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"DIY Store Chains of Russia analytic database".

"DIY Store Chains of Russia analytic database".

  • Дата выхода : 01.10.2009
  • Кол-во стр: 82
  • Язык отчета: English
  • Стоимость: 30 000 руб со скидкой: 24 000 руб.
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100 DIY Store Chains of Russia Analytic Database research contains the following sections:
Section I. Description of DIY and homeware stores of Russia, which contains description of DIY and homeware segment, evaluation of DIY market structure and volume, as well as the analyses of the present conditions and development outlooks for DIY market of Russia.
Section II. Trends and development outlooks of the construction market in Russia and its regional structure, which analyses the conditions of the construction segment and its influence on the conditions and development outlooks of DIY and homeware market in Russia.
Section III. Description of DIY and homeware store chains of Russia, which contains figures of operating and financial performance, regional representation and development outlooks for 11 major companies in DIY and homeware segment in Russia. Besides, this section contains a rating of DIY chains according to sales volumes, trading floor space and number of trading units.
Section IV. DIY Store Chains Russia Analytical Database research includes information about 100 DIY and homeware chains that contain 880 stores (including about 250 hypermarkets, more than 360 supermarkets) with total trading floor space of more than 2.5 million square meters and sales of more than 10 billion US dollars.
About DIY Store Chains of Russia analytic database
Section I. Description of DIY and homeware market of Russia
1.1. History of development of construction and finishing materials market in Russia
1.2. Classification of DIY chains and general market performance in Russia
1.3. The volume and structure of DIY market in Russia
Section II. Trends and development outlooks of the construction market in Russia and its regional structure
2.1. Dynamics of construction jobs volumes
2.2. The conditions of residential and non-residential construction projects
Section III. Description of DIY and homeware chains of Russia
3.1. The rating of DIY and homeware chains of Russia
The rating of DIY and homeware store chains in terms of sales
The rating of DIY and homeware store chains in terms of trading floorspace
The rating of DIY and homeware store chains in terms of number of stores
Development outlooks for DIY and homeware market
3.2. Description of activities of the major DIY chains
OBI-Franchaizingoviy Tsentr, OOO / OBI store chain
Leroy Merlin Vostok, ООО / Leroy Merlin store chain
Castorama Rus, ООО / Castorama store chain
Maksidom, ООО / Maksidom store chain
Stroimaster, ZAO / K-Rauta store chain
GK NEKS / Starik Hottabych, StroiDepo store chains
Starik Hottabych, ООО / Starik Hottabych store chain
StroiDepo, ZAO / StroiDepo store chain
Trest SKM, OOO / SuperStroi, SuperArsenal store chains
Stroiformat, OOO / Metrika, Stroibaza Rybinskaya store chains
HK DomoTsentr, ООО / DomoTsentr, Prorab, Praktik, Stroikin, Abris store chains
3.3. Descriptione of activities of the major homeware chains
IKEA DOM, OOO / IKEA store chain
PlanetaStroi, OOO / Uyuterra, Chudodom store chain
3.4. 100 DIY Store Chains of Russia Analytic Database







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