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"Locomotive Market of Russia and 1520 Space Countries, Results of 2011 and Prognosis till 2015"

"Locomotive Market of Russia and 1520 Space Countries, Results of 2011 and Prognosis till 2015"

  • Дата выхода : 04.07.2012
  • Кол-во стр: 255
  • Язык отчета: English
  • Демо-версия: Загрузить
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  • Стоимость: 60 000 руб со скидкой: 48 000 руб.
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1520 space countries are characterized by one of the largest traction stock fleets in the world (almost 40 thousand complete units including industrial railway transport), by high level of its depreciation and acute need for the stock’s modernization and renewal. This makes the market of the former USSR the largest and most attractive one in the world and determines quite noticeable interest towards imports and creation of joint ventures with machine-engineering companies of USA, Europe and China. Besides, tens of billions of US dollars will be invested in countries of 1520 space in the context of infrastructure development, formation and expansion of traction and rolling stock fleet for introduction of high-speed traffic.
In 2011-2012 the shortage of locomotives in Russia became one of the key factors that determined aggravation of operational figures for the railways network, slowing of freight delivery and decreasing reliability of the railway transport. Despite the fact that in 2011 RZHD JSC implemented an investment program of record-braking volumes, which allowed purchasing of 453 locomotives, the demand for renewal of the fleet is satisfied by less than 60%.
Taking into account the acute emergency of the subject – the analysis of conditions and development possibilities of the traction stock in Russia and other 1520 space countries – in May 2012 INFOLine IA published its Locomotive Market of Russia and 1520 Space Countries, Results of 2011 and Prognosis till 2015 research.
In the process of its preparation the specialists of INFOLine IA evaluated the capacity of Russian traction stock market, analyzed the dynamics of manufacturing, export and import of the traction stock, described the major locomotive manufacturing companies of Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan, as well as international manufacturers of electric and diesel-electric locomotives, characterized the conditions and structure of the traction stock fleets of the railway administrations of 1520 space. During the preparation of this Research the specialists of INFOLine IA gave special attention to description of investment and sales activities of locomotive manufacturers, which determine the vector and development outlooks for manufacturing complexes and the market as a whole. There was conducted a SWOT-analysis of Transmashholding CJSC and Sinara Group CJSC activities, which took into account their interacting with international partners and the main customers.
The Locomotive Market of Russia and 1520 Space Countries, Results of 2011 and Prognosis till 2015 research includes description of the current conditions of investment projects and development outlooks for railways and traction stock fleets of Russia, Belorussia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Mongolia, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kirgizia, Moldova, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Finland. The structure of the research includes the following main sections:

Section I. Description of the traction stock and railway engineering. This section includes description of the main indexes of the railway engineering industry of Russia in 2000-2011, a brief description of the present conditions and development trends for the mainline traction stock in Russia, projections for renewal demand of locomotive fleet till 2015, characterization of specificities and trends of integration processes in 1520 space, harmonization of railway engineering industry technical regulation parameters.

Section II. The description of RZHD JSC and private operators’ traction stock conditions includes volume and structure indexes of traction stock fleet for Rossiyskie Zheleznie Dorogi JSC (Russian Railways), private railway transporters (Zheleznie Dorogi Yakutii JSC) and private operators of mainline traction stock (Globaltrans Investment plc.; Novaya Perevozochnaya Kompaniya JSC, BaltTransServis JSC, Gazpromtrans JSC, TransOil JSC; Firma Transgarant JSC, Dalnevostochnaya Transportnaya Gruppa JSC, Obyedinennaya Transportno-Ekspeditorskaya Kompaniya, CJSC (OTEKO, CJSC)). The data on the traction stock fleet of the owners and operators is structured according to locomotives’ types (electric, diesel-electric), locomotives’ function (mainline freight, shunting), as well as models of locomotives.

Section III. The conditions of the traction stock of 1520 space railway administrations. This section contains description of current conditions of the infrastructure, traction and rolling stock of the railways in Republic of Belarus, Ukraine, Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Georgia, Republic of Armenia, Republic of Uzbekistan, Republic of Mongolia, Republic of Turkmenistan Republic of Tajikistan, Republic of Kirgizia, Republic of Moldova, Republic of Estonia, Republic of Lithuania, Republic of Latvia, Republic of Finland), the key projects, problems and development outlooks of the railway administrations in 1520 space countries, as well as comparison characteristics digures of locomotives and cars utilization for passenger and freight transportation in 1520 space countries. The description of railway traction stock of each country takes into account the data of Railways Co-operation Organization, Union Internationale des Chemins de fer(UIC), United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database, Federal Customs Service of RF, data on registration of operating locomotives (structures by models and railway yards of registration), official data of CIS and Baltic States railway administrations, as well as information from open sources.

