financial performance indicators of enterprises, by indicators of aggregate tonnage and aggregated cost of vessels commissioned and being built. The report contains an expanded list of the described shipbuilding enterprises, which provides a more in-depth understanding of the situation in the industry.
The Shipbuilding Industry of Russia and Ukraine, Results of 2013 and Forecast till 2020 report makes use of the following main data sources:
  • Shipbuilding Orders of Shipyards in Russia and Shipbuilding Orders of Shipyards in Ukraine data bases – these are unique products developed by INFOLine IA. They contain data regarding the portfolio of orders of the leading shipbuilding enterprises on Russia beginning from 2009. As of the date of the report’s publication the data base included information about more than 970 orders related to the shipbuilding industry. The data base contains entries on each vessel being built, indicating the main building enterprise, the holding to which it belongs, the customer and its national identity, the type of the order (navy/civil), the vessel’s type, its deadweight, tonnage, the declared deadlines and order’s status
  • data of Federal State Statistics Service
  • materials of Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Industry and Power, Federal Agency for Fishery, RF Government
  • legislative acts and Federal Target Programs of the Government of Russian Federation
  • data from shipbuilding enterprises and cargo companies (materials from their sites, financial reports, pressreleases and interviews)
  • materials of more than 1000 Russian and foreign mass media (federal and regional printed press, news agencies, electronic mass media)
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About the Shipbuilding Industry of Russia and Ukraine Results of 2012 Forecast till 2020 Research Report
Part 1. Analysis of present conditions and forecast of shipbuilding industry development in Russia and Ukraine
Section 1. Overall description of shipbuilding industry in Russia
Structure and dynamics of the global shipbuilding market
Main specific features of Russian shipbuilding market Problems of shipbuilding industry in Russia
Section 2. Conditions and outlooks of the Russian civil fleet
Brief description of major shipping companies
Sovremenniy Kommercheskiy Flot (Sovkomflot), JSC
Primorskoe Morskoe Parohodstvo, JSC
Dalnevostochnoe Morskoe Parohodstvo (FESCO), JSC
Conditions of the Russian civil fleet by its segments
Sea fleet
River fleet
Fishing fleet
Fleet for continental shelf development
Section 3 Conditions of the state owned navy and civil fleet
Key specifics and structure of Russian Navy
Submarine fleet of Russian Navy
Surface fleet of Russian Navy
Program of military-technical cooperation
Icebreaking fleet
High latitude navigation
Nuclear-powered icebreakers
Diesel-powered icebreakers
Research vessels
Offshore nuclear power plants
Section 4. Directions of shipbuilding industry’s development in Russia
Strategic planning
Legal groundwork for shipbuilding industry’s operations
Measures of research and technology and technological nature, optimization of production potential
Application of leasing arrangements in shipbuilding
Section 5. Outlooks for construction of new shipbuilding enterprises
Novo-Admiralteyskie Verfi (St. Petersburg)
Vostok-Raffles (Primorie Territory) Zvezda-DSME (Primorie Territory)
Zapadnaya Verf (Kaliningrad)
Development of new small shipyards
Section 6. Forecast for shipbuilding industry’s development
Analysis of the factors influencing conditions and development of the industry
Aftermaths of the act on state support for shipbuilding and navigation
Outlooks for navy submarine building development
Nuclear-powered submarines
Diesel-powered submarines
Outlooks for navy surface shipbuilding development
Plans for renewal of the heavy nuclear-powered missile cruisers of project 1144 Orlan
Plans for purchasing of Mistral helicopter carriers
