Исследования рынков

  • "INFOLine Retail Russia ТOP-100. Тенденции 2016 года. Прогноз до 2019 года". Стандартная версия

    Цель исследования: анализ основных тенденций и прогноз развития розничной торговли продовольственными и непродовольственными товарами (Food и Non-Food) в России, ранжирование и сравнительный анализ операционных и финансовых показателей 100 крупнейших ритейлеров России в сегментах FMCG, online, бытовой и компьютерной техники, DIY&Household и мебель, мобильных устройств, парфюмерии и косметики, fashion и детских товаров, анализ взаимодействия торговых сетей с финансовыми рынками, конъюнктура рынка M&A в розничной торговле.

    Цена: 40 000 руб 50 000 руб

  • "INFOLine Retail Russia ТOP-100. Тенденции 2020 года: влияние экономического кризиса и COVID-19" (доступна обновленная версия)

    В специальной версии Исследования «INFOLine Retail Russia ТOP-100. Тенденции 2020 года: влияние COVID-19 на развитие розничной торговли в России» представлены: анализ основных макроэкономических показателей и показателей развития розничной торговли в России в целом, а также NEW! в отдельных сегментах, включая основные тенденции развития сегмента в условиях экономического кризиса и пандемии COVID-19, сравнительный анализ операционных и финансовых показателей ведущих торговых сетей России в сегментах FMCG, DIY&Household и мебель, fashion, бытовая и компьютерная техника и мобильные устройства, аптеки, косметика, парфюмерия и дрогери, детские товары, развитие online торговли, а также основные события на рынке розничной торговли (кадровые перестановки, анализ сделок M&A). NEW! Впервые в обзоре ряд макроэкономических показателей представлен в региональном разрезе.

    Цена: 50 000 руб

  • "INFOLine Retail Russia ТOP-100.Тенденции 2015 года. Прогноз до 2018 года. Логистика и распределительные центры торговых сетей FMCG и Non-Food"

    В Исследовании "INFOLine Retail Russia ТOP-100.Тенденции 2015 года. Прогноз до 2018 года. Логистика и распределительные центры торговых сетей FMCG и Non-Food" представлены: анализ состояния и прогноз развития розничной торговли товарами Food и Non-Food России,  динамика операционных и финансовых показателей ТОП-100 крупнейших  ритейлеров, информация о действующих и строящихся РЦ крупнейших ритейлеров сегментов FMCG, Fashion, DIY&Household и мебель, "Бытовая и компьютерная техника", "Мобильные устройства", "Аптеки", "Детские товары", "Косметика и дрогери".

    Цена: 48 000 руб 60 000 руб

  • "INFOLine Retail Russia ТOP-100: аптечный сегмент. Тенденции 2015 года. Прогноз до 2018 года"

    Исследование "INFOLine Retail Russia TOP-100: Аптечный сегмент. Тенденции 2015 года. Прогноз до 2018 года" содержит: анализ состояния и прогноз развития аптечного ритейла в России, конъюнктуру рынка M&A, динамику операционных и финансовых показателей, информацию по ТОП-менеджменту 100 крупнейших ритейлеров аптечного сегмента России.

    Цена: 28 000 руб 35 000 руб

  • "Investment Projects and Engineering in Oil-and-Gas Industry of Russia. Trends of 2013. Forecast till 2016". (доступна обновленная версия)

    TThe Objective of the Investment Projects and Engineering in Oil and Gas Industry in Russia report is a comprehensive, integrated study of development dynamics of oil-and-gas industry of Russia, key trends of governmental regulation of this  sector, dynamics of investment activities of the major companies in oil-and-gas sector in Russia, assessment of the current volume of investments in oil-and-gas industry as a whole and by its segments, making a forecast for volume of investments in oil-and-gas industry till 2016, taking into account the progress of companies’ investment projects implementation.

