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"Periodical monthly product – Data Base of Shipbuilding Orders (with updating till the end of 2015)"

"Periodical monthly product – Data Base of Shipbuilding Orders (with updating till the end of 2015)"

  • Дата выхода : 18.04.2012
  • Язык отчета: English
  • Стоимость: 60 000 руб со скидкой: 48 000 руб.
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  • INFOLine IA data base of shipbuilding orders – a truly unique product, containing portfolios of shipbuilding orders of the leading shipbuilding enterprises in Russia and Ukraine starting from 2009. As of the issue date of the research the data base contained information on more than 550 orders. The data base contains entries on each ship under construction, indicating the main enterprise, which is conducting the construction, the holding to which it belongs, the ordering customer of the construction, the type of order (naval/civil), vessel’s type, deadweight, tonnage, construction time as well as the current status of the order.
  • data of Federal State Statistics Service, Federal Customs Service and Federal Tax Service;
  • materials of Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Industry and Power, Federal Agency for Fishery of the Russian Federation, RF Government;
  • legislative acts and Federal Target Program of Russian Federation;
  • INFOLine IA data base for such subjects as Shipbuilding Industry and Water Transport of RF for 2006-2012;
  • data of shipbuilding enterprises and cargo companies (materials from their web sites, financial reports, press- releases and presentations);
  • materials of more than 1000 Russian and foreign mass media (federal and regional printed press, news agencies, electronic mass media).


11.04 09:21

11.04 08:09

10.04 06:43

10.04 06:33

10.04 02:03

10.04 11:20

10.04 11:17

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