Section IV. Current condition and development outlooks for the traction stock market of 1520 space countries. This section includes analysis of the current condition and development outlooks of the diesel-electric locomotives and electric locomotives market, description of markets’ volume dynamics in Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and other 1520 space countries according to indexes of production, import and export of new traction stock, import and export of used traction stock, as well as the prognosis till 2015. Also it is devoted to description of the current conditions of the high-speed traffic in 1520 space countries, the main milestones of its development till 2015, as well as analysis of the key parameters of high-speed railway traffic arrangement.

Section V. Description of the main traction stock models of 1520 space countries. The section contains structured description of locomotives, produced in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, China, Georgia, Lithuania: mainline passenger diesel-electric locomotives (TEP70BS, TEP70U, TEP150, CKD9A), mainline freight and freight-and-passenger diesel-electric locomotives (2M62, 2TE25A Vityaz, 2TE25K Peresvet, 2TE70, ER20CF, 2TE116, 2TE116U, 2TE116UM, TE33A, CKD4B, CKD9C, 2ZAGAL), shunting diesel-electric locomotives (TEM18, TEM18DM, TEM18V, TEM TMH, TEM35, TEM9, TEM9H, TEM14, TE8, TEM7A, TGM6D, TGM4B, TEM31, TEM103, TE16Z (GKD3B), CKD6E), mainline passenger electric locomotives (EP2K, EP10, EP1, EP1M, EP20, KZ4A, KZ4AС, KZ8A, O’ZBEKISTON), mainline freight and freight-and-passenger electric locomotives (DE1, DS3, DS4, VL11M/6, 6E1, 8E1, HXD2, 2EL5, 2EL4, 2ES5K, 2ES4K, 3ES5K, E5K, 2ES5, 2ES6, 2ES10, EP1P), industrial electric locomotives of Russian production (NP1, NPM2, ZKRA-600, K4, K7, K10, K14, K28, K10U, K14U), as well as high-speed passenger trains Siemens Velaro RUS, Siemens Desiro Rus, Talgo 250, Stadler FLIRT, since those models are exported to countries of 1520 space in the context of the projects aimed at development of high-speed passenger traffic. The description includes designation of the series and manufacturing company, function of locomotives, technical specifications, specific design features of the series and images of locomotives (or a drawing – for projects under preparation for certification).
Detailed table of contents of the research:

About Locomotive Market of Russia and 1520 space countries research

Section I. Description of the traction stock and railway engineering market

The main key figures of railway engineering industry in Russia
Production of the traction stock in Russia
Outlooks for development of railway engineering industry in Russia.
Integration processes in 1520 space countries

Section II. Condition of the traction stock fleet of RZHD JSC and private operators

Rossiyskie Zheleznye Dorogi, JSC(Russian Railways)
Private railway carriers
Private operators of the railway traction stock

Section III. Condition of the traction stock fleets of 1520 space railway administrations

Analysus of the railway infrastructure conditions and traffic dynamics
Description of 1520 space countries railway administrations

Belaruskaya Chyhunka State Railway Company (Belarusian Railway)
The State Administration of Railway Transport of Ukraine Ukrzaliznytsia (Ukrainian Railway)
NC Kazakhstan Temir Zholy JSC (Kazahstan railway)
Azerbaijan Demir Yollari CJSC (Azerbaidjan railways)
Georgian Railway LLC
South Caucasus Railway CJSC (Armenian railway)
Uzbekiston Temir Yullari State Railway Joint Stock Company (Uzbekistan railways)
Ulaanbataar T?m?r Zam State Railway Company (Mongolia railway)
Turkmen Demir Yollari State Railway Company (Turkmenistan railway)
Rokhy Okhany Tochikiston State Railway Company (Tajik railway)
Kyrgyz Temir ?oly State Railway Company (Kirgiz railway)
Calea Ferat? din Moldova (Railway of Moldova State Enterprise)
Eesti Raudtee JSC (Estonian railway)
Lietuvos Gelezinkeliai JSC (Lithuanian railways)
Latvijas Dzelzce?? SJSC (Latvian railway)
VR Group, LLC (Finnish railway)

Section IV. Current condition and development outlooks of the traction stock market in 1520 space countries

Development outlooks of the traction stock fleet in 1520 space countries
Current condition and development outlooks of diesel-electric locomotives market
Current condition and development outlooks of electric locomotives market
Current condition and development outlooks of high-speed traffic

Section V. Description of the main traction stock models of 1520 space countries
Description of main diesel-electric locomotives models
Mainline freight gas-turbine locomotives
Mainline passenger diesel-electric locomotives
Mainline freight diesel-electric locomotives
Shunting diesel-electric locomotives
Description of main electric locomotives models
Mainline passenger electric locomotives
Mainline freight electric locomotives
Industrial electric locomotives
Description of main high-speed electric trains models
Description of main industrial electric locomotives models


Section I. Description of the traction stock and railway engineering market

  • Consolidation level of locomotive manufacturing enterprises in terms of the range of their production
  • Production figures of the main manufacturers of traction stock if Russia in 2004-2011, complete pieces
  • Calculation of required inventory stock fleet and the volume of purchases of rolling stock for the period of 2008-2015
  • Demand for renewal of rolling stock of public railway transport of RF before 2030.
  • Demand for renewal of rolling stock of non-public railway transport of RF before 2030.