    Цена: 28 000 руб 35 000 руб

  • "Locomotive Market of Russia and 1520 Space Countries, Results of 2011 and Prognosis till 2015"

    The research contains analysis of conditions and development outlooks of the railway traction stock market of Russia and CIS countries, description of locomotive manufacturers of 1520 space, international manufacturers of traction stock, description of locomotives fleet structure of railway administrations of Russia and CIS, as well as of plans for modernization and purchases of rolling stock, current conditions of railway industry reforming and data on locomotives fleets of the major private operators. INFOLine IA has estimated the capacity of the traction stock market in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and 1520 space countries in 2006-2011 and developed a prognosis for the period of till 2015. This research offers information on the traction stock fleets of Russia, Byelorussia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Mongolia, Turkmenistan, Tajikistani, Kirgizia, Moldova, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and Finland.
    The structure of the research includes the following sections:
    Main performance indexes of the traction stock market of Russia;
    Condition of the traction stock fleet of RZHD JSC and private operators in Russia;
    Condition of the locomotive fleets of 1520 space railway administrations
    Description of the major international and Chinese manufacturers of the traction stock (with detailed analysis of projects in 1520 space countries)
    Description of Russian traction stock manufacturers
    Description of traction stock manufacturers in other 1520 space countries
    Analysis of the structure and projections for traction stock market volumes dynamics of Russia and 1520 space countries for the period till 2015
    Description of main traction stock models of 1520 space countries

    Цена: 48 000 руб 60 000 руб

  • "Non-Food Retail and Consumer market of Russia Review. Results of 2018 and trends of 2019. Development prospects till 2021"

    Idea of the project. For more than 20 years, conducting daily monitoring and studying in detail the Russian economy and its individual segments, INFOLine specialists came to the idea of creating a unique product – a comprehensive line of studies of the main sectors of the Russian economy. Analytical materials include the dynamics of the development of industries over the past 5 years and prospects for the next three years in the following areas:

    Цена: 150 000 руб

  • "Non-Food retail and consumer market of Russia. Growth prospects in 2017-2019"

    The research is based on a common methodology and structure helping not only to obtain detailed insights into one industry, but also to explore and compare diverse sectors.

    N. B.! The research has been released in an innovative format of a convenient e-presentation: this is the most preferable format, which, in addition to the text, includes a large amount of graphic material (drawings, diagrams, tables), as well as hyperlinks to the most important regulatory documents and corporate websites. First time all products are available in English!

    Цена: 150 000 руб

  • "Oil and gas industry of Russia in 2013-2018. Investment projects and ratings of companies".

    In 2013-2018 oil industry in the Russian Federation is focused on sustenance of the oil production level, improvement of oil refining and transportation infrastructure. Meanwhile natural gas industry is mainly influenced by growing investment activity of Rosneft JSC and NOVATEK JSC. Appearance of the second government-owned player, formed through acquisition of ITERA and TNK-BP Holding by Rosneft JSC, challenges existing leaders NOVATEK and Gazprom on domestic market, while forthcoming liberalisation of LNG
    (liquefied natural gas) export low will stimulate growth of competition on the world market. The main problems of mid- and long-term development of oil and gas companies are wasteful subsurface resources management, imbalance between conditions and indicators of replacement of the mineral reserves base and objectives of the industry’s development, as well as specific features of taxation, which do not ensure sufficient stimuli for advanced processing of raw materials, geological exploration, implementation of modern technologies of oil production and refining, investments into R&D.

    Цена: 36 000 руб 45 000 руб

  • "Oil and gas industry of Russia. Results of 2013 and forecast till 2020 Investment projects and ratings of companies"

    The Objective of the "Oil and gas industry of Russia. Results of 2013 and forecast till 2020" report is a comprehensive, integrated study of development dynamics of oil-and-gas industry of Russia, the key trends of governmental regulation of this sector, dynamics of investment activities of the major companies in oil-and-gas sector in Russia, assessment of the current volume of investments in oil-and-gas industry as a whole and by its segments, making a forecast for volume of investments in oil-and-gas industry till 2018, assessment of production facilities and transportation infrastructure.

    Цена: 36 000 руб 45 000 руб