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"Russia’s fuel & energy industry. Development prospects in 2017-2019"

"Russia’s fuel & energy industry. Development prospects in 2017-2019"

  • Дата выхода : 25.09.2017
  • Кол-во стр: 94
  • Язык отчета: English
  • Демо-версия: Загрузить
  • Стоимость: 150 000 руб   1789 USD   1657 EUR
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N.B.! The research is available in English and Russian.

Relevance of the research “Russia’s fuel & energy industry. Development prospects in 2017-2019”. Russia’s fuel and energy industry is growing year-on-year: the country has new oil and gas fields that are placed on stream, innovations in hydrocarbon (HC) production and processing that are underway, the developing infrastructure for the transportation of oil, gas, petrochemical and gas products, and new in-progress power plants. Fuelled by the political events, dramatic changes take place in the power sector worldwide: the development of the Arctic oil reserves, the roll-out of large investment projects, such as TurkStream and Nord Stream-2 gas pipelines that will help Russia to bypass Ukraine.

To obtain in-depth insights into the fuel and energy industry and understand how macroeconomic factors affect its development, we have conducted a research of Russia’s fuel and energy industry. This intelligence will help your company to better navigate through the current trends of the industry and define future business development.

Purposes of the research:

· insights into the condition and development trends of Russia’s fuel and energy industry as a whole and by sectors (oil, gas, coal, power);

· ranking Russian oil, gas extraction and processing, coal mining, power generation companies;

· description of the evolution and trends in the development of the fuel and energy industry in the context of landmark events in Russia and worldwide;

· identification and description of key investment projects rolled out in Russia;

· description of government regulation.

Top synergistic effect can be achieved through the combination of the research “Russia’s fuel and energy industry. Development prospects in 2017-2019” with other INFOLine products:

· “Macroeconomics and state of affairs in manufacturing industries. Development prospects in 2017-2019”.

· Regular reviews of key events in the fuel and energy industry as part of Theme-based news service:

o Theme-based news: “Oil industry

o Theme-based news: “Russia’s oil refining and gas processing industries, bioethanol production

o Theme-based news: “Russia’s fuel market and gas stations

o Theme-based news: “Russia’s power engineering

o Theme-based news: “Russia’s power industry

· Research by sectors:

o “Russia’s oil and oil refining industry

o “Russia’s gas and gas processing industry

o “Russia’s chemical industry

o “Investment projects and engineering in Russia’s oil and gas industry

o “ 280 investment projects in Russia’s oil and gas industry

o “400 largest investment projects in Russia’s power industry

· Periodic reviews:

o “Investment projects in Russia’s engineering infrastructure

o “Investment projects in Russia’s industrial construction

The research findings can be used in: marketing and strategic planning, comprehensive review of the fuel and energy industry, as well as for benchmarking and competitor analysis.

Research timeline: industry’s indices since 2011 through 2016 (volume of extraction, processing, consumption of various types of fuel and electric power, export of energy carriers, fuel and electric power), development prospects until 2019 (macroeconomic indicators of the industry and roll-out of investment projects).

Research schedule: Q2 2017

Research advantages. The research provides a detailed analysis of business activity in Russia’s fuel and energy industry, as well as features:

· ratings of companies in each industry compiled by INFOLine’s analysts: oil production and refining, gas production and processing, coal mining, electric power generation;

· descriptions of the largest in-progress industrial projects in oil production, transportation and refining (including the development of the East Messoyakh field by the JV of Rosneft PJSC and Gazprom Neft PJSC, Filanovsky field of LUKOIL PJSC, pipeline projects of Transneft PJSC, refinery revamp);

· description of the major in-progress industrial projects in the gas industry (construction of Power of Siberia gas pipeline, Yamal LNG plant, etc.);

· description of the largest in-progress industrial projects in the coal industry (construction of new surface coal mines of SUEK, EVRAZ, Sibirskaya Managing Company JSC, etc.);

· description of the largest in-progress industrial projects in the power industry (upgrade of Arkhangelsk CHP, construction of the Asian Energy Ring, etc.).