Section II. Condition of RZHD JSC and private operators traction stock fleet

  • Fleet dynamics of RZHD JSC locomotives in 2003-2011, sections as of the end of the period
  • Structure of freight railway rolling stock fleet of Russia according to types as of 01 January 2012
  • Age structure of rolling stock fleet of Russia according to cars types as of 01 January 2012
  • Comparative analysis of the cars fleet condition, freight turnover and freight traffic in 1992 and 2011
  • Financial performance of RZHD JSC according to RAS (Russian Accounting Standards) in 2003-the first half of 2011, billion roubles
  • Financial performance of RZHD JSC according to IFRS in 2003 - the first half of 2011, billion roubles
  • RZHD JSC purchases of the traction stock and financial leasing in 2003-2011, plans for 2012
  • Average delivery speed for one railway dispatch according to categories in 2007-2011, km/day.
  • Average delivery speed for one railway dispatch in the 1st quarter of 2007-2012, km/day
  • Structure of freight car turnover according to the main elements in 1970-2012, hours
  • Comparison characteristics of principles and results of inventory and private rolling stock fleet managing in Russia
  • Reasons for formation of locomotive traction shortage in ZHD JSC network
  • Elements of The Concept for Organization of the Maintenance Service and Creation of the Unitary Center of Responsibility for Technical Conditions of the Locomotives
  • Fleet dynamics of RZHD JSC locomotives in 2010-2011, sections as of the end of the period
  • 2ES5K and 3ES5K locomotives modernization measures, aimed at higher reliability and lower idling times
  • Demand for investments for modernization of the capital funds of RZHD JSC before 2020, billion roubles per year (taking into account the financing in 2008-2011)
  • Investment projects of Zheleznie Dorogi Yakutii JSC in the field of renewal and modernization of the traction stock
  • Description of the traction stock operators, which have their own locomotive fleet

Section III. Condition of 1520 space administrations traction stock railway fleets

