Исследования рынков

  • "Periodical monthly product – Data Base of Shipbuilding Orders (with updating till the end of 2015)"

    Russian ship-owners every year place at foreign shipyards orders for the sum of more than 1 billion US dollars (mainly for heavy-tonnage vessels) with aggregate deadweight of more than 1 million tons, while the share of Russian shipbuilding enterprises, which currently are incapable of building vessels with deadweight of over 80 thousand tons, comes up to not more than 10% of the order’s volume in commercial shipbuilding segment. At the same time Russian shipyards are potentially capable to build on orders of national cargo companies minimum 30 sea transport vessels with aggregate deadweight of minimum 400 thousand tons. The situation with small vessels (support vessels, fishing and scientific research vessels etc.) is practically the same, because foreign shipyards have the advantages of a shorter construction time, availability of standard solution that can be adopted to the specific needs of an individual customer and, very often, lower price and higher economic efficiency of the constructed vessels.

    Цена: 48 000 руб 60 000 руб

  • "Private Labels of FMCG Chains in Russia, Trends of 2011 and Prognosis till 2015".

    The objective of Private Labels of FMCG Chains in Russia, Trends of 2011 and Prognosis till 2015 Research is to provide a system analysis of PL retail trade conditions in the world and in Russia, to offer all-inclusive description of the market trends and promising directions of private label development, characteristics of market potential of the private label segment of FMCG chains in Russia, as well as formulation of recommendations for producers and retailers aimed at enhancement of PL activities efficiency. The development and consolidation of retail trade market is determined by growing significance of retail chains for wholesale and retail consumer goods trade. Under economic crisis conditions the “bottlenecks” in operation of retail chains became critical risks for regional players, and led to decrease of efficiency for federal ones. While at the world-wide market the growing margin pressure stimulated complete optimization of business processes, Russia borrowed the target factors of development without formation of a relevant package of activities aimed at their achievement. The detailed analyses of private labels dynamics at the world-wide market of FMCG makes it possible to reconsider the directions and methods of PL development in Russia due to more efficient technological, logistics and marketing schemes. Private Labels of FMCG Chains in Russia, Trends of 2011 and Prognosis till 2011 Research renders possible the definition of promising directions of PLs development, exposure and elimination of popular errors of private labels portfolio management, as well as efficient introduction of successful practices of the market leaders, taking into account the limitations of FMCG market in Russia.

    Цена: 40 000 руб 50 000 руб

  • "Private labels of FMCG chains in Russia. Results of 2009-2010. Projections till 2012".

    The branch research of Private labels of FMCG Chains in Russia. Results of 2009. Projections till 2012 provides analyses of the current trends and development outlooks for the world-wide market of consumer private label goods at FMCG chains, PL market of Russia and the structure of consumer preferences, as well as characteristics of the potential and promising perspectives of the market development. The authors of the research have carried out the analyses of the recession’s impact on the world-wide market of consumer goods and described the latest trends and development indexes of the private labels market of FMCG chains in Russia and other countries. The research includes detailed description of variations in consumer preferences in relation to private labels in different countries, provides comparative characteristics of Russian consumer preferences during the period of economic crises and the analyses of variations in FMCG goods consumption according to categories, it renders the projections for 2010-2012. The research also contains data regarding the development of Pls of the leading world retailers, cases concerning the management practice of their PL portfolios, descriptions of their actual efficiency intensification methods. The compiled business references contain information about the directions and results of private labels development of 30 FMCG major Russian retail chains in 2009, the principal restrictions of PL development, as well as formularized recommendations for retailers and producers related to PL efficiency intensification. Also the research includes evaluation of PL segment development potential for the FMCG market of Russia in the mid-term perspective.

    Цена: 40 000 руб 50 000 руб

  • "Production of food and beverages in Russia. Development prospects in 2017" (доступна обновленная версия)

    Relevance of the research "Production of food and beverages in Russia: Highlights of 2016. Development prospects in 2017". Food production in Russia faces a period of fast-paced development and has been one of the drivers of industrial production in the last 3 years. Due to the embargo imposed in 2014 on many food categories sourced from the United States, the EU, Canada, Australia and Norway, Russia had to rebuild its import of foods, as well as actively develop the food industry. The challenging macroeconomic situation seriously weakened the ruble: the price of foreign equipment and raw materials skyrocketed for Russian producers. This also gave strong impetus for the development of agriculture and food production. With the lack of competition and annual government support, Russian manufacturers began to accelerate growth and fill the domestic market with their own products. During the period of falling real personal incomes and, as a consequence, low purchasing power, consumers shifted to Russian-made brands, primarily because of their lower cost. In 2010, the President approved the "Food Security Doctrine" that pursued to reduce the dependence of the country on imports, 70-90% of the target was met in 2015, and the indicators grew even further in 2016. In addition, against the backdrop of growing food and beverage production, the government focuses on quality. So, in 2016, the Strategy of improving food quality was approved until 2030.

    Цена: 150 000 руб

  • "Russian consumer market and FMCG retail chains rating. The results of 2016-2017" (доступна обновленная версия)

    Industry review "Russian consumer market and FMCG retail chains rating. The results 2016-2017" – the periodic research report that contains trend analysis of retail market in Russia, structural description, comparative analysis and ranking of operating and financial indicators of 150 largest FMCG retail chains in Russia.

    Цена: 120 000 руб 150 000 руб

  • "Russian consumer market and FMCG retail chains rating. The results of 2018-2019" (доступна обновленная версия)

    Industry review "Russian consumer market and FMCG retail chains rating. The results 2018-2019" – the periodic research report that contains trend analysis of retail market in Russia, structural description, comparative analysis and ranking of operating and financial indicators of 200 largest FMCG retail chains in Russia.

    Цена: 180 000 руб

  • "Russian consumer market and FMCG retail chains rating. The results of 2017-2018" (доступна обновленная версия)

    Industry review "Russian consumer market and FMCG retail chains rating. The results 2017-2018" – the periodic research report that contains trend analysis of retail market in Russia, structural description, comparative analysis and ranking of operating and financial indicators of 200 largest FMCG retail chains in Russia.

    Цена: 150 000 руб

  • "Russian consumer market and FMCG retail chains rating. The results of I half 2017" (доступна обновленная версия)

    Industry review "Russian consumer market and FMCG retail chains rating. The results of I half 2017" – the periodic research report that contains trend analysis of retail market in Russia, structural description, comparative analysis and ranking of operating and financial indicators of 190 largest FMCG retail chains in Russia.

    Цена: 75 000 руб

  • "Russian consumer market and FMCG retail chains rating: 2014-2015" (доступна обновленная версия)

    Industry review "Russian consumer market and FMCG retail chains rating. 2014-2015"– the periodic research report contains operative, statistical and analytical information on the Russian retail market and Russian FMCG chains.

    Цена: 96 000 руб 120 000 руб

  • "Russian consumer market and FMCG retail chains rating: 2015-2016" (доступна обновленная версия)

    Industry review "Russian consumer market and FMCG retail chains rating: 2015-2016"– the periodic research report contains operative, statistical and analytical information on the Russian retail market and Russian FMCG chains.

    Цена: 96 000 руб 120 000 руб