Building of fast attack crafts
Military-technical cooperation
Interaction with main buyers
Activities of competitors in the field of military-technical cooperation
Production potential of Russian shipbuilding enterprises
Quality and capacities of Russian enterprises in relation to foreign production orders
Special vessels and structures
Heavy tonnage transport shipbuilding
Outlooks for individual shipbuilding industry branches
Quantitave forecast for shipbuilding at Russian shipyards
Submarine building
Navy surface shipbuilding
Navy auxiliary fleet building
Special vessels and structures
Sea and river transport vessels
Auxiliary vessels
Fishing fleet
Research fleet
Forecast for quantitative parameters and volumes of investment into the industry’s development
Section 7. Conditions of shipbuilding industry in Ukraine
History of shipbuilding industry’s creation in Ukraine
Shipbuilding industry in Ukraine during its independence
Main customers of shipbuilding enterprises in Ukraine
Measures directed at improvement of Ukrainian shipbuilding industry’s conditions and its development outlooks
Regional structure of shipbuilding industry in Ukraine
Appendix 1. Development strategy for shipbuilding industry for the period till 2020 and further
Appendix 2. Federal Target Program of Civil Naval Engineering Development for 2009 - 2016
Appendix 3. State Program of Russian Federation for Development of Shipbuilding for 2013-2030
Appendix 4. Federal Act 305- FZ of 07 November 2011 On Introduction of Amendments into Individual Acts of RF in Connection with Implementation of the State Program of Support for Shipbuilding and Navigation
Part 2. Description of major shipbuilding enterprises of Russia and Ukraine
Section 8. Rating of shipbuilding enterprises of Russia
Rating by financial indicators
Comparison by revenue indicators
Comparison by gross margin indicators
Comparison by net profit indicators
Rating by specifications of commissioned vessels
Rating by specifications of portfolio of orders
Section 9. Obyedinennaya Sudostroitelnaya Korporatsiya, JSC (Associate Shipbuilding Corporation)
Tsentralnoe Konstruktorskoe Byuro Morskoy Tehniki Rubin, JSC
St. Petersburg Morskoe Byuro Mashinostroeniya Malachite, JSC
Tsentralnoe Konstruktorskoe Byuro Iceberg, JSC
Nevskoe Proektno-Konstruktorskoe Byuro, JSC
Severnoe Proektno-Konstruktorskoe Byuro, JSC
Zelenodolskoe Proektno-Konstruktorskoe Byuro, JSC
Tsentralnoe Konstruktorskoe Byuro Po Sudam Na Podvodnyh Krylyah im. R. E. Alekseeva, JSC
Tsentralnoe Morskoe Konstruktorskoe Byuro Almaz, JSC
Severniy Tsentr Sudostroeniya and Sudoremonta, JSC(Northern Center of Shipbuilding and Shiprepairing)
PO Sevmash, JSC
Tsentr Sudoremonta Zvezdochka, JSC
Nerpa Shipbuilding Plant
Zapadniy Tsentr Sudostroeniya, JSC (Western Center of Shipbuilding)
Admiralteyiskie Verfi, JSC
Sudostroitelniy Zavod Severnaya Verf JSC
Pribaltiyskiy Sudostroitelniy Zavod Yantar, JSC
Baltiyiskiy Zavod, JSC
Baltiyiskiy Zavod – Sudostroenie, LLC
Vyborgskiy Sudostroitelniy Zavod, JSC
Sredne-Nevskiy Sudostroitelniy Zavod, JSC
Proletarskiy Zavod, JSC
Dalnevostochniy Tsentr Sudostroeniya and Sudoremonta, JSC(Far Eastern Center of Shipbuilding and Shiprepairing)
Amurskiy Sudostroitelniy Zavod, JSC
Khabarovskiy Sudostroitelniy Zavod, JSC
Dalnevostochniy Zavod Zvezda, JSC
Yuzhniy Tsentr Sudostroeniya and Sudoremonta, JSC (Southern Center of Shipbuilding and Shiprepairing)
Sudostroitelniy Zavod im. K. Marksa, JSC
Kriushinskiy Sudostroitelno-Sudoremontniy Zavod, JSC
Novorossiyiskiy Sudoremontniy Zavod, JSC
Tuapsinskiy Sudoremontniy Zavod, JSC
Zavod Krasnoe Sormovo, JSC
Rosshelf, JSC (Gruppa Kaspiyiskaya Energiya, JSC)
Astrakhanskoe Sudostroitelnoe Proizvodstvennoe Obyedinenie, JSC
Astrakhanskiy Korabel, JSC
Sudostroitelno-Sudoremontniy Zavod imeni III Internatsionala, JSC
Sudostroitelniy Zavod Lotos, JSC
Holdings not associated with Obyedinennaya Sudostroitelnaya Korporatsiya JSC
Universal Cargo Logistics Holding B.V.