  • Ranking of 1520 space countries according to usage of freight cars fleet
  • Ranking of 1520 space countries according to usage of freight locomotives fleet
  • Ranking of 1520 space countries according to usage of passenger locomotives fleet
  • Network density of Byelorussia railways (at beginning of the year; kilometers per 1000 square kilometers of the territory)
  • Dynamics of the rolling stock fleet volume of Belarusian railways in 2005-2008
  • Structure of freight railway rolling stock fleet of Byelorussia according to types as of 01 January 2012
  • Age structure of rolling stock fleet of Byelorussia according to cars types as of 01 January 2012
  • Average annual demand of Belarusian railways in investments for modernization and renewal of rolling stock (estimation)
  • Network density of Ukrainian railways (at beginning of the year; kilometers per 1000 square kilometers of the territory)
  • Structure of freight railway rolling stock fleet of Ukraine according to types as of 01 January 2012
  • Age structure of rolling stock fleet of Ukraine according to cars types as of 01 January 2012
  • Investment projects of Ukrzaliznytsia
  • Key direction of modernization program of Ukrainian railways before 2016
  • Purpose-oriented distribution of the assets of NC KTZ JSC in the process of reorganization
  • Structure of private traction stock fleet in Kazakhstan
  • Structure of freight railway rolling stock fleet of Kazakhstan according to types as of 01 January 2012
  • Age structure of rolling stock fleet of Kazakhstan according to cars types as of 01 January 2012
  • Network density of Azerbaijan railways (at beginning of the year; kilometers per 1000 square kilometers of the territory)
  • Structure of freight railway rolling stock fleet of Azerbaijan according to types as of 01 January 2012
  • Age structure of rolling stock fleet of Azerbaijan according to cars types as of 01 January 2012
  • Plan for modernization and renewal of Azerbaijan railways CJSC traction stock
  • Description of main investment projects of Azerbaijan railways CJSC
  • Dynamics of changes in public and electrified lines length in Georgia in 2001-2011, km
  • Structure of freight railway rolling stock fleet of Georgia according to types as of 01 January 2012
  • Age structure of rolling stock fleet of Republic of Georgia according to cars types as of 01 January 2012
  • Structure of freight railway rolling stock fleet of Republic of Armenia according to types as of 01 January 2012
  • Age structure of rolling stock fleet of Republic of Armenia according to cars types as of 01 January 2012
  • Structure of freight railway rolling stock fleet of Republic of Uzbekistan according to types as of 01 January 2012
  • Age structure of rolling stock fleet of Republic of Uzbekistan according to cars types as of 01 January 2012
  • Description of main directions of railway transport modernization in 2002-2015
  • Main target figures of the On Acceleration of Infrastructure, Transport and Communications Contraction Development program in 2011-2015
  • Structure of freight railway rolling stock fleet of Republic of Turkmenistan according to types as of 01 January 2012
  • Age structure of rolling stock fleet of Republic of Turkmenistan according to cars types as of 01 January 2012
  • Structure of freight railway rolling stock fleet of Republic of Tajikistan according to types as of 01 January 2012
  • Age structure of rolling stock fleet of Republic of Tajikistan according to cars types as of 01 January 2012
  • Investment projects of Tajik Railways State Unitary Enterprise in the field of renewal and modernization of the traction stock
  • Structure of freight railway rolling stock fleet of Republic of Kyrgyzstan according to types as of 01 January 2012
  • Age structure of rolling stock fleet of Republic of Kyrgyzstan according to cars types as of 01 January 2012
  • Structure of freight railway rolling stock fleet of Republic of Moldova according to types as of 01 January 2012
  • Age structure of rolling stock fleet of Republic of Moldova according to cars types as of 01 January 2012
  • Average age and standard operation time of freight cars in Republic of Moldova as of 01 January 2012, years
  • Freight turnover dynamics in Moldova in 2000-2010
  • Passenger turnover and traffic dynamics in Moldova in 2000-2010
  • Structure of freight railway rolling stock fleet of Republic of Estonia according to types as of 01 January 2012
  • Age structure of rolling stock fleet of Republic of Estonia according to cars types as of 01 January 2012
  • Structure of freight railway rolling stock fleet of Republic of Lithuania according to types as of 01 January 2012
  • Age structure of rolling stock fleet of Republic of Lithuania according to cars types as of 01 January 2012
  • Description of repair and modernization of locomotives at Daugavpilsskiy Lokomotivoremontniy Zavod JSC
  • Description of main locomotive fleet and trains modernization projects in Finland

Section IV. Current conditions and development outlooks of 1520 space countries traction stock market

  • Description of prices on diesel-electric locomotives at the secondary market as of May 2012
  • Description of high-speed traffic development projects in 1520 space countries
  • Section V. Description of main traction stock models in 1520 space countries
  • Technical specifications of TEP70BS
  • Technical specifications of TEP70U
  • Technical specifications of TEP150
  • Technical specifications of CKD9A
  • Technical specifications of 2TE25A
  • Technical specifications of 2TE25K
  • Technical specifications of 2TE70
  • Technical specifications of ER20 CF
  • Technical specifications of 2M62
  • Technical specifications of 2 TE116 Description of diesel-electric locomotives of Evolution ES44ACI series, adapted for 1520-mm gauge
  • Technical specifications of CKD4B
  • Technical specifications of CKD9S
  • Technical specifications of TEM18
  • Technical specifications of TEM TMH
  • Technical specifications of TEM18DM
  • Technical specifications of TEM9
  • Technical specifications of TEM9N
  • Technical specifications of TEM14
  • Technical specifications of TE8
  • Technical specifications of TEM7A
  • Technical specifications of TGM6D
  • Technical specifications of TGM4B
  • Technical specifications of TEM103
  • Technical specifications of CKD3B
  • Technical specifications of CKD6E
  • Technical specifications of EP2K
  • Technical specifications of EP10
  • Technical specifications of EP1
  • Technical specifications of EP1M
  • Technical specifications of EP20
  • Producers of components for basic platform of EP20electric locomotive
  • Localization plan for key components of EP20 electric locomotive
  • Description of plans for creation of new models of electric locomotives at the basis of EP20 and 2ES5
  • Technical specifications of KZ4A
  • Technical specifications of DE1
  • Technical specifications of DS3
  • Main parameters of the traction engine of D S3
  • Technical specifications of VL11 M/6
  • Technical specifications of 6E1
  • Technical specifications of 8E1 and 8E1S
  • Technical specifications of 2EL5
  • Technical specifications of 2EL4
  • Technical specifications of EP1P
  • Technical specifications of 2ES5K
  • Technical specifications of 3ES5K
  • Technical specifications of 2ES4K
  • Technical specifications of E5K
  • Technical specifications of 2ES5
  • Engineering developments in the field of creation of high-speed Siemens electric trains in 1981-2011
  • Technical specifications of Siemens Desiro Rus
  • Technical specifications of Talgo 250 train
  • Description of Talgo train adapted for 1520-mm gauge
  • Technical specifications of Stadler FLIRT train
  • Modifications of Stadler FLIRT platform train
  • Technical specifications of NP1electric locomotive
  • Technical specifications of NPM2electric locomotive
  • Technical specifications of ZKRA-600 contact electric locomotive
  • Technical specifications of K4, 7KRM1, K10, K14M, 14KR2M, K14U, 28KR2M
  • Technical specifications of K10U electric mining contact locomotive
  • Technical specifications of K14U electric mining contact locomotive


