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"Russian Market of Sandwich Panels. Trends and Preliminary Results of the Year 2015. Forecast till 2017"

"Russian Market of Sandwich Panels. Trends and Preliminary Results of the Year 2015. Forecast till 2017"

  • Дата выхода : 30.09.2015
  • Кол-во стр: 110
  • Язык отчета: English
  • Стоимость: 75 000 руб со скидкой: 60 000 руб.
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Purpose of Research: the analysis of the sandwich panels market, the external turnover dynamics and the actual sales prices for the sandwich panels; the analysis and the forecast of the factors determining the sandwich panels production dynamics; the forecasts of the industry development, the demand pattern and the dynamics; the comprehensive comparative analysis and drawing up rating of the largest Russian manufacturers of the sandwich panels.

We recommend: to obtain complete information on the enclosing structures market — the Research "Russian metal structures market"; to improve interaction with the customers of the sandwich panels — industry surveys "180 Russian largest sports facilities construction projects""120 Russian largest logistics centers and airports construction projects""180 Russian largest sports facilities construction projects", periodic surveys "Investment projects in industrial construction in Russia""Investment projects in civil construction in Russia""Investment projects in transport infrastructure in Russia"; to obtain complete information on the Russian construction industry — the Research "Construction industry and construction materials production in Russia" and quarterly survey "Russian construction industry. Housing development, civil engineering and infrastructure construction".

Research results can be used for: the benchmarking, the competitors analysis; the marketing and strategic planning; the search for the customers and partners. .

Research timeframe: the dynamics since 2006, the results of the year 2014 and the 1st half of the year 2015 (the dynamics of the indicators of the Russian construction market and the sandwich panels market, the operating and financial indicators of the largest producers), the forecast till 2017 (the basic market factors, the production and consumption of the sandwich panels, the dynamics of the prices, imports and exports). .

Research schedule: III quarter of the year 2015 (the previous version of Research "Russian Market of Sandwich Panels. Extended version" issued in the I quarter of 2014) .

Advantages of the research: the comprehensive analysis of the Russian sandwich panels and metal structures market; the consideration of all basic consumption segments of the sandwich panels; the comprehensive analysis and the information on activities of the Russian largest sandwich panels producers; the research basis is a unique yearly updated and replenished analytical base of the metal products manufacturers and suppliers in Russia (contacts, production capacity, financial indicators, product range, references, representatives in regions), the regular price monitoring, monitoring of more than 1000 domestic and foreign mass media resources. .

Resources used: 250 man-days (about 1 mln. rubles) .

Tasks and structure of the research in chapters:
Chapter I. General characteristics of sandwich panels: the range of the coatings and the heat insulators for the sandwich panels; the sandwich panels characteristics; the sandwich panels manufacturing technology.
Chapter II. Sandwich panels heat insulators market characteristic: the regulatory system of the heat insulating materials market; the main trends of the heat insulating materials market; mineral wool; fiberglass; polystyrene foam; polyeretbane foam.
Chapter III. Conditions and prospects of the Russian construction market: the main Russian macroeconomic indicators; investments in the construction; the main indicators of the construction industry; the situation in the nonresidential buildings construction.
Chapter IV. General characteristics of sandwich panels market in Russia: the general condition of the construction materials industry; the conditions of the sandwich panels production in Russia; the regional structure of the sandwich panels production capacities; the dynamics of the sandwich panels market capacity; the regional structure of the production and consumption of the sandwich panels in Russia; the structure of the sandwich panels production in terms of purpose and types of the heat insulators; the trends and the forecast of the sandwich panels consumption till 2016; the analysis of the sandwich panels suppliers selection criteria.
Chapter V. Main consumption segments of sandwich panels in Russia: the commercial construction; the industrial buildings and the facilities construction; the agricultural buildings construction.
Chapter VI. Dynamics and structure of sandwich panels external turnover: the imports dynamics; the exports dynamics.
Chapter VII. Dynamics and structure of prices ofor sandwich panels: the dynamics of the actual prices for the wall and roof sandwich panels with various types of heat insulators retrospecting to the year 2008, the prices for the imported sandwich panels, share of the delivery and metalware in the total cost, the price forecast till 2017.
Chapter VIII. Investment activities on the sandwich panels market: Investment activities analysis on the sandwich panels market for the period 2008–2014 and situation for the year 2015.
Chapter IX. Sandwich panels producers rating: rating of the Russian sandwich panels producers in terms of the production volume in 2011–2014; rating of the Russian sandwich panels producers in terms of the sales revenue in 2011–2014; rating of the Russian sandwich panels producers in terms of the production facility size
Business experience and references: IA INFOLine has performed contract and independent research of the sandwich panels and metal structures market since 2007. Our regular customers are more than 100 construction and investment companies as well as the sandwich panel market participants, among which there are the largest developers and construction companies (IKEA Mos, Adamant Holding, Glavstroy Corporation and LSR Group), the leading manufacturers of the construction materials (KNAUF, Eurocement, HOLCIM Group, LAFARGE, Pobeda LSR, Wienerberger Kirpich), producers of the sandwich panels and metal structures (Severstal steel solutions, RUUKKI Rus, IBC Pulkovo", the Electroshield Samara Group) and the financial companies (Sberbank, Alfa-Bank, VTB).

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Research methods and information sources:
Contents of the research:

Chapter I. General characteristics of sandwich panels (about 10 pages)
Chapter II. Sandwich panels heat insulators market characteristic (about 15 pages)
2.1 The regulatory system of the heat insulating materials market
2.2 The main trends of the heat insulating materials market
2.3 Mineral wool
2.4 Fiberglass
2.5 Polystyrene foam
2.6 Polyeretbane foam.

Chapter III. Conditions and prospects of the Russian construction market (about 10 pages)
3.1 The main Russian macroeconomic indicators
3.2 Investments in the construction
3.3 The main indicators of the construction industry
3.4 The situation in the nonresidential buildings construction

Chapter IV. General characteristics of sandwich panels market in Russia (about 20 pages)
4.1 The general condition of the construction materials industry
4.2 The conditions of the sandwich panels production in Russia
4.3 The regional structure of the sandwich panels production capacities
4.4 The dynamics of the sandwich panels market capacity
4.5 The regional structure of the production and consumption of the sandwich panels in Russia
4.6 The structure of the sandwich panels production in terms of purpose and types of the heat insulators
4.7 The trends and the forecast of the sandwich panels consumption till 2018

Chapter V. Main consumption segments of sandwich panels in Russia (about 20 pages)
5.1 The commercial construction
5.2 The industrial buildings and the facilities construction
5.3 The agricultural buildings construction

Chapter VI. Dynamics and structure of sandwich panels external turnover (about 10 pages)
6.1 The imports dynamics
6.2 The exports dynamics
Chapter VII. Dynamics and structure of prices of sandwich panels (about 5 pages)

Chapter VIII. Investment activities on the sandwich panels market (about 10 pages)

Chapter IX. Sandwich panels producers rating (about 10 pages)
9.1 Rating of the Russian sandwich panels producers in terms of the production volume in 2011–2014
9.2 Rating of the Russian sandwich panels producers in terms of the sales revenue in 2011–2014
9.3 Rating of the Russian sandwich panels producers in terms of the production facility size
The report contains 50 tables and 130 figures.







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