Okskaya Sudoverf, JSC
Borremflot, JSC
Sudostroitelniy Zavod Pamyat Parizhskoy Kommuny, JSC
Sudostroitelnaya Verf Rechnaya, LLC
Voznesenskaya REB Flota, JSC
Kontsern Sredne -i Malotonnazhnogo Sudostroeniya, JSC
Sudostroitelniy Zavod Vympel, JSC
AEON Corporation
Verf Bratyev Nobel, LLC
Moskovskiy Sudostroitelno-Sudoremontniy Zavod, JSC
FPG Skorostnoy Flot, Tsentralnaya Kompaniya, JSC
Sudostroitelniy Zavod Volga, JSC
Svirskaya Sudostroitelnaya Verf, JSC
Sudostroitelniy Zavod Volga, JSC
Svirskaya Sudostroitelnaya Verf, JSC
Section 10. Enterprises not associated with shipbuilding holdings
Verhnekamskiy Sudostroitelniy Komplex, LLC
Volgogradskiy Sudostroitelniy Zavod, JSC
Vostochnaya Verf, JSC
Gorodetskiy Sudoremontniy Zavod, JSC
Zelenodolskiy Zavod im. A. M. Gorkogo, JSC
Kostromskoy Sudostroitelno-Sudoremontniy Zavod, JSC
Krasnoyarskaya Sudostroitelnaya Verf, JSC
Leningradskiy Sudostroitelniy Zavod Pella, JSC
Morskoy Zavod Almaz, JSC
Nevskiy Sudostroitelno-Sudoremontniy Zavod, LLC
Nizhegorodskiy Teplohod, JSC
Onezhskiy Sudostroitelniy Zavod, CJSC
Sosnovskiy Sudostroitelniy Zavod, JSC
Sudoremontno-Sudostroitelnaya Korporatsiya, JSC
Sudostroitelnaya Firma Almaz, JSC
Sudostroitelniy Zavod , JSC
Sudostroitelniy Zavod Imeni Oktyabrskoy Revolyutsii, JSC
Chkalovskaya Sudoverf, JSC
Yaroslavskiy Sudostroitelniy Zavod, JSC
Section 11. Description of leading shipbuilding enterprises of Ukraine
Chernomorskiy Sudostroitelniy Zavod, PJSC
Khersonskiy Sudostroitelniy Zavod, PJSC
Nikolaevskiy Sudostroitelniy Zavod Okean, PJSC
Sudostroitelniy Zavod Imeni 61 Kommunara, GP
Feodosiyiskaya Sudostroitelnaya Kompaniya More, JSC
Sevastopolskiy Morskoy Zavod, PJSC
Zavod Leninskaya Kuznitsa, PJSC
Sudostroitelniy Zavod Zaliv, PJSC
Kievskiy Sudostroitelniy Sudoremontniy Zavod, CJSC
Khersonskiy Gosudarstvenniy Zavod Pallada, GP
Kiliyiskiy Sudostroitelno-Sudoremontniy Zavod, HOSP PJSC UDP
Ukrrechflot, ASK
Dobrynya and Ko, LLC
Sudostroitelniy Zavod Primorets, PJSC
Morskoy Industrialniy Kompleks, PJSC

Kranship, LLC


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10.04 06:33

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10.04 11:17

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