Section I. Description of the traction stock and railway engineering market

  • Dynamics of production of electric locomotives in Russia as a whole in 2000-2011, sections
  • Dynamics of production of diesel-electric locomotives in Russia as a whole in 2000-2011, sections
  • Dynamics of production of electric locomotives in Russia as a whole in 2000-2011, complete units
  • Dynamics of production of diesel-electric locomotives in Russia as a whole in 2000-2011, complete units

Section II. Conditions of the traction stock fleet of RZHD JSC and private operators

  • Structure of the mainline diesel-electric locomotives fleet owned by RZHD JSC, %
  • Model line of the mainline diesel-electric locomotives fleet of RZHD JSC, complete units
  • Structure of the shunting diesel-electric locomotives fleet of RZHD JSC, %
  • Model line of shunting diesel-electric locomotives fleet of RZHD JSC, complete units
  • Structure of the electric locomotives fleet of RZHD JSC, %
  • Model line of the electric locomotives fleet of RZHD JSC, complete units
  • Age structure of the locomotives fleet of RZHD JSC, %
  • Ratio of diesel-electric locomotives to electric locomotives owned by RZHD JSC, %
  • The diesel-electric locomotives fleet of RZHD JSC according to the railway of registration, %
  • The electric locomotives fleet of RZHD JSC according to the railway of registration, %
  • Structure of distribution of diesel-electric locomotives and electric locomotives of RZHD JSC among the railways in 2011, %
  • Fleet dynamics of rolling stock in USSR in 1988 and in Russia during 1993-2010, thousand sections as of the period’s end
  • Structure of railway traffic in Russia according to fleet registration in 2003-2012, %
  • Structure of freight turnover of railway transport in Russia according to fleet registration in 2003-2012, %
  • Dynamics of the average age of the rolling stock fleet in Russia in 2000-2011, years as of the year’s end
  • Dynamics of decommissioning and purchases of rolling stock in Russia in 1993-2011, thousand sections
  • Structure of the rolling stock fleet according to types as of the end of 2000, %
  • Structure of the rolling stock fleet according to types as of end of 2011, %
  • Average age and standard operation time of freight cars in Russia as of 01 January 2012, years
  • Dynamics of freight turnover and freight traffic in Russia in 2000-2011 and prognosis till 2020.
  • Dynamics of passenger turnover and passenger traffic in Russia in 2000-2011 and prognosis till 2020.
  • Ratio of volumes of traffic and freight and passenger turnover to size of locomotives and cars fleet in Russia in 2011
  • Dynamics of railway transport freight turnover and annual average fleet of rolling stock in 1990-2011
  • Dynamics of financial performance of RZHD JSC according RAS in 2003-the first half of 2011
  • Dynamics of consolidated sales structure of RZHD Holding in 2003-1st half of 2011, % (sales from traffic, other sales)
  • Dynamics of railway traffic sales structure of RZHD Holding in 2003- 1st half of 2011, % (freight traffic, passenger traffic)
  • Dynamics of tariffs and state subsidies growth at RZHD JSC in 2000-2011, %
  • Dynamics of the traction stock purchases by Ministry of Railways of Russia and RZHD JSC in 1992-2011, sections
  • Declared volume of locomotives purchases at RZHD JSC according to series in 2011, complete units
  • Declared volume of locomotives purchases at RZHD JSC according to yards of 2011, complete units
  • Production dynamics of mainline electric locomotives in Russia and mainline electric locomotives purchases by RZHD JSC in 2000-2011, complete units
  • Production dynamics of mainline diesel-electric locomotives in Russia and mainline diesel-electric locomotives purchases RZHD JSC in 2000-2011, sections
  • Dynamics of cars turnover at the railroads’ boundaries of Ministry of Railways of USSR, which were included into Ministry of Railways of Russia and RZHD JSC
  • Dynamics of the average delivery speed of one railway transport dispatch in 2007-2012
  • Dynamics of the number of dispatched locomotives and loading/admission of loaded cars at RZHD JSC on monthly bases, complete units

Section III. Conditions of the locomotive fleets of 1520 space railway administrations