Research objectives and structure by sections:

Part I. Key indicators of the fuel and energy industry: visual presentation of volumes and growth rates across the fuel and energy sectors, lending and investment trends in the fuel and energy industry, volumes and export prices, as well as forward-looking budget revenues from oil and gas.

Part II. Landmark events in the fuel and energy industry: aspects of the government regulation in the industry (licensing of subsoil use, changes to the laws governing the fuel and energy industry), key events and global operations (cross-border agreements, joint international investment projects).

Part III. State of affairs across the fuel and energy sectors: in-depth insights into all areas of the fuel and energy industry: oil industry (production, refining, export, companies’ news, investment projects in field development, transportation of oil and oil products, petrochemicals), gas industry (production, processing, export, companies’ news, investment projects in field development, transportation, liquefaction and conversion), coal industry (mining, dressing and export, companies’ news, average coal prices), power industry (generation, consumption, average prices, consumer debt, investment projects in generation and power grid segments).

Track record and references: INFOLine has offered customized research and issued independent studies on the power industry since 2005. Our customers are: NP Market Council and power generating groups (?lectricit? de France, OGK-3 OJSC, Mosenergo OJSC, TVEL Fuel Company OJSC, Tatenergo OJSC, SUEK OJSC, etc.), equipment suppliers (Technopromexport OJSC, Elektrozavod OJSC, ABB, Siemens, Atomenergomash OJSC, NE OJSC, etc.), engineering companies (United Energy Construction Corporation (UEC) OJSC, Management Company Complex Energy Solutions (CES) OJSC, Е4-SibKOTES OJSC, Intertech Electro CJSC, Energoproekt CJSC, ZIOMAR Engineering Company OJSC, INTREK LLC and GlobalElectroService OJSC, etc.), financial and lending organizations (Sberbank, VTB, Alfa-Bank, etc.).

INFOLine has offered customized research and released independent studies on the oil and gas industry since 2007. Our customers are the big-league oil and gas companies (Rosneft Oil Company OJSC, Gazprom OJSC, Surgutneftegaz OJSC, TAIF-NK OJSC, etc.), HC and petrochemical processing companies (SIBUR Group OJSC, BASF Group, Baker Petrolite, etc.), suppliers of industrial equipment and service providers (Trust Koksokhimmontazh CJSC, Endress+Hauser LLC, Yokogawa Electric Corporation, Mitsubishi Corporation, Schneider Electric, Mitsui & Co. Moscow LLC, etc.), Russian and global engineering companies (Stroytransneftegaz JSC, IMS Industries LLC, Promstroy OJSC, VIS Construction Group LLC, Intekhenergoresurs CJSC, etc.), R&D organizations in the fuel and energy industry – Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC, VNIPIneft OJSC, NIIgazekonomika LLC, NIPIgazpererabotka OJSC.

You may get a questionnaire detailing your information requirements and a complete list of ready-made research products and other INFOLine’s information products HERE. By sending us a filled questionnaire, you can receive a FREE short version of any product you are interested in.


· Data of the Federal State Statistics Service, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, the Federal Customs Service, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the common interdepartmental information and statistical system;

· INFOLine database on “Investment projects and engineering in Russia’s oil and gas industry”, “Investment projects in Russia’s engineering infrastructure”, “Investment projects in Russia’s industrial construction”;

· regularly updated INFOLine analytical databases in the oil and gas industry and power sector: “280 investment projects in Russia’s oil and gas industry”, “400 largest investment projects in Russia’s power industry”, “Russia’s oil and oil refining industry”, “Russia’s gas and gas processing industry”, “350 largest engineering companies in the energy sector”, “200 largest engineering companies in Russia’s oil and gas industry”;

· data of the largest fuel and energy companies (website materials, press releases);

materials of more than 5,000 Russian mass media (federal and regional press, news agencies, electronic media), as well as the industry-specific press.


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