  • Dynamics of public railways density of CIS countries, kilometers per 1000 sq. km of territory
  • Dynamics of the average distance of railway freight traffic in CIS countries, km
  • Dynamics of the average distance of railway passenger traffic in CIS countries, km
  • Change in volume of freight traffic in 1520 space countries in 2011, % vs. 2010.
  • Change in volume of passenger traffic in countries of 1520 space in 2011, %
  • Change of freight turnover in 1520 space countries in 2011, % vs. 2010.
  • Change of passenger turnover in 1520 space countries in 2011, % vs. 2010.
  • Ratio of freight turnover to size of freight cars fleet in 1520 space countries, million tkm/complete units
  • Ratio of volumes of freight traffic to size of freight cars fleet in 1520 space countries, thousand tons/complete units
  • Ratio of freight turnover to size of freight locomotives fleet in 1520 space countries, million tkm/complete units
  • Ratio of volume of freight traffic to size of freight locomotives fleet in 1520 space countries, thousand tons/complete units
  • Ratio of passenger traffic volume to size of passenger locomotives fleet in 1520 space countries, thousand people/complete units
  • Ratio of passenger turnover to size of passenger locomotives fleet in 1520 space countries, million pass.- km./complete units
  • Dynamics of public railways and electrified lines length change in Belorussia in 2001-2011, km
  • Structure of railway stock fleet of Belarusian Railway according to types, %
  • Model line of electric locomotives and electric trains fleet of Belarusian Railway, complete units
  • Model line of mainline diesel-electric locomotives and diesel-electric-trains fleet of Belarusian Railway, complete units
  • Model line of shunting diesel-electric locomotives fleet of Belarusian Railway, complete units
  • Structure of the traction stock fleet of Belarusian railway according to railway yards of registry in 2011, %
  • Average age and standard operation time of freight cars in Republic of Belarus as of 01 January 2012, years
  • Dynamics of freight turnover and freight traffic in Byelorussia in 2000-2011
  • Dynamics of passenger turnover and passenger traffic in Byelorussia in 2000-2011
  • Ratio of traffic volumes, freight and passenger turnover to size of locomotives and cars fleet in Byelorussia in 2011
  • Dynamics of public railways and electrified lines length change in Ukraine in 2001-2011, km
  • Structure of the traction stock fleet of Ukrzaliznytsia as of May 2011, %
  • Structure of passenger trains fleet of Ukrzaliznytsia as of December 2011, %
  • Structure of operating (operational) diesel-electric locomotives fleet of Ukrzaliznytsia as of May 2011, %
  • Model line of mainline diesel-electric locomotives fleet of Ukrzaliznytsia, complete units
  • Model line of shunting diesel-electric locomotives fleet of Ukrzaliznytsia, complete units
  • Structure of operating (operational) electric locomotives fleet of Ukrzaliznytsia as of May 2011, %
  • Model line of electric locomotives fleet of Ukrzaliznytsia, complete units
  • Structure of the traction stock fleet of Ukrzaliznytsia according to railways of their registration in 2011, %
  • Average age and standard operation time of freight cars in Ukraine as of 01 January 2012, years
  • Dynamics of freight turnover and freight traffic in Ukraine in 2000-2011
  • Dynamics of passenger turnover and passenger traffic in Ukraine in 2000-2011
  • Ratio of traffic volumes, freight and passenger turnover to size of locomotives and cars fleet in Ukraine in 2011
  • Dynamics of public railways and electrified lines length change Kazakhstan in 2001-2011, km
  • Structure of the traction stock fleet of Kazakhstan Railways as of 2011, %
  • Model line of diesel-electric locomotives fleet of Kazakhstan Railways, complete units
  • Model line of electric locomotives fleet of Kazakhstan Railways, complete units
  • Average age and standard operation time of locomotives in Kazakhstan as of 31 December 2011, years
  • Ratio of diesel-electric locomotives to electric locomotives owned by Kazakhstan Railways, %
  • The locomotives fleet of Kazakhstan Railways according to the railway yard of registration, %
  • Structure of the traction stock fleet of private companies of Kazakhstan according to manufacturers as of 2011, %
  • Average age and standard operation time of freight cars in Republic of Kazakhstan as of 01 January 2012, years
  • Dynamics of freight turnover and freight traffic in Kazakhstan in 2000-2011
  • Dynamics of passenger turnover and passenger traffic in Kazakhstan in 2000-2011
  • Ratio of traffic volumes, freight and passenger turnover to size of locomotives and cars fleet of Kazakhstan in 2011
  • Dynamics of public railways and electrified lines length change in Azerbaijan in 2001-2011, km
  • Ratio of diesel-electric locomotives to electric locomotives of Azerbaijan Railways CJSC, %
  • Average age and standard operation time of freight cars in Republic of Azerbaijan as of 01 January 2012, years
  • Dynamics of freight turnover and freight traffic in Azerbaijan in 2000-2011
  • Dynamics of passenger turnover and passenger traffic in Azerbaijan in 2000-2011
  • Ratio of traffic volumes, freight and passenger turnover to size of locomotives and cars fleet in Azerbaijan in 2011
  • Ratio of diesel-electric locomotives to electric locomotives, owned by Georgian Railway, %
  • The diesel-electric locomotives fleet of Georgian Railway according to the railway yard of registration, %
  • Model line of diesel-electric locomotives fleet of Georgian Railway, complete units
  • Model line of electric locomotives fleet of Georgian Railway, complete units
  • Average age and standard operation time of freight cars in Republic of Georgia as of 01 January 2012, years
  • Dynamics of freight turnover and freight traffic in Georgia in 2000-2010
  • Dynamics of passenger turnover and passenger traffic in Georgia in 2000-2010
  • Ratio of traffic volumes, freight and passenger turnover to size of locomotives and cars fleet in Georgia in 2011
  • Dynamics of public railways and electrified lines length change in Armenia in 2001-2011, km
  • Average age and standard operation time of freight cars in Republic of Armenia as of 01 January 2012, years
  • Dynamics of freight turnover and freight traffic in Armenia in 2000-2011
  • Dynamics of passenger turnover and passenger traffic in Armenia in 2000-2011
  • Ratio of traffic volumes, freight and passenger turnover to size of locomotives and cars fleet in Armenia in 2011
  • Ratio of diesel-electric locomotives to electric locomotives of Uzbekistan Railways SJSC, %
  • Average age and standard operation time of freight cars in Republic of Uzbekistan as of 01 January 2012, years
  • Dynamics of freight turnover and freight traffic in in 2000-2011
  • Dynamics of passenger turnover and passenger traffic in Uzbekistan in 2000-2011
  • Ratio of traffic volumes, freight and passenger turnover to size of locomotives and cars fleet in Uzbekistan in 2011
  • Average age and standard operation time freight cars in Republic of Turkmenistan as of 01 January 2012, years
  • Dynamics of freight turnover and freight traffic in Turkmenistan
  • Dynamics of passenger turnover and passenger traffic in Turkmenistan
  • Ratio of traffic volumes, freight and passenger turnover to size of locomotives and cars fleet in Turkmenistan
  • Model line of diesel-electric locomotives fleet of Tajik Railways, complete units
  • Structure of diesel-electric locomotives fleet of Tajik Railways according to types as of 2011, %
  • Average age and standard operation time of freight cars in Republic of Turkmenistan as of 01 January 2012, years
  • Dynamics of freight turnover and freight traffic in Turkmenistan in 2000-2010
  • Dynamics of passenger turnover and passenger traffic in Turkmenistan in 2000-2010
  • Ratio of traffic volumes, freight and passenger turnover to size of locomotives and cars fleet in Turkmenistan
  • Average age and standard operation time of freight cars in Kyrgyzstan Republic as of 01 January 2012, years
  • Dynamics of freight turnover and freight traffic in Kyrgyzstan in 2000-2011
  • Dynamics of passenger turnover and passenger traffic in Kyrgyzstan in 2000-2011
  • Ratio of traffic volumes, freight and passenger turnover to size of locomotives and cars fleet in Kyrgyzstan in 2011
  • Model line of diesel-electric locomotives fleet of Railway of Moldova State Enterprise, complete units
  • Structure of diesel-electric locomotives fleet of Railway of Moldova State Enterprise according to types as of 2011, %
  • Structure of diesel-electric locomotives fleet of Railway of Moldova State Enterprise according to the railway yard of registration as of 2011, %
  • Model line of diesel-electric locomotives fleet of Estonian Railways JSC, complete units
  • Structure of diesel-electric locomotives fleet of Estonian Railways JSC according to the railway yard of registration as of 2011, %
  • Structure of the traction stock fleet of Estonian Railways JSC as of 2011, %
  • Average age and standard operation time of freight cars in Republic of Estonia as of 01 January 2012, years
  • Dynamics of freight turnover and freight traffic in Estonia in 2003-2011
  • Dynamics of passenger traffic and passenger turnover in Estonia in 2001-2011
  • Ratio of traffic volumes, freight and passenger turnover to size of locomotives and cars fleet Estonia in 2011
  • Model line of mainline locomotives fleet of Lithuanian Railways JSC as of 01 January 2011, complete units
  • Model line of shunting diesel-electric locomotives fleet of Lithuanian Railways JSC as of 01 January 2011, complete units
  • Model line of diesel-electric locomotives fleet of Lithuanian Railways JSC as of 01 January 2011, complete units
  • Model line of diesel-electric locomotives fleet of Lithuanian Railways JSC as of 01 January 2012, complete units
  • Ratio of diesel-electric locomotives to electric trains of Lithuanian Railways JSC, %
  • The locomotives fleet of Lithuanian Railways JSC according to the railway yard of registration, %
  • Average age and standard operation time of locomotives in Lithuania as of 31 December 2011, years
  • Average age and standard operation time of freight cars in Republic of Lithuania as of 01 January 2012, years
  • Dynamics of freight turnover and freight traffic in Lithuania in 2000-2011
  • Dynamics of passenger turnover and passenger traffic in Lithuania in 2007-2011
  • Ratio of traffic volumes, freight and passenger turnover to size of locomotives and cars fleet in Lithuania in 2011
  • Model line of mainline fleet of Latvian railways, complete units
  • Model line of shunting diesel-electric locomotives of Lithuanian Railways, complete units
  • Structure of diesel-electric locomotives and trains fleet of Latvian railways, %
  • The fleet of locomotives and maintenance vehicles of Latvian railways according to the railway yard of registration, %
  • Structure of freight railway rolling stock fleet of Republic of Latvia according to types as of 01 January 2012
  • Age structure of rolling stock fleet of Republic of Latvia according to cars types as of 01 January 2012
  • Average age and standard operation time of freight cars in Republic of Latvia as of 01 January 2012, years
  • Dynamics of freight turnover and freight traffic in Latvia in 2000-2011
  • Dynamics of passenger turnover and passenger traffic in Latvia in 2000-2011
  • Ratio of traffic volumes, freight and passenger turnover to size of locomotives and cars fleet of Latvia in 2011
  • Dynamics of public railways and electrified lines length change in Finland in 2007-2011, km
  • Dynamics of freight turnover and freight traffic in Finland in 2007-2011
  • Dynamics of passenger turnover and passenger traffic in Finland in 2007-2011
  • Ratio of traffic volumes, freight and passenger turnover to size of locomotives and cars fleet of Finland in 2011

Section IV. Current conditions and development outlooks of the traction stock market of 1520 space countries

  • Traction stock market capacity in 2011 (sections) in countries of 1520 space and markets’ growth rates (%)
  • Market volume of new diesel-electric locomotives in 1520 space countries in 2007-2011 and prognosis for 2012-2015, sections
  • Market volume of diesel-electric locomotives in Russia in 2004-2011 and prognosis for 2012-2015, sections (taking into account used locomotives)
  • Market volume of diesel-electric locomotives in Russia in 2004-2011 and prognosis for 2012-2015, complete units (taking into account used locomotives)
  • Market volume of diesel-electric locomotives in Kazakhstan in 2004-2011 and prognosis for 2012-2015, complete units
  • Market volume of diesel-electric locomotives in Kazakhstan in 2004-2011 and prognosis for 2012-2015, sections
  • Market volume of diesel-electric locomotives in Ukraine in 2004-2011 and prognosis for 2012-2015, complete units
  • Market volume of diesel-electric locomotives in Ukraine in 2004-2011 and prognosis for 2012-2015, sections
  • Market volume of new mainline diesel-electric locomotives in 1520 space countries in 2007-2011 and prognosis for 2012-2015, sections
  • Dynamics of purchases of new mainline diesel-electric locomotives in 1520 space countries in 2007-2011 and prognosis till 2015, sections
  • Market volume of new shunting diesel-electric locomotives in 1520 space countries in 2007-2011 and prognosis for 2012-2015, sections
  • Dynamics of purchases of new shunting diesel-electric locomotives in 1520 space countries in 2007-2011 and prognosis till 2015, sections
  • Dynamics of purchases of new shunting diesel-electric locomotives in 1520 space countries in 2007-2011 and prognosis till 2015, sections
  • Market volume of mainline electric locomotives in Russia in 2004-2011 and prognosis for 2012-2015, sections
  • Market volume of mainline electric locomotives in Russia in 2004-2011 and prognosis for 2012-2015, complete units
  • Market volume of mainline electric locomotives in Kazakhstan in 2004-2011 and prognosis for 2012-2015, sections
  • Market volume of mainline electric locomotives in Kazakhstan in 2004-2011 and prognosis for 2012-2015, complete units
  • Market volume of mainline electric locomotives in Ukraine in 2004-2011 and prognosis for 2012-2015, sections
  • Market volume of mainline electric locomotives in Ukraine in 2004-2011 and prognosis for 2012-2015, complete units
  • Market volume of new mainline electric locomotives in 1520 space countries in 2007-2011 and prognosis for 2012-2015, sections
  • Dynamics of purchases of new mainline electric locomotives in 1520 space countries in 2007-2011 and prognosis till 2015, sections
  • Volume of the traction stock fleet in 1520 space countries (thousand complete units) and depreciation of locomotives (%) in